I think it's pretty common to tell new or less skilled players that they are stupid and should uninstall the game rather than help them improve. True teamwork is very hard to find around here. I have played with certain people game after game and winning like crazy and playing solid but when I make one mistake and now we lose one game then all a sudden those same mates who were great during wins are telling me I am an idiot and hating on me because we lose one. Watch any replay and read the chat and more often than not it is people yelling at each other telling each other horrible things....people don't know how to lose as a team....this is the greatest team game ever and most people can't understand that. People don't understand that we are lucky to have such a community and such support....there is no love here....everybody hates everyone.
Best posts made by Dorset
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
RE: $350 BigBrain 1x1 Tournament
Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this but I would like to donate to the prize pool so that the prizes are as follows
1st - $200
2nd - $100
3rd - $50If this is acceptable please let me know how to make this happen. To be clear I am offering to fund the entire prize pool of $350. If the current funding is already in place then I will fund the balance. I don't use discord when I am away for work (near the Arctic circle) so I only use the forum app so please contact me here.
RE: The End of FAF
I've been playing this game since 2018 and have logged nearly 4,000 games. A good 2,000 of those are Astro.... Yeah I know I'm pathetic but I like the arcade aspect of it okay.
I played a thousand games of Astro before I ever tried map gen and that's where my bread and butter is now. I've gotten to know the community really well despite not being a discord person. Just playing with different multiplayer map gen games you get exposed to all the different clans and all the high-ranked players and despite a lot of toxicity there is 100x more positivity.
I have been very impressed with how many pro level players, yourself included The Wreck that will play in 1200+ games with professionalism and respect.
One thing that has always shocked me is the makeup of moderation/leadership group. I would fully expect people like yourself and the many other pro level players who have been active over the last 5 years to be a key part in the leadership group of FAF. I don't understand why that isn't the case. I'm sure everyone has different levels of time and effort they can commit to such things but over the past year or so I've started to realize that it's more political than that and it has always had me worry.
As I've said before this game has essentially changed my life. It is the only game I play. It is part of my culture and my way of life. I don't ever want to play a different game. But I'm very worried about the future of FAF.
It seems to me like some moderators don't have the best interest of FAF at heart because they don't understand the game and the community at the level required to have such a role.
I have always wondered what the peak version of FAF is and if we could ever get back there. There are so many updates and changes balance or otherwise I'm just not sure is worth it. I like the changes from a couple years ago that made energy be more important and prevented nukes from being rushed so quickly and slowed the game down a bit because I personally like a more slow and strategic game.
But lately it seems there are so many changes and moderation efforts that seem to go counter to the spirit of the community and the game.
I completely agree with you that there needs to be a standard set for who is in control of this and who makes the decisions all across the board. The pro level players clearly care about this game based on the number of games they play. I'm sure they would play more but as I've noticed it's harder for a 2k player to find a game than it is for a 1200.
I think that the moderators, The balance team, board of directors, every key group that governs this community in this game should be led by the people who play it most not necessarily the people who have certain skill sets. Those people should be under the direction of the people who play it most.
There are a lot of toxic people that play this game a lot so obviously it's not then. But like I said before there are so many pro-level players who log in everyday and play this game and are legitimately good people and treat others well and understand the essence of what this community is because they are immersed in it.
I am not a pro-level player and I went through my stage of being a toxic piece of shit for the first few years of playing but over the past few years I have really chilled out and that's probably because I got a job that has me traveling to the remote places of the world so much where I can't get a good internet signal and now when I get home I appreciate the game so much more.
I feel I understand the game and the community pretty well and if I had more time to commit I would be a great fit on some level. My point is that I'm a great example of the type of person in this community and have played nearly 4,000 games and would be an excellent person to be a moderator if only I had the time.
Take any of my replays from my first few years of playing and you would say the hell with this guy but that doesn't represent who I am now and I'm sure this is the case for many people.
There's probably people that are currently banned that if given another chance they would be excellent community members.
I think there needs to be a complete rethink of how we operate because it's up to us to keep this going. The moderator s that are currently in place need to take a big step back and if you really care then you will support the efforts of the community to keep this thing alive.
Taking this name change rule as an example it is so clear that the community does not want it and your best thing you could have done is revert it and move forward because that's what the community wants but instead you spend however many days or weeks now justifying and defending the decision..... It's low level tyranny...
Give the people what they want... In most cases that is the best way forward for a small gaming.
I'm not familiar with the exact structure of how this is all governed and moderated but again I say there needs to be a serious retrofit of all systems. I've seen so many posts for the balance team makes changes and they are so unpopular but the changes are just defended over and over again rather than reverting them based on the will of the people.
Somehow someway we got to get to a point where the most mature and dedicated players are the ones who make key decisions. I manage hundreds of people in my role at work and the best way to get them to do the job.... The best way for the company I represent to succeed... is to give them what they want.... And all they want when they are at work is to be given the resources they need and the support they need to succeed and they will. Very rarely will I make decisions that go against what the group wants because they care about these projects just as much as I do as their manager. Everyone that works for me is constantly telling me this is the best place they've ever worked and they never want to leave and I take a lot of pride in that because we're not doing things my way we're doing things our way. My senior corporate managers didn't understand it at first but the results speak for themselves. The way of the company has to be the way of the people. I'm lucky enough to have managers that recognize this and they step back and let us do our thing.
If the governing body of FAF needs to have the keys to the kingdom because of legal reasons and irreplaceable skill sets such as coding and all that stuff then so be it but the best thing they can do is take a backseat and let the people who love and care for this and play this the most shape this and build this.
Okay I've said enough. I'm not even going to proofread it.
RE: Novax needs to be nerfed, here's why.
If you are in a game where anyone builds 8 novax uncontested then you should be very happy when that game ends no matter what team you are on.
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
@zhanghm18 within the organization I work for we have something in our employee code of conduct called incivility. I'm sure everyone knows what that is but essentially it allows the company to dismiss an individual for disrupting the workforce and bringing down morale. They don't have to actually specifically attack character or be abusive or harassing. Essentially if they are inciting others to have a negative view of the company or are being disruptive in similar fashion then we are allowed to dismiss them for incivility.
I've never been a moderator in any type of online forum but I think a similar clause in the code of conduct should be considered.
In my opinion if certain people only seem to want to be part of this community to tear it down in some way then we don't need them. This would tie back into the topic at hand and would be one less way why certain things suck right now.
With all due respect Aya, Sera wasn't being rude or arrogant he was being straightforward. He's right. Ranking is what matters. You can't say that because you have 12,000 games you can play every faction as good as a 2K rated player. They understand things and are capable of doing things that we can't at level 1400. Rating is what matters. I have 5,000 games which is like twice as much as many of the 2ks I play with but I am a fraction of the player they are.
Reading the deep insights that FTX (and others) outlined in this post basically answered all of your points, you're just not wanting to accept them.
RE: The End of FAF
@ganima said in The End of FAF:
This thread is very confusing for me. It's very hard for me to tell who is telling the truth.
Its not really about truth or lies its about differences of opinions in which case everybody is telling the truth.
It is clear that there are so many passionate people who are a part of this community and I trust that such debates will make the community stronger and that people who may have chosen to leave will return and help build it further.
RE: $350 BigBrain 1x1 Tournament
@indexlibrorum said in $350 BigBrain 1x1 Tournament:
@dorset Really cool Dorset! Very kind.
Thank you....but Skrat is putting much more into this than me.
RE: No ranks below 0 (yes / no)?
I started my FAF career as a -700 after a half dozen games. It was pretty scary but didn't take long to turn it around. I would argue that people who quit FAF after losing their first half dozen or so games didn't really have their heart in it and were going to quit whether their rank said -700 or 300 after such a stretch.
RE: What is going on with FAF?
@brutus5000 said in What is going on with FAF?:
Please guys. If you want to donate for the cause of FAF that is fine. But don't donate and expect and problems to be resolved in return. This is not something we can guarantee.
Absolutely understood. I suppose the better term I should have used is support rather than donate... Support can come in many forms, financial, skill set, or even just positive attitude. All I can do is bring a positive attitude and support the developers by not whining and complaining about the state of FAF every time I log on and I am more than happy to donate financially to a game that I care so much about and spend so much time playing.
It's clear from this thread there is no easy fix so I'm not going to expect the few hundred dollars that I donate a year to instantly change that but it might go towards ensuring our tournaments at FAFLive continue to have great turnouts due to respectable prize pools and that the lights stay on so to speak.
As great as my skill set is in my own life and career it is completely useless for what is required here at FAF but it brings me joy to be able to support financially.
Latest posts made by Dorset
RE: Reduce T2 Air Snipes
@Caliber I just think those are extremely rare cases that just have to be dealt with. If one person develops a reputation for that then they probably find it harder to get into a lobby...or they get in and people purposely rush them to teach them a lesson but its just super rare.....no different than in an actual combat scenario if you lose a major asset early you still have to fight the battle. Its not suppose to be easy.
RE: Reduce T2 Air Snipes
@IndexLibrorum I agree its skill issue. I like to play air a lot in 1.2k+ games meaning I am the low rank on my team and I find it so funny when higher ranks are insulting and blaming me for getting sniped or for their army getting destroyed by air meanwhile they have ZERO flak of any kind 15+ mins into the game...I swear the first t4 of every game gets sent in with no scouts or flak and gets sniped by gunships in the enemy base and they blame me for not defending it lol.
I am a career 1.3k type player but that doesn't mean I cant recognize how many higher ranked players have serious skill issues over simple things lol.
I personally dont think t2 air snipes are an issue. There are always those random players who do it but overall players would rather use their air advantage taking out eco. Snipes do have their place and should never be nerfed imo. If your front is being pushed hard with enemy acus then sniping one of them can sure take the pressure off even if it does hand a nice base to their higher ranked player...one problem at a time.
If you get an acu drop in your base you will sure be happy that t2 air kills acus....because if t2 air is nerfed then I will probably acu drop every single game from now on...will be fun.
Another Novax conversation
So lets make one thing clear. I dont really care if anything changes with the novax (or any other unit for that matter)
I was trying to fall asleep last night and was thinking about FAF because I am a complete loser with no life.
For some reason a thought entered my brain and the half asleep sad version of myself thought it was a good idea so I'm going to present it here because I have seen so many tears about the Novax since I have been playing FAF
The common argument seems to be that the Novax is unbalanced and has no counter.
My suggestion is simple. Give the satellites the capability to target each other.
Novax is suppose to be a defensive unit (based on its name) and this change I believe would allow it to function more like that.
I believe this change would force players into winning an advantage before they can punish their opponent.
Land, Sea, Air all require an advantage to be won as battles must be fought and won before you can start to punish your opponent so this would mean that you would have to win a Novax battle in order to be able to abuse them over enemy battle space.
If you make a Novax you would have to decide if sending it to your opponents base is the right move knowing that you can be shot down having to re build a satellite in the ground station.
If you were under siege by say 4-5 Novax then you could start making your own under shield cover and send them over to enemy battlespace (knowing you couldn't keep them in your base as they'd be shot down being outnumbered)
Now the enemy has to decide to send their satellites back to their base to engage the sats you are sending or not.
If this is considered than I would recommend that sats are not able to fire or be targeted until they reach altitude so that they cant be insta killed as they ascend to orbit from the ground station.
Pretty much any in game scenario I can think of where Novax are used seems to have a simple resolution if Novax can target each other and the more I think of it the more intriguing the scenarios seem to be with this adjustment.
If this is a bad ide it wont hurt my feelings. So many times ideas seem so great until they are subjected to peer review so thats the point here.
RE: Why do I keep crashing
thanks I never even saw that was an option.
I just crashed again now for same reasons. I was dead but watching the match and the game froze as i was zooming in and then back out again. It happened at 14:00 exactly for me.game_24520703.log
RE: Auto-build hidros and mexes
Install the mod "Hover over deposits"
Welcome back to FAF!!!
RE: Why do I keep crashing
Ok, I may not be as dumb as I think I am. but when I paste the log I get an error as it exceeds the character limit of the forum. How else do I share?
RE: Why do I keep crashing
Yeah...that may seem like a simple task...but I need someone who can tell me where that game log is. You mean replay id?
Why do I keep crashing
I have been trying to troubleshoot this on my own but I am at a loss and need help. I have been playing FAF for 7 years now and have never had crashing issues but since about December I have been getting regular crashes in game that seem to be getting worse.
What happens is the game just freezes at random times. Sometimes it unfreezes and keeps going but every 10-15 games it will not and the only thing that solves it is to hold the power button on my pc to reset the system. (alt+tab, ctrl+alt+del, ctrl+esc...none work...only hard reset)
One time I watched the replay to see how the game ended and at the moment I crashed it showed a desync from another player but the game was still rated so it wasnt an issue I guess?
Every few times when I have to hold the power button a window will come up to cancel the reboot (while it waits for programs to close) and at the same time everything resolves and the game unfreezes but I cant press cancel fast enough.
I have a really good system and have reinstalled EVERYTHING twice including windows to try and solve this. I run a lean system so no background programs should be interfering.
I tried turning down graphics even though I can run everything max no issue usually. I also tried running without any mods
I don't know how logs work or anything so can someone who knows please tell me what and how to post the log? I can build a computer just fine but even the most basic programing that my dog could do is beyond me but if I am going to be kicked from lobbies I want it to be because I am a noob and/or someone hates me, not because I got known to be a crasher.
Thank you in advance.
RE: Rating Reset
I am no expert but I don't believe it can be done. All you got to do is just start grinding and your rating will correct itself pretty quickly. Don't worry about anyone in game who might have a problem with it, most people don't care. If you think your rating has to come down a bit then just host some all welcome 1v1 custom games and you'll get knocked down to size really quick.
Welcome back to FAF!!
RE: Friends / Foe list location
Seems like a good time for a fresh start