Decapitation should be a rated victory condition
Maybe we could change the "show modded games" option to "hide unranked mods" so ranked mods can get more visibility
The server doesn't currently tell you whether mods are ranked or not so this has the same problem of requiring API queries from everyone for every mod in the list as just the general requests for is this game rated or not.
So we would need a server change first to send the info if the mods used are ranked?
Yes, or even the full blown server implementation of is this game ranked check.
But would also need to be smart about how often the db is called and caching.
When you lose your com do you lose e and m storage as well?
if you mean acu's storages, it is tied to the unit itself so yes
Yes, yeah sound like a fun game mode
So... is this going to be implemented? I think it would be a really good game mode! especially in games that have a large variance in ratings between teammates.
is this still being implemented?
@Caliber you can track the progress on this feature here: