Hello everyone,
I was recently informed that the current version of the Commander Survival Kit on the FAF Modvault is not fully compatible with the latest version of FAF.
This means that some features may not work correctly.
However, the upcoming new version on Github, which is currently in its Latest Development Stage, works with the current version of FAF. So If you want to play the Commander Survival Kit with the new upcoming features in early access, I recommend downloading and installing the Github version.
Here is the Link to the official Github Repository:
Install Instructions:
Download the Zip File (Green Button called "Code")
Click on the Option: "Download Zip"
Open the Downloaded Zip File
You should see a Folder called: Commander-Survival-Kit-main inside it.
Navigate/Open the Commander-Survival-Kit-main Folder
Now you should see three Folders:
The Folder documentation can be Ignored that one is relevant for the upcoming GitHub Wiki of this Mod.
Since your are playing FAF the mods Folder is the one which is Important for you only.
You don't need to install the two .scd Files from the included gamedata Folder and can be fully ignored as well.
Open the mods Folder and copy the Commander Survival Kit Folder into the FAF Mods Folder.
The official Unit Pack of this Project: Commander Survival Kit Units can be installed in Early Access as well
It is available on this Github Repository as well and included in the mods Folder of the Downloaded Zip File.
Start the Game and activate the Mod in the Mod Manager
The upcoming new official version of Commander Survival Kit 1.20 is currently 98% completed.
So it will definitely be released at the end of this Month or in February on Moddb and on the FAF Modvault.
So stay tuned for more Updates and News related to this.
If you need help with the Installation of the Mod from my Github Repository let me know.
Best regards