
  • 346 Topics
    8k Posts

    I really don't see the problem this is solving at a high level of play.
    T3 engineers consume 18-20m/s for T4s/nukes/arty, and 24-25m/s (30m/s Scathis) for game enders. So a huge spending of 800m/s requires around 32 engineers in one place to build something meaningful. I don't think 32 engineers is so difficult to manage that we need engineering stations, especially for a one-time thing like an artillery/nuke/game ender rush.

    That covers large projects, so now we can look at smaller projects:

    Economic structures: Mexes build super fast, so no pathfinding issues there. T3 Pgen/Fab grids are a great option if you have to spend lots of mass (as opposed to T2 fabs), and they average out to 20m/s per engi, which is plenty enough for the time when you will be building them: when you are just building up your eco past T3 mex. And late game when you have a huge eco yet still want to expand it the fab grids you can split into just two or three groups. It'll be safer and is easy to do. Also since eco takes up so much space, you'll need an unbalanced amount of buildrange to make the engi stations good here. PD/Defenses: These things are already very strong and fast to build, removing pathfinding will just make that easy to do on a large scale, which is not a good thing since it buffs a boring and already decent strategy. This also nerfs artillery a massive amount because you can pretty much always near-instantly build a shield anywhere in your base as long as an engineer is nearby. I think artillery is already quite weak and easily countered by proper shielding, so this nerf is unnecessary. Factory assistance: This is one thing where engis can be problematic, because units require a ton of buildpower and engis slowly get into a formation around the factory. It's resolved by the "interrupt pathfinding" hotkey, and you can write a UI mod to run that hotkey when giving an assist order (GAF did this)/the engi comes into range. I personally spam the hotkey all the time when assisting/building so I am biased against engi pathfinding issues ("32 engineers is not hard to manage").

    I'll also agree with what FTX said on Discord which is that it makes the game into an all-or-nothing situation because there is no way to run the buildpower away to save it (a nuke would be devastating), but it is also much harder to attack buildpower.

    As for engine limitations, yes it isn't possible to filter nukes/SMD, and I don't think you can make it so you can only reclaim allied units.

  • 33 Topics
    609 Posts

    ACU and all units increase is physical size as they vet.

  • About Neroxis map generator...

    18 Votes
    169 Posts

    I can only hope the next PC puts more effort into his job than you do in your posts.

  • Stats from $10000+ of high level 1v1 FAF tournaments

    10 Votes
    23 Posts

    @ftxcommando said in Stats from $10000+ of high level 1v1 FAF tournaments:

    It shows a higher competitive drive back then as even lower rated players were trying to join into events they had 0 chance of getting beyond 2 games in.

    I think this should be main the take away ftx. More people were interested in the competitive scene. More competitive people = more ladder matches/tournies = more competitive discussions = generally much more lively competitive scene for everyone.

    Maybe the very top players could beat any sub top 10 player without losing a match but who cares. FAF shouldn't be focused around top 10 players, it should be focused around the entire community.

  • 2 Votes
    9 Posts

    To whoever is interested in applying (Ftx, Suzuki, Fancias, Morax, others), go over to this thread and apply!

  • Invitation to comment and speculate on the Energy resource in this game

    1 Votes
    12 Posts

    @valki said in Invitation to comment and speculate on the Energy resource in this game:

    @ftxcommando said in Invitation to comment and speculate on the Energy resource in this game:

    Mass is intended to give value to map control, it is the bottleneck that determines “scale” in macro.

    Energy is what decides the “type” of usage of mass. Certain things are high energy per mass, certain things aren’t. It’s what stops you from simply being able to transition from one thing into another haphazardly in the game.

    There’s certainly a lot more to it and the game decisions are much more complicated than this, but that’s the impulse 30 second analysis for me.

    A UEF interceptor costs 50 mass and 2250 energy, a UEF Tank costs 56 mass and 266 energy. That is a difference of roughly 2000 energy.

    The same transition dynamic could be accomplished if the UEF interceptor simply cost 2000 energy, and the tank 0 energy. You still need just as many additional power plants to build interceptors then.

    So why does the tank cost energy at all?

    I just thought this up, no dev input or lore.

    Since we are 3d printer we can look at what we have in today's world. I can 3d print you something for a little bit of plastic (mass) and a couple hundred watts to power the printer (energy)

    But let's take this deeper, we are not extracting plastic with a mex or printing with it, and you can't take the trees that have been reclaimed straight into a tank. So what we are really doing it extracting some resource and splitting it down to atoms and recreating it into a different material. Steel is a rather 'cheap' material since Fe is lower down the periodic table so it takes less atoms and less power to create steel, further the t1 tank is just amour, cpu, gun, and tracks, all simple components to create and print.

    Now a aircraft has to be light and also built correctly. Just take a look at the cost and materials on our current jets. So the engies are making a lot of aluminum and titanium, which requires more energy to split and reform, also more mass than a tank since Al and Ti are father down the chart (I think) even though the intie will weigh less than the tank. The build quality on aircraft has to be top notch, so just energy consumed from just moving the printer will be more. Makes me wonder if you would make stands then break them off later like 3d printing now.

    Every unit built has a power generator and a printer on board to produce propulsion and ammo, aircraft has tons more power required. Ww2 I think the tanks were 1000hp and the fighter plans around 5,000. We can already see the costs of power in supcom.

    T2 tanks have more special amour, with different alloys and layers, just like today, to increase the cost of the unit.

  • This topic is deleted!

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
  • Questions about "Xtreme wars" mod

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hello kalambda,
    what version of Xtreme wars are you playing ?

    Do you use my updated version from here: ?

  • Ui Mods not working

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    thank you ❤ !

  • Matchmaker Pools Thread

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    Forty-fifth Matchmaker Pools:



    The intuition: As you increase in rating, you "unlock" more and more maps in your ladder rotation.

  • A plea for the Lack of Events for "2nd Rate" "Common Folk" & The Community

    2 Votes
    58 Posts

    Sorry, that was an open-ended question to people in general, not you specifically.

  • Emerald Craters

    2 Votes
    26 Posts

    I dont know what ur talking about all my maps are definitely top tier

  • Book about Chris Taylor, TA and SC / Libro sobre Chris Taylor, TA y SC.

    3 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • who created the faction identity quiz and could we re-create it

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  • Please submit your replays! We'll cast them!

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    oh thx god, but get ready for noobo gap\crater spam 😃

  • My Favorite Things

    12 Votes
    7 Posts

    People control k ing when they are unhappy with their own performance (Foley)

  • FAF Discord Reform

    12 Votes
    5 Posts

    You can pick your role in the #role-selection channel of the FAF discord.


  • tied of smurfs

    1 Votes
    5 Posts

    I could be wrong but i don't think anyone thinks rating is a 100% perfect test of skill. One player could get up to 1400 from winning astro games while someone like me stays around 1200 cus i play all sorts of different games. Rating is just a general guide and means different things for different people. Now if someone has 2 accounts thats not great but if they just have a low rating for their skill i agree that is not at all smurfing.

  • Strange issue with custom hotkeys for bomber selection

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @treos i had the same issue and was finally able to find a rather easy fix. Selection deprioritzer use "exotic" units which are excluded from the selection. However, you can change which units are tagged as exotic in the file "SelectionDeprioritizerConfig.lua" whithin the mod.

    e.g change the line:
    "uea0304", -- Ambassador
    to this
    --"uea0304", -- Ambassador (so the whole line is now a comment and the change is easy to revert)
    will untag the UEF strat bomber from your exotic units.

    Your bomber hotkey and your select all air units hotkey will select UEF strat bombers now again.

  • FAF Campaigns

    0 Votes
    23 Posts

    @rowey said in FAF Campaigns:

    So im currrley not quite sure how to best aproch displaying the leaderboard right now as im removeing the mission selected from the main page so will need a way to select the mission from the Leaderboard Ui

    Thats exactly what i meant in my last post's edit. You need a new type of leaderboard dropdown entry like "coop", and then you need another dropdown where people select the mission:


  • Who was this woman?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @funkoff said in Who was this woman?:

    aggressive tyrant

    Hmmm this looks very possible, good idea.

  • Carriers - how to get them to auto launch

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    The engine itself cancels ALL building as soon as a movement order of any kind is given. This is the fundamental reason than none of the mobile factories can build while moving and it's not something that can easily modded.

    There is a workaround, that would require some substantial coding - to create an Economy Event for the cost of the unit(s) ordered - which, when completed, would spawn the requested units above the unit in question - but that's a bit of fiddly code that would require some UI changes to implement seamlessly.

    This same restriction comes into play whenever a 'deploy' order is given. ALL other orders are cancelled by the engine.