Can we have more map gen please?

Best posts made by Caliber
RE: 4v4 TMM January 2023 Map Pool Tier List
Check out a new mod
Hello everyone
Check out my new mod "Calibers Balance Mod" although it has very little to do with balance at all, its more about exploring unit design and changing small things like projectiles, sounds and abilities of the units.
Here are some examples of these changes.
Turning the tac missile defense of the summit into a short range gatling gun to deal with pesky frigates who get into your personal space.
Changing the Corsair projectile from rockets to a unique emp bomb that can stun those stubborn T2 UEF turtle bases.
Turning the Absolver into a rather expensive but OP EMP tank that fires a cloud burst projectile that stuns enemy units for 4 seconds, giving Aeon a much needed buff in the t3 phase.
Creating a cybran SACU shield disrupter preset, taking that perk from the Aeon as in my opinion it suits the cybrans alternative aproach to gaining an advantage on the battlefield.
Speaking of SACU's the seraphim now have a regen aura preset, stolen from the commander, aswell as an ARAS preset.
Giving the Aeon T3 arty the ability to hover, as it suits the unit and has no visible tracks as the original movement type seems to suggest.
One of the largest changes I have made is to T1 and T2 navy, as all submarines are now T2, there was no real dynamic to T1 subs. These new T2 subs have very low Hp but very high DPS, designed to kill frigates, cruisers and battleships with ease but get wrecked by destroyers.
Here is an example of a projectile change. the cybran t3 gunship only fires a single shot dispite having a double muzzle and that projectile isnt very interesting. So I utilized the double muzzle funtion as it now fires two shots at once with a more interesting projectile.
A small change made was to the UEF and Sera T1 PD, all T1 PD are essentialy the same, theres nothing interesting that seperates them, until now, I noticed that the UEF PD sound effect cant quite keep up with the high fire rate so slowing the fire rate and increasing the DPS helped with that issue, unless you pay very close attention most wont notice the sera T1 pd has a double muzzle but fires in a way that doesnt show, so I doubled up the shot by adding a delay that makes it more interesting and seperates it from the other PDs adding a little bit to the faction diversity.
These are just a few of many changes I have made alongside some visual and sound changes. aswell as swaping projectiles that I think suit some of the units better.
If you have any suggestions for new abilities or things you think might fit other units let me know and we can have a look.
RE: Should Strategic Missile Submarine be able to make AntiNukes?
On the topic of this thread i have thrown together a mod that gives navy a strategic missile defense ability, it's simple but effective.
but if your interested its called " Naval Anti Nuke"
I have basically created a clone of the Missile subs and sera battleship but removed the nuke attack and given nuke defense, all other aspects of the units remain the same.
The nuke defense subs have shorter range from static defense from 90 down to 70 and the seraphim battleship is 60
and they are surface fire only!
the submarine storage is 3 and the seraphim battleship is 1
the battleship is different as people make a whole load more battleships than missile subs.
I made the mod quite quickly so i am aware of somethings that need improvement but if you use the mod please feel free to leave me any feedback.
RE: Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread
Loving the new higher rate of getting map gen maps by the way
So i have a suggestion that i hope could save quite a lot of fustration with frequent updates.
Currently there are links to information on changes to other sources in various places that i think from speaking to other players are poorly understood how to even check for updates and understand why when where those changes are being made.
Most people who are not invested into contributing to faf do not go the extra few clicks to find extra info
Speaking to other players after the most recent updates, most people did not realise that the mobile factories have now changed and are fustrated that they could not build from them any more as they didnt realise the changes that have been made, also the most recent change to ringing structures has confused a large amount of the players i speak to who have resorted going back to using the old templates to ring mexes as they dont understand the changes that have been made or understand why.
my solution to prevent the confusion is to place this info onto the newsfeed of the opening page of faf (not just a link) so that this can be very easily seen and understand what is changing, why its changing and when its changing.
Or Even place all this information about changes that is on the forum but in another tab in the client.
RE: The Problems With The UEF - Part 7 (The Ravager)
inspired by comradestryker i made this little mod to the Ravager that now fires the projectile from the TMD without stoping for reloading giving it non stop fire power!, imo it does look more realistic though the only issue now is finding a sound that fits, however in testing there seems to be very little down time from the sound effect re playing so it seems to be up to the task for now.
RE: Matchmaker 0_0
3039 vs 978 is not a match in any humans mind, I would rather not have a game at all than have games like this.
Does the matchmaker not pair up equal opponents? at least on rating.
TMM map team error
Teams not correctly aligned on this map in the tmm
aslo this map has two unbuildable mexes
RE: Satellite overperforming.
an idea i just had would be to turn the novax into a factory that has to build the satalites, kinda does this anyway when they get shot down.
base of novax could be cheaper with sats having increased build time and costs ect
with options of which satalite you want to make such as*intel only sat
*defense sat that does more dps but has a range limit
*current sat, renamed to something like offensive sat without intel just visionjust an creative idea
Latest posts made by Caliber
adjustable LOD cutoffs
Allow players to manualy adjust lod cutoffs based on individual pc performance. like having a slider in the options menu in game.
Mutliple LODs exist in order to make performance better when there are too many units on screen at any one time.
This works by showing you lower res images the further you zoom out.
This is great for players who have low performing computers or moniters but looks really ugly for those of us running 4k.
However most people these days have very high performing computers, and would like to make the most of them even if faf only uses single core.
Single core stronk in modern computers!Most things get very ugly at the cut off like units and even props like tress and rocks. some dont even have a lod1 so they just disapear all together past 130 zoom.
RE: Wish-A-Mod Foundation
Allow a dead team mate acu to respawn from quantum gateway.
Allow the ACU to ignore pathing of friendly units.
Title says it really.
ACU is blocked by own units and friendly units of team members during vital engages.
It would be nice to be able to move ACU freely without bumping into own units, enemy units would still block ACU for all of you dirty shift G enjoyers out there.
I think this would be a good thing as I dont believe players consider the known poor pathing in this game to be a positive aspect.
RE: Ranked vs unranked games
In the lobby check all the options are standard options, all sim mods will auto unrank any game, but some maps are also unranked but the only way to check this is to look for the exact map in the map vault because it doesnt show in lobby. or stick to maps you know. mapgen maps are all ranked.
@FtXCommando how can you say harbs are better than percy
percy has much better range, health, dps and are amphibious
only thing harbs have is that they are cheap
Aeon is a strange faction they are over strong in some areas and very week in others
Aurora is OP on maps that are mixed water maps and outrange an upgraded com but are trash at raiding and get murdered by any air.
Destros are both OP and week as hell, very good range and damage but if oponent just moves their destros in circles then aeon destros are usless, I beat like 6 aeon destros with 3 sera destro just by cirlcing them aeon missed almost every shot.
Harbingers are good early on but get murdered by percy and bricks so the longer the game goes on the worse they get.
GC has less dps than the mokeylord so its not good enough to counter the weekness of harbingers.
Czars need to be directly over anything they try and kill so die very easily to sams but have less health than the bug.
Aeon has strengths but overall I find it to be weeker than any other faction.
RE: Decapitation should be a rated victory condition
If this mode ever gets implemented i believe it would become the standard and most played option. and will ease my personal hatred of t2 air sniping which the balance team see as no issue with, even though 9/10 games end with early com snipes making the average game length of 12-15 mins and with the average lobby length about 30mins not exact. = proves that FAF players prefer lobby sim over actual game.
RE: 15minutes of gaming?
Same thing with com snipes really, some players actively just try to kill coms as quickly as possible mostly with t2 air, but it just ends the game quickly and there is literally no enjoyment from either side, just one player who gets to say I win and its over. this is one of the issues that honestly make me just want to quit FAF altogether as theres no point in playing games that end quickly and in this way. I would rather just give a player 20 points than spending 10-12 mins in game and boom com gone, game over, next. What a complete waste of time.
RE: 15minutes of gaming?
@ZLO desire to win vs enjoyment from playing
- short games means less time playing and more time in lobby sim, which suggests that you dont enjoy playing but actualy only enjoy the concept of winning.
- long games means more time playing the game you like to play, sometimes although rarely it is possible to enjoy games that you lose if there are fun dynamic aspects to that game.
RE: 15minutes of gaming?
I have to agree players spend 30 plus mins in lobby just to desperatly end the game quickly by shift g units, its pretty sad state of play.