
  • 344 Topics
    8k Posts

    Pathing stuff like this is really tied into the engine so there's not much we can do. I think you can't even make ACUs path over units because it would automatically apply that 1x1 footprint to all 1x1 units (all t1-t3). So a lot of it is wishful thinking unless you dive deep into reverse engineering.

    I think this would be a good thing as I dont believe players consider the known poor pathing in this game to be a positive aspect.

    The bad pathing has cemented itself in the game's balance and micro so for some it is a positive aspect just to diversify supcom from other games, even though it has its frustrating moments.

  • 33 Topics
    609 Posts

    ACU and all units increase is physical size as they vet.

  • Creative Councilor Intro / Roadmap / Discussion

    6 Votes
    4 Posts

    I want to check up on my bookkeeping so i'm making an update.


    The effective immediate items 1-3 are done Item one, the discord update is 99% done. The channel trimming, bot additions, and role changes are done The preflighting concept is done As an aside, the ladder team is properly intergrated into the server. Only some intro text and the rebranding is left. item two, the admin systems are 99% done The admin log is done All that remains is one item and both rulesets will be on the forum and done. Asides: Unit tourney was a success, probably will hold off on another over christmas unless there is interest. Map one of two was released as Aalhaven, need to continue to bully FtX until he puts it in ladder. Client Redesign is being worked on slowly.

    Things that come next:

    The Organization of Contributor Resources Item three in the OP.
    . I want to start on another item that i'll dub the FAF Creative Palette

    This involves the previously discussed idea of colour grading a number of existing props to allow for more enviroments within faf maps. Will make another thread.

    The second map, a 20km naval 2v2. The rest of the asides.

    Things that come later:

    The 3b Bounty Boarding system Other stuff I might have forgotten.

    That's it for now, place feedback in the usual places if required.

  • Using two monitors of different resolution - is it possible?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @The_Mak I unplugged one of the monitors and hey presto! Works a treat! Thank you very much.
    DSC00101 (1920x1080).JPG

  • Help for a returning player (mex UI mod)

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Wainan Yes, you click on the mods you want to activate. Active mods will look different.

  • The Supcom/FAF reddits

    5 Votes
    15 Posts

    @tatsu said in The Supcom/FAF reddits:

    the post you're referring to

    is the "sales post" and not the post you are thinking of.

    All i'm saying is to be tasteful, selective and factual. I don't want to see people coming into FAF with false expectations because you made a list 200 lines longer than it needed to be. Especially when it comes to work in progress, user created content.

    While i'm here: if anyone wants to crack a shot at making a reddit banner or icon, feel free to do so. Expect me to vet your submissions though.

  • Ladder needs some form of decay

    5 Votes
    15 Posts

    From what I know, TMM and divisions/leagues are completely separate. Neither is waiting for the other, they just both happen to have a similar expected completion date. Both of them are pretty much complete, and are facing the usual logistical delays of finding time for server updates, code reviews, testing, etc.

  • The "attack move" for engineers from factories

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    @TestPlay said in The "attack move" for engineers from factories:

    I would think that it is sometimes easier just clicking on the 1 single engineer which stops at the FAM default point from the factory and changing the FAM point just for that engineer by moving the FAM point for that engineer (and this can be done for each respective engineers accumulating at that factory default FAM point), instead of clicking on the factory and having to change the FAM default point every single time for each and every engineer which comes out.

    It would be easier if the game worked that way, but it doesn't.

    Each single engineer does not get its own COPY of the factory's orders. The single engineer is SHARING the factory's orders with all other units "born" from the factory while those orders are active. Selecting a unit doesn't change that.

    If you edit those orders (hold shift, click and drag to move a waypoint, or if you delete a waypoint with ctrl-shift right-click) you are editing the SHARED orders, so your edits affect ALL units for which those orders are active (all units "born" from the factory that have not yet exhausted the orders).

    Hypothetically, you have exactly 1 land factory that is making nothing but tanks. You start with a rally point on the right side of the map. Five tanks come out and start traveling to that point. After the fifth tank, you select the factory and give it brand new orders, a rally point to the left side of the map, and five more tanks come out. What happens? The first five tanks go right, to the right waypoint, and stop; the second five tanks go left, to the left waypoint, and stop.

    Now let's change it: you have exactly 1 land factory that is making nothing but tanks. You start with a rally point on the right side of the map. Five tanks come out and start traveling to that point. After the fifth tank, you select the rally point and move it (by holding shift, clicking on it, and dragging it with your mouse) to the left side of the map, and five more tanks come out. What happens? Well, for the first five tanks, any of them that already reached the waypoint have "exhausted" their orders, the waypoint is no longer their orders, so they will just stay put on the right side of the map. Any tanks that are still traveling to the right waypoint will turn around and begin traveling to the left. And all new tanks coming out of the factory will travel to the left. It doesn't matter which unit(s) or building(s), if any, are selected while you drag the waypoint. There is just a single waypoint shared between the factory and all existing tanks that haven't yet gotten to the end of their path.

    This is really only an issue for factory attack-move because it's so easy to give new orders of any other kind. FAM is the only kind of order that has to be given from the factory itself. For anything else, if you want your tanks to have their own individual orders, just click on them and give them a new move order, or a new attack-move order.

  • fix the old legacy replay

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Productive thread, going to lock it.

  • Upcoming Tournaments

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    Added Battles of intelligences Tournament

  • That dancing acu when searching ladder games

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    But only through loot boxes with a drop possibility of 0,5%.

  • tech support need help

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Python client is no longer officially supported.
    Windows 7 is also not supported anymore.

    Maybe you find somebody willing to help here:

  • Awareness/Perception wishlist for supcom 4

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @FemtoZetta At the moment, the victory condition is find and kill the ACU. If the ACU is so tough that it really needs to be at the vangaurd of your army, then finding it is not really a problem is it?

    It just becomes a game of ACU at the front taking out many units and sucking mucho damage before retreating and repairing and repeating.

    This singlular tactic is overridingly dominant. So... More RTT than RTS.

    I think that you need to have an ACU that is tough enough that it can brush away an early rush, because getting out-rushed in a game like this isn't any fun. And so in order to do that, we have an ACU that's so tough it leads the line until t3.

    I once came up with an idea I was going to call Totem Mod, which would introduce a Totem unit. It would be the slowest unit in the game, and it's main function would be to enhance any friendly ACU within it's radius. That way, ACUs are still really tough at home, but no so great at raiding.

    (I did say I didn't think my idea would be popular though, didn't I?)


  • Randomness of laddermap picking algorhithm

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    Lokie is a good map.

  • Reporting players / Karma system

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    keep in mind that you'll get to play another game, although they ruined that one, hopefully you have plenty of other games to play. For extreme cases, I Foe the user and keep a notepad with user names and why they are foed; if you look at the lobbies open, a frownie face 😞 will show up next to foes; This has saved me from joining a couple games where the play has the note of "lagged real bad and refused to leave" etc etc.

  • stacking GCs and other experimentals

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    thank you very much; this isn't what I am seeing, but it helped me recreate it somewhat. I did some tests with 80 gcs.
    If I use spread move alone, the units will still bump into each other- but they do get closer than usual. If I use spread move to clump them up as much as possible, then tell them to get into formation- they will stop bumping into each other and overlap- that is what I see people do, but I can only do it in formations; is there a way to use formation move where all the units go to a single spot?

    I also noticed that the units all need to be in the same 'formation' in order to not bump into eachother; I do recall that the game I played where the guy had like 200+ gcs, he never micro'd them and they did all change direction together like it was 1 group of units.

    Is there a mod that does this? (allows 'Formation Stacking' where all units are told to go to a single spot (like Spread Move) but they retain their 'Formation Stacking' so they freely overlap.)

  • Graphic Artist Wanted

    0 Votes
    96 Posts

    I am not sure what exactly you proposed? Also this is more petric's decision.
    I got a complete set from him, but I don't know if they are intended to be the final version.

  • Epic Forum

    1 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • Ice is a failure

    0 Votes
    20 Posts

    Closing this due to shitposting.

  • Good laptops to play FAF on. Any recommendations?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    If you get an intel "H" processor with adequate cooling it is fine for FAF. It's the U processors and ones with terrible thermals you need to avoid.

  • Hey! I am somewhat of a caster myself :P

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • How much does an early frigate need to kill to be considered worth it?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    The economic damage the frigate can cause is always lower than its costs. There are some rare cases on setons wherenan early aon frigate can kill 4-5 rock mexes (2 island, one on rocks beach, the obvious forward one and one core mex) but even in those scenarios its hardly more than a nuisance.

    I think i have alot of experience when it comes to timing pushes on navy and the key concept is, as thomas explained, build power denial. Ultimately most of my navy wins happen because of build power denial. You can scale up your bp, especially the one needed for a timely T2 transition, keep denying enemy bp with suicide frigates raids or plain water entry denial and then finish the game with cruiser tml or bship. Its of course vulnerable to torps, hover or any other mid intervention like drops, and stuff, but a satisfying way to show an eco whore its place. Think about frigates more as a tool of bp denial in the early stages of navy, and you will learn to use it as an efficient attack.