
  • 346 Topics
    8k Posts

    I really don't see the problem this is solving at a high level of play.
    T3 engineers consume 18-20m/s for T4s/nukes/arty, and 24-25m/s (30m/s Scathis) for game enders. So a huge spending of 800m/s requires around 32 engineers in one place to build something meaningful. I don't think 32 engineers is so difficult to manage that we need engineering stations, especially for a one-time thing like an artillery/nuke/game ender rush.

    That covers large projects, so now we can look at smaller projects:

    Economic structures: Mexes build super fast, so no pathfinding issues there. T3 Pgen/Fab grids are a great option if you have to spend lots of mass (as opposed to T2 fabs), and they average out to 20m/s per engi, which is plenty enough for the time when you will be building them: when you are just building up your eco past T3 mex. And late game when you have a huge eco yet still want to expand it the fab grids you can split into just two or three groups. It'll be safer and is easy to do. Also since eco takes up so much space, you'll need an unbalanced amount of buildrange to make the engi stations good here. PD/Defenses: These things are already very strong and fast to build, removing pathfinding will just make that easy to do on a large scale, which is not a good thing since it buffs a boring and already decent strategy. This also nerfs artillery a massive amount because you can pretty much always near-instantly build a shield anywhere in your base as long as an engineer is nearby. I think artillery is already quite weak and easily countered by proper shielding, so this nerf is unnecessary. Factory assistance: This is one thing where engis can be problematic, because units require a ton of buildpower and engis slowly get into a formation around the factory. It's resolved by the "interrupt pathfinding" hotkey, and you can write a UI mod to run that hotkey when giving an assist order (GAF did this)/the engi comes into range. I personally spam the hotkey all the time when assisting/building so I am biased against engi pathfinding issues ("32 engineers is not hard to manage").

    I'll also agree with what FTX said on Discord which is that it makes the game into an all-or-nothing situation because there is no way to run the buildpower away to save it (a nuke would be devastating), but it is also much harder to attack buildpower.

    As for engine limitations, yes it isn't possible to filter nukes/SMD, and I don't think you can make it so you can only reclaim allied units.

  • 33 Topics
    609 Posts

    ACU and all units increase is physical size as they vet.

  • Target spam issue

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I've had this issue, there needs to be a minimum time for how long you have to hold left click.

  • Newbie replay questions

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    If you are new to mods, then you are in for a treat. They are not just for replays but can help you in-game too, as they give you additional information and hotkeys etc. Focus on "UI-mods", they can be used in rated games and only effects your own UI. "Sim-mods" changes the game itself, are unranked and must be downloaded by all players.

  • Community Game Night

    2 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • I want to make a big narrative video about the history of FAF

    5 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Mize what is your nickname on discord, there are about 3 different accounts like: mizer3727, mizer4792, mizer5761

  • Have an Idea for Campaign.

    0 Votes
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  • FAF isn't like it used to be.

    -7 Votes
    33 Posts

    @QuantumTyphoon You were right, but one thing I wanted to mention to you beforehand was the fact I stopped playing the game a long time ago. Yes, my ego got the best of me, but things have gotten better. Tbh I came back to FAF just to play the campaign. I don't play anything else anymore and if I do, I usually leave because I have lost touch with RTS games in general.

    To answer your question, yes, I have been playing Supreme Commander since it's launch in November 2007. Though to be fair, I don't play the multiplayer. Was never interested in it. My time in FAF FA and OG, I usually never played multiplayer. I only played with friends and we basically just goofed off.

    I would like to apologize for being just an a. hole last time. You were not the reason I left FAF so long ago. Harassment was a common thing for me but I played unusual. I guess I had the harassment coming because of it.

    This is ITS_TIME_TO_DUEL btw. Hopefully one day, I can be civil with people and not get so angry all the time. Being autistic, it is very hard for me to understand the room or sarcasm

    I hope that all is well with you and that you are enjoying a good life. RTS games are my escape even though i am not good at them. I have nothing else to do in life and I suck at the one thing I love to play

  • What's the history of FAF?

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    ZE_Pilot yt channel is still active after all these years lol, that was unexpected. Old client seems pretty cool for 2011, i thought it would be uglier. At the time i remember using Xfire (for games like cod4), faf seems way more ahead of the time compared to that, wp to the initial faf team.

  • Why FAF promouting streamer with name Putin?

    -3 Votes
    2 Posts

    FAF as a platform does not endorse or promote any political ideologies, figures, or narratives, including those associated with any form of dictatorship or extremism. The username in question has been in use prior to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, and under our current rules, usernames that reference political figures are not automatically disallowed unless they explicitly violate community guidelines, such as promoting hate speech or inciting violence.

    We do not agree with your phrasing suggesting that FAF "openly promotes dictatorial and Nazi attributes." Such accusations are inappropriate and do not reflect the nature of this community or its administration.

    To clarify, the FAF Association has previously issued a statement regarding the war in Ukraine:

    "The Board of the FAF Association expresses its grave concern about the military action started by Russia in Ukraine. Alongside the UN, we stand united against war and condemn any use of military means to resolve political conflicts."

    We maintain this stance and have implemented measures to keep FAF a safe and inclusive space for all members, including restricting political discussions to designated channels and moderating content based on established guidelines.

    This thread will now be closed, as the issue has been addressed. Thank you for your understanding.

  • FAF has a lot of smurfs

    -1 Votes
    2 Posts

    If you believe you have encountered a smurf, please report it, and we will investigate.

  • Idea to generate revenue for the FAF project ( you will not like it )

    -10 Votes
    11 Posts

    @Ctrl-K i followed your advice and changed that sentense to not insult someone.

  • 2 Votes
    3 Posts

    Ah ok, thanks that is nice to hear.

  • Auto kicked Lobby Observers spam (ice-adapter.log)

    0 Votes
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  • oppressive T3 subs

    3 Votes
    3 Posts

    I completly agree. In high ranked setons it is frowned upon to make t3 subs. People will leave the game for that. The only way they are accepted is if enemy makes Atlantis first, because thats how you counter them.
    I also don't really think you can balance t3 subs, they will either be too strong or useless. Maybe they need a different mechanic or just have them work differently to be in a good balance situation

  • I cri everytim

    2 Votes
    49 Posts

    @Brutus5000 You're the software god, and as such, an exception. Active people in most teams have a more than decent rating (and usually everyone whose opiniong is taken into consideration).

    Also, answer me on disc ❤

    (The morpheus quote killed me 😆 )

    Also, gap surely dumbs the game down (i also rather play 3v3 instead of 1v1 so my attention can be less distributed and i find it more enjoyable), but it dumbs it down to a degree that you don't get to see most of the actual game. I'm bad at apm and multitasking, but having virtually 0 time between techs, entirely skipping from t1 to experimental, removes all sorts of interactions. And that's not even the problem, you can only play (maybe) a single map out of the huge pool.

    Again, gap in itself is not the problem, if that's what people enjoy, the best to them, but it could be the only option they have at the start, and they just stick to it because they can't properly get introduced to the game (as i tell in my "diary" XD). My issue is with that being a possibility

  • Loading into lobby

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    The lobby does not load any game assets. That happens after the game launches. When the lobby is connecting it is doing just that - trying to connect to the other people in the lobby.

  • The State of FAF

    1 Votes
    12 Posts

    @Vindex I cant believe they downvoted my man for being right

  • How can I remove a MAP I uploaded

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    look for your map in the map vault and then click "Hide"


  • Open Review of FAF Moderation

    1 Votes
    22 Posts

    @maudlin27 said in Open Review of FAF Moderation:

    In addition to this though, I spent more than an hour discussing this case via PMs with Crofis explaining the reason for mod action being taken (doing a rough word count, looks like c.3k words between the two of us).

    So it's very frustrating for me to see comments such as that a detailed explanation was denied, that a request for more details wasn't granted, and that the mods took quick and rushed decisions, refusing to give proper reasons for them.

    It's true that we spent like half an hour discussing the situation in better detail maud, and as i've already said i really appreciated you tooking the effort to talk to me, but i interpreted that as a personal initiative from you rather than an official action from the moderators team. Officially my request was denied, so in that aspect i can't say things differently from what i did. I will still personally thank you for trying to be more understanding and reaching out to me, but my thanks go to Maudlin27 and no one else in regard to the matter. I'm sorry if i upset you little cutie patootie.

    Also, as i already said about the "rushed decision" and the whole appeal critique, the way things were worded + not having a real understanding of how the whole machine operates led to me misunderstanding how the procedure is structured, you can scratch it as it was inaccurate (information about that was hard to find, at least for me), sorry about that.

  • Private coturn server for my games.

    2 Votes
    22 Posts

    Can’t say for sure but using a common web port like 80 or 443 is often an easy way to get through a network firewall since those ports are often allowed in order to allow web traffic. Could be because of that.

  • game crash - see log attached

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Do you have any mods active, if so, does disabling those fix the issue?
    Can you reproduce the error every time?