
  • 346 Topics
    8k Posts

    I really don't see the problem this is solving at a high level of play.
    T3 engineers consume 18-20m/s for T4s/nukes/arty, and 24-25m/s (30m/s Scathis) for game enders. So a huge spending of 800m/s requires around 32 engineers in one place to build something meaningful. I don't think 32 engineers is so difficult to manage that we need engineering stations, especially for a one-time thing like an artillery/nuke/game ender rush.

    That covers large projects, so now we can look at smaller projects:

    Economic structures: Mexes build super fast, so no pathfinding issues there. T3 Pgen/Fab grids are a great option if you have to spend lots of mass (as opposed to T2 fabs), and they average out to 20m/s per engi, which is plenty enough for the time when you will be building them: when you are just building up your eco past T3 mex. And late game when you have a huge eco yet still want to expand it the fab grids you can split into just two or three groups. It'll be safer and is easy to do. Also since eco takes up so much space, you'll need an unbalanced amount of buildrange to make the engi stations good here. PD/Defenses: These things are already very strong and fast to build, removing pathfinding will just make that easy to do on a large scale, which is not a good thing since it buffs a boring and already decent strategy. This also nerfs artillery a massive amount because you can pretty much always near-instantly build a shield anywhere in your base as long as an engineer is nearby. I think artillery is already quite weak and easily countered by proper shielding, so this nerf is unnecessary. Factory assistance: This is one thing where engis can be problematic, because units require a ton of buildpower and engis slowly get into a formation around the factory. It's resolved by the "interrupt pathfinding" hotkey, and you can write a UI mod to run that hotkey when giving an assist order (GAF did this)/the engi comes into range. I personally spam the hotkey all the time when assisting/building so I am biased against engi pathfinding issues ("32 engineers is not hard to manage").

    I'll also agree with what FTX said on Discord which is that it makes the game into an all-or-nothing situation because there is no way to run the buildpower away to save it (a nuke would be devastating), but it is also much harder to attack buildpower.

    As for engine limitations, yes it isn't possible to filter nukes/SMD, and I don't think you can make it so you can only reclaim allied units.

  • 33 Topics
    609 Posts

    ACU and all units increase is physical size as they vet.

  • Russian Newshub

    1 Votes
    9 Posts


    Translated the op.

    Приветствую русское сообщество FAF.

    Совет хотел бы наладить контакт между русскоязычным и англоязычным сообществами FAF. У вас много народа, поэтому мы хотели бы, чтобы вы присоединились к нам в играх и турнирах, а также помогли в программировании и организации FAF’а.

    Нам нужна ваша помощь в создании русской версии новостной странички. Для этого нам требуется nodejs разработчик. Планируется добавить на страничку поддержку нескольких языков, возможно для этого потребуется внести изменения в Wordpress и Java клиент FAF’а.

    Кроме того, нам нужен переводчик. Его задачей будет еженедельный перевод новостной страницы на русский язык. Возможно, потребуется немного изменять слова в постах, чтобы они лучше помещались в ячейках новостной страницы. В среднем это будет занимать у переводчика около 3 часов в неделю. Требуется хорошее умение составлять тексты, надежность и профессионализм.

    Если вы заинтересованы в этом, заходите в наш дискорд.

    С уважением,
    nine2 и Совет

  • Does TMM only launch one game at a time?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Does TMM only launch one game at a time?


  • Anyway to see players ping?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    FA will run fine with any ping below 500, assuming that the connections are otherwise stable.

  • The good cast thread

    2 Votes
    6 Posts

    Slightly off topic but I've started doing Total Annihilation casts. Might be of interest to some people. Still a bit rough around the edges but I'm working up to doing larger matches. Venom's new PROmod is in beta at the moment which is quite analogous to what the FAF team has done. A pro balance of classic TA that's more of an extension of what went before than a total conversion.

  • Drone pathfinding bug

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    It's a known issue

  • Where's Total Conversion Mods?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hello Jack_Jack,

    try the SCTAFix Mod from the vault.

    (Do you remember Total Aniihilation ? 🙂 )

  • (seemingly) illogical ratings changes

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @FtXCommando said in (seemingly) illogical ratings changes:

    Mu is the top of your individual rating bell

    Mu is the middle of your bell curve 😉 alt text

    @Reckless_Charger said in (seemingly) illogical ratings changes:

    Does the rating system take account of how often you are playing when determining variation (sigma) I. E looking at frequency of games rather than just total? I would expect greater variation if you play irregularly (as you derust).

    Technically if you were a good player but are de-rusting, as you win and lose games you are likely to get a larger sigma as your range of level of play will be increased as you get lucky and kill higher level opponents and make stupid mistakes against weaker opponents.
    The system doesn't directly look at your frequency of games, but I expect there is some correlation between sigma and how long it's been since a player last played enough for there rating to hone in correctly.

  • Game Settings

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Team Matchmaker - hard to get games to develop rating

    1 Votes
    24 Posts

    @Tagada said in Team Matchmaker - hard to get games to develop rating:

    If you would loose to players that are lower rated then you, let's say 200-300 Mu then yes, your sigma would increase since the system will suddenly go : oh this guys is loosing a game he should have 70% chance of winning, maybe he is over rated and it increases your sigma. Ofc 1 game doesn't change much but if you loose 5-10 games to ppl 150-300 below your rating you will loose like 20 points per game maybe even more.

    That might start to happen, I will hold on my despair for a week and see what happens 🙂

  • Team Matchmaker beta release NOW AVAILABLE!

    16 Votes
    44 Posts

    I checked the map pool in the client, there's still a small mistake : it has Adaptive Corona, instead of Land Wilderness (according to Ftx thread). Not very important but since I noticed I thought i should notify it here.

  • My ver of supcom cant make RAS coms? Any info??

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Yes, sounds like you're just using the steam version, and not playing the FAF version.

  • More detailed replay statistics (mass killed etc.)

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    Sounds cool, give it a try

  • A FAQ for Supcom Gameplay

    5 Votes
    10 Posts

    New WST!!! This one teaches how to nuke.

    As usual, reminder that there are a lot of constraints for the amount of time in these vids, so dense, to the point, and as few tangents as possible. I could go for an hour on the finer points of nukes and build power xD

    Here's the link, and added it to the top -

  • Is it a good thing to tell matchmakers how many are queuing?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    There has been no discernible impact, good or bad, since the introduction of queue times/showing people who is in queue.

  • Is it easy to create coop maps/games?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Luckily, someone has already done a lot of edits to mutiplayer maps to enhance the PVE experience,
    You can find them by searching teamplay ai or teamplay_ai on the map vault.

  • Unpopular opinion? Team games are harder than 1v1s

    0 Votes
    13 Posts

    @Resistance the more i play setons at higher levels, the more i realize that it's really open to creative strategies. It can be static sure, but most players won't let their opponent just sit there and eco. The only position that needs to follow a strict BO is the air slot but even then you can still ignore it and do something unorthodox with a surprising level of success

  • Tutorial for new players with zero RTS experience

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    There is a tutorial mission in FA for complete beginners, but by the look of it, it hasn't been brought over into FAF, or if it has, it's not easy to find

  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • This topic is deleted!

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  • About the faf website

    3 Votes
    2 Posts

    First of all has a news hub, yes it requires you to click on the link which says news, but it allows the main page to be cleaner and more informative to the user. I imagine a good proportion of people who visit the website for the first time will get all the information they need and the little effects like "Currently hosting x number of players" or the Global map of players show new people that it is active, without pushing important information aside. More isn't necessarily merrier in this case.

    I've linked the image above as I think that's the bigger issue at the moment. People get Supcom FA but don't get transitioned to FAF because they don't know what FAF is, let alone get to the website. Maybe its worth using the Official FAF YouTube to just go over what FAF is, where to find it, what are the features and other activity and put it as a feature video so people can come off watching their favourite Gyle video, or watching the Chris Taylor interview to find themselves watching some sort of tour/guide of the client and community where the client can be sold to people who have never heard of FAF before. All it takes is 1% of Yuri's or Gyle's uninformed Veiwers to see that and you have potentially over 1000 people informed about the client.

    This is my opinion on how things can be approached so feel free to scrutinise, personally though I think the website does a good job of selling the client. Getting people to the website may be a more effective use of your time at this moment.

    Quick other note, the Facebook page and patreon page also seem very lacklustre, Facebook just shares Gyle casts while the patreon hasn't had a post in over 3 years.