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    Hello everyone,

    because of the more and more frequent mod presentations in the forum, which I appreciate very much, because they describe the mods already before testing them and
    I decided to do the same for my mod πŸ˜‰

    First a preface, which you can skip if you like. That's fine for me.

    # Foreword:

    For me and many friends, Supreme Comander is an evergreen game. We used to play a round
    via Steam until I came across the Sorian AI on YouTube and other sources. It was a great experience, as I had
    only played against the standard AI and I'm not a good player, but a match against the AI
    AI made for great evenings πŸ™‚

    After a few matches, however, the question arose: what else is there? More maps, new mods, other AIs?

    Answer - FAF

    I discovered FAF 2021. It's a great project that has increased my enthusiasm for the game.
    There is something here for everyone who appreciates this game.

    A client that offers new gaming experiences,
    A forum that comes alive thanks to the many helpful members,
    lots of maps, including a map editor
    & a whole bunch of mods ^^.

    So a big thank you to everyone who gives their time and effort to FAF.

    Now my reason why I made this mod in the first place. I have seen a lot of great mods through browsing and testing.
    mods, but unfortunately I couldn't find one that didn't affect the core game too much or that suited my play style.

    Unfortunately, I don't speak English very well and had no previous knowledge. Lua, Blender and Co. were just foreign words to me.
    I took this as an incentive to acquire some knowledge in this area as well.

    My first step was to change the values of the units. As my favourite unit is the UEF, I concentrated on the Fatboy.
    It was always too weak for my understanding at the time. So I modified it. Which I later realised was a mistake. But that's how you learn. So the Blueprint Lua was modified, but the look also had to match this strength. So I looked for a mod
    that would give the Fatboy a great look. This was probably my next and biggest mistake. I decided to take a unit from a random modpack from the site I tried to contact the creator, but he didn't reply to the site for a long time.

    So if the creator of the original model is here, I apologise again for the basic model.

    The model became my role model. Of course, it was also far too strong for normal play and lacked the construction features of the original Fatboy. So I searched the internet for a way to change that. That's how I learnt to understand and use Blender. I took the old Fatboy and the new model and connected them together.

    Is that difficult? Yes, definitely. At least if you have no idea like me and are too stupid to ask questions in the forum. So keep learning ^^.

    So my tip to new faces who also want to create a mod is to ask in the community. That would have helped me back then and saved me a lot of time πŸ™‚

    So, I think that should be enough to give you a little insight into the creation of the mod and my motivation. Let's start with the introduction of the mod.

    # Savers Unitpack

    What does this mod do? As the name suggests, it is a unit pack that gives each standard faction at least one modded experimental land unit.

    All units should complement the faction, but not make the basic game obsolete. No overpowered unit that tears everything down, but should complement it.

    As the FAF balance team can probably tell you, something is never balanced enough for everyone. But at least I tried.

    Here is a small overview of all Exp. Landunits in comparison.


    Fraction – UEF

    mobile factory - Fatboy and its changes
    Weapon Systems:
    The Fatboy now has 2 Gauss Cannons at the front, with an increased turning radius of 10, giving them a better chance of hitting an enemy even when moving backwards. A Gauss main cannon in the middle, which is the Fatboy's highest damage. It also rotates more slowly. The two rear Gauss Cannons have also been removed.
    The anti-aircraft guns have been replaced by T2 Fragmentation Flak, which makes it a bit more robust against air, but not too much.
    In the middle of the Fatboy 2 Phalanx anti-missile systems have been installed. This gives it the true character of a mobile base.
    The Fatboy has also received the AntiTorpedo, as the Megalith has.

    The two Hells Fury Riot Guns and the torpedoes have been left as they were.
    The new mobile construction system from FAF has also been adopted. Thanks again to the developers. In addition, the 4 Air DockingSlots are now also visible instead of the standard model.

    Infantry Mech - Ramrod (new unit)
    Ramrod, the name comes from a series from the 80s (long live nostalgia ^^). Ramrod's function is to support the Fatboy. He can hardly stand up to the normal Exp. Units hardly exist in 1vs1. But with his versatile weapon systems and his personal shield, he is a serious threat, especially to secure the defense against an onslaught and to lead an attack.

    Weapon systems: Ramrod has a Hiro Plasma Cannon on his right shoulder, which can cause a lot of damage. This is supplemented by the cruise missile on the left shoulder, which opens as soon as a target is acquired.

    For melee combat, Ramrod has a plasma cannon on each arm, but it has the shortest range of any of his weapons.

    Like the Monkylord, he also has torpedoes and two anti-air turrets on his back.

    Just like a build animation.

    Fraction – Cybran

    mobile factory - Megalith and its changes
    3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
    The Megabot - Megalith was criticized by a good friend of mine because it is the only factory unit in the game that does not benefit from the new build/move function in FAF. So please, here's the build option, complete with animation and visuals πŸ™‚

    Even then I thought that the backend should be there for more.

    Fraction – Aeon

    Anti-Airbot – Enforcer (new unit)
    Contrary to what its two main guns might suggest, the Enforcer is a true anti-air monster. Its job is to protect Aeon's areas of operation from attack from multiple directions. Since Aeon is already the strongest air force in the game, this unit is meant to cover the last area.

    Weapon Systems:

    The Enforcer has a typical Aeon Oblivion Cannon on each side, which has the range of a T3 Mobile Arty. In addition, two High Intensity Laisers are mounted at the front to take on an onslaught of T1 - T3 level units. The last weapon system only opens when enemy Air Untis come into range. The anti-air missiles open at the top.

    Fraction – Seraphim

    Mobile Missile Launcher Bot - Urtha (new unit)
    Urtha Uya is a second-line unit, as its direct damage is more for support than attack. On the other hand, it shines with its battery of missiles that it rains down on the enemy, which should disable most anti-missile systems. Of course, it is still a threat if the unwary get too close.

    Weapon Systems:

    Similar to the Enforcer, Urtha has a chronocannon on each side designed to inflict direct damage on nearby enemies. The head is armed with a beam launcher. Since it has a short range, it is used for close combat.

    The launcher is hidden on the back and fires up to 9 drone missiles.
    These fly in a swarm and are designed to disable defenses. To maintain movement in combat, Urtha fires them independently. But why is the damage only similar to the Aeon's T3 Missile Boat? It also has a typical Seraphim anti-aircraft system at the rear.

    Fraction – UEF – Water

    Aircraft Carrier - Atlantis and its modifications
    Ok, ok, here only the last unit and one out of line. Normally only the land area should be affected.
    BUT... who hasn't wished for more sense for the Atlantis?
    Me, I guess, but more out of coincidence and a week's vacation.

    Weapons systems:
    The Atlantis now has a Long Range Cruise Missile, which builds up in the front after surfacing. It fires 4 missiles with a more direct trajectory than other ship units. Two Gauss cannons are mounted above the launch and landing pads to fend off nearby ships and lay siege to small islands.
    7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg

    Final words:

    For me, this unit pack is complete. I can't say if there will be new units in the future. There might be some balance updates, but that's about it.

    I hope this post was entertaining for the readers and that the mod can give people some fun. I wouldn't ask for anything more πŸ™‚

    ***But what I would like to say is a huge thank you to the people who supported me with tips and reviews.

    Thanks to Uveso, CDRMV and Laso.***

  • 109 Topics
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    Loading the map where? In FAF client, map editor, in game?

    Provide a screenshot, please.

    How to see the map:


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    71 Topics
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    That title scared me.

    Thank you for all the work.

    On the question; I will defer to those with more knowledge on this issue.

  • 13 Topics
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    v214 Update
    14 changes, mostly relating to extra voice taunts:

    Campaign AI should ignore its assigned start position and record a different one if the mission's start point for it has no factories or ACU 9 voice taunt additions for various niche scenarios 3 QUIET specific adjustments, including having Czar use manual attack orders instead of attack-move orders


    c04spoon replay where Czar failed to use its main weapon