I haven't gotten the melee functions to work yet, so their nature is occluded from me. The concept seems a little hacky though, have to see how they look if I do ever get them working.
I added a SetSpeedThroughGoal adjustment to the Beetle PR, and it improved tailchase performance by another major step (also had no idea about navigators and what they did, some interesting possibilities there).
Current issues:
Performance against experimentals with large hitboxes is bad, because weapon targeting is generally evaluated to the center of the target. This is an issue with the stock beetle.
No improvement for non-attack attacks (guard, patrol).
Adding another dummy weapon with a range significantly larger (~`10) than the current AOE (6.5) could help. Right now the main kamikaze weapon doesn't have a target until immediately prior to detonating, so it's no help with fudging our detonate radius. A dummy longer range detector could address that, both with large hitboxes and for letting the unit know if it has a target or is just on patrol.