Whilst I sympathise on a personal level I think perhaps you might want to consider what else in the world might be happening which most people didn't think they would see in the 21st century.
Best posts made by Reckless_Charger
RE: How to buy the game?
RE: Why?
Open an issue on github (for Downlords faf client) so volunteer devs can investigate. Ask if there's any way you can assist. Otherwise it's unlikely to magically stop.
RE: Will TML ever be balanced?
It's a colloquial expression of disagreement and incredulity at the suggestion of T1 TML. Banning would be madness
RE: Moving and atacking as a formation
CTRL-RMB (with or without shift) for formation move. CTRL-ALT-RMB (plus shift) for formation attack move.
RE: FAF No Sound Problem
My solutions to that exact problem are in that thread. Either disable on board audio in bios then restart and re-enable it, or reinstall drivers. The first solution is quickest if you can find the right bios screen
RE: UI mod guide for the improving player
I think they come with age and the inability to see tiny monochromatic icons without developing eye strain
RE: What is going on with FAF?
Umm I'm sure FBI has better things to do than combating DDOS attacks on ancient multiplayer game (played by a couple of thousand people at best) based in foreign (non-US) country being attacked by actors likely from another foreign country.
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
Jip I'm just a lurker who plays occasionally but from what I'm reading I would say take a break, do something else you really enjoy, and please come back. You've done so much for this game. And remember that RTSs are largely played by young men who aren't exactly known for being reasonable, well mannered or socially adjusted, I.e. there's a lot of d***s about (and we've probably all been guilty of it ourselves).
RE: I can't hear some of the Audio or other Sound issue. What should I do?
Recently I lost a lot of sounds after a Windows update (in particular mantis firing). This has happened previously for me. In the past I found that disconnecting and reconnecting my headphones resolved the issue, but not in this case. I had to totally reinstall motherboard manufacturer recommended audio drivers (from ASUS). Unfortunately they come bundled with Sonic Studio and Sound Radar which even when all audio enhancements are turned off and sound is set to stereo still results in crashes with XACT sound errors in the log. I resolved this by completely uninstalling Sonic Studio and sound radar crap. Thought I'd post in case anyone else has similar issues.
Latest posts made by Reckless_Charger
RE: Rebel's Rest and Overlord Surth-Velsok Missions not working
Presumably because there's no volunteers to fix them
RE: NextGen UI mods?
@bronedooy That doesn't even require a mod. This from old forums: https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8230
Just edit your preferences file.
If you can't work it out yourself ill post them later (but I'd prefer not to pollute Ctr-K's thread).e.g. add a block like this to UserKeyActions section of your prefs file:
['Select T1 idle engis on screen'] = { order = 2, action = 'UI_SelectByCategory +inview +idle BUILTBYTIER1FACTORY TECH1 ENGINEER', category = 'All land onscreen' },
Edit out "+idle", increment the order number (don't have two the same in the same category) and change the category as you see fit. The category affects how the definable key will appear in the key bind window. Amend the TECH level and BUILTBYTIERXFACTORY as appropriate. Oh and back up your prefs file first. Apologies for the hijack....nice mods!
RE: An unexpected kept the client from loading the following mod
I partially found the cause. I looked in the client log and found it was reporting corrupt mods. In each of the affected mod folders the mod_info.lua files had been renamed and the initial part of the file name appended with my computer name (so mod_info-COMPUTERNAME.lua). Why I'm not sure. It's only happened in my mods folder and nowhere else on my system. I back stuff up so restored from a backup and it's fine. No indication that it's a virus either so I'm suspecting an issue with backup software, one drive (which also copies my faf mods folder through a hard link) or the client itself. If anyone else has a clue I'd be interested to know.
An unexpected kept the client from loading the following mod
So I am suddenly getting loads of messages saying "An unexpected error kept the client from loading the following mod:" and then a list of almost all my UI mods (plus a couple of AI mods like M28, AI-uveso etc). Anyone else seeing this? Game will be pretty much unplayable for me since Ive got so used to my UI mods over the years.
RE: Creating new Hotkeys / Shortcuts error
For mine i have different order numbers for those in the same category. Can't remember if this was because it caused problems or not but worth a try.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v217)
Maybe 2 versions? One which uses all the annoying ranged units and kites alot (like it does presently) and one which is more human-like and restricts that behaviour to auroras, hoplites, bricks etc? And builds less MML (noticed this in particular for Seraphim).
RE: SACU Rebalance
So no Seraphim RAS then. Any changes to base mass/energy generation rates? If quantum gateway costs go down will RAS Bois be easier (for those factions which have it)?
Faction win rate?
Anyone got any data or visualizations of 1v1 faction win rate and if this differs at different trueskill levels? I'm having trouble finding replays of Seraphim winning much at high level.
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
@Dorset I would say disagreeing to the 'core of your being' might be over stating things a bit in the context of a computer game (or you might want to think about your priorities).