The point is that there is zero reason for a clan identity to exist, explaining that clans currently have zero identity doesn’t showcase anything. I’d also argue that history shows that when clans are given a purpose they absolutely respond to changed circumstances.
Recent example:
The last major restructuring of clans happened during the last clan war when com, lol, and bc combined into jop. Beyond that, the last dying breaths of baw and a few other high level players that didn’t bother being in a clan formed SA. Pretty sure SCR was also formed with playing in the clan war as a main reason since that clan also began to die around the end of the clan war.
This also happened during the first clan war.
Basic idea would be to use rating brackets and allow a clan leader to assign themselves for a rating bracket. You can have 2000 rated players in a clan to make 1300s improve, but don’t expect the dude to be playing in the 1000-1500 bracket.
Use that as the first kernel for clan identity and then people will also begin to market themselves in whatever appealing way to attract more motivated players in their rating bracket.
Nothing really needs to be tied down by rules, have events for singular maps like sentons between senton clans. Have events where 4-5 1000 rated dudes interested in getting trained get paired with a clan and after a month they do a 1v1 tournament.
You can also reward clan leaders with some ava, unique or not, if they become an “official clan” that participates in said events.