Oh I just figured it out, If I hold mouse 1 while queueing an attack I can make a ring of targets. This is a feature, and now that I know how it works, this is pretty awesome.
Best posts made by Aegis386
RE: Target spam issue
RE: What do you want mapgen to do differently?
I'd love to see a biome selection button so we can choose before it generates. I've often found myself looking at a map that's decent for gameplay but has horrible bright orange terrain.
Latest posts made by Aegis386
RE: Target spam issue
Oh I just figured it out, If I hold mouse 1 while queueing an attack I can make a ring of targets. This is a feature, and now that I know how it works, this is pretty awesome.
Target spam issue
Hello I've found a weird issue when spamming target commands that create a massive target spam in an area on the ground in a circle automatically. This really inhibits my ability to distribute ground fire commands to bombers. Is this a feature or a bug? I think it's a feature but I cannot find anywhere that mentions it or any way to disable it.
Youtube video example of what I'm talking about.
https://youtu.be/Q3RuwIuciS8It would be a great help if I could disable this weird targeting behavior.
RE: Open beta for PBR shaders
I have an unexpected bug that completely debilitates the Aeon. The Aeon commander won't even warp in properly to begin a match. The game will select the commander but it's invisible, unusable, and the warp animation does not play. (also the build UI shows tech as if the commander is Tech 3).
I used the cheat menu to test different units and it seems factories work fine, but all ground unit animations for Aeon are broken and just T-pose slide around. Additionally, all weapons will not fire for the Aeon, even air units. Furthermore, the Aeon personal shields on obsidians, ACU, and sACU appear to have a texture bug that makes them shimmer green.
I also tested the other 3 factions and nothing seems broken. All bugs appear to be confined to Aeon. All testing was done in map-gen sandbox matches.
I used the command mentioned above to switch back and forth between the beta shaders and the default settings to see if that was somehow causing the bug, and it made no difference. The only solution I found was removal of the "kyros.nxt" file from the game data.
I hope any of this information is helpful for identifying this bug.
RE: What do you want mapgen to do differently?
I'd love to see a biome selection button so we can choose before it generates. I've often found myself looking at a map that's decent for gameplay but has horrible bright orange terrain.
RE: Created my first map, but cannot play test it nor upload it: Missing _script.lua
I created a new file with the appropriate name and pasted in what you put there, and it worked! Thank you for your help STING!
Created my first map, but cannot play test it nor upload it: Missing _script.lua
So I've been working on my first map with the map editor made by ozonexo3.
Everything works great and is super intuitive except there is one key file missing. It would look like "Map_Name_Script.lua" but it simply doesn't exist. I have checked with other maps, and these script files are there and actually quite chunky in size (comparatively speaking).I have tried to figure out what this file actually does so I could manually make one but I couldn't find any straight forward documentation apart from one line on the faf wiki about map editing saying the following: "Area used for Playable Area is defined in script.lua file."
Because this one line is all I have to go on, I tried making a restriction on the play area just slightly, to see if the script.lua file would be generated, but it was not.
This script file seems important, and I would've expected the map maker to automatically generate it in order to save important events like camera locations, AI markers, etc.
Can't load the map or upload it because missing script.lua file.