When you setup the game make the speed adjustable and then increase it a bit in game, +1 or +2 is barely noticeable in terms of getting things done but will conclude the game signifigantly quicker.
i like the deploying engineer idea or merging them based on tech level using a mass to merge inefficiency ratio so 5 t1 engys become a t2 and 12 t1 engys become a t3 engineer to discourage blatantly spamming t1 engys and expecting a 100% conversion ratio with no penalties
BAR has something like this https://www.beyondallreason.info/active-battles. I think the one for FAF could look similar, just with more info, and maybe provide more info when you click it or something.
I think in general FAF could do well with some nice website features.
Or make it easy to see the 5 (?) most played maps of any player in lobby (might require a bit of UI work). If most played map is "Gap v27" people will understand what that means if they are in "Gap v28" lobby.
RK's explosions is ranked and way better if we talk about graphics,can't be counted as an UI but still a wonderful mod that might be forgotten or smth,try it,maybe you'll find something new or some other opportunities
Yeah it's kinda sad sometime, I remember wanting to abuse T2 cybran ACU drop to capture destros. Using the transport weapon to stun the destro, while ACU capture it. But you can't shoot at the unit being captured. I guess ground firing on the spot the destro is might work.
If you find someone who will code it then we can talk about it. In the mean time you can pm a moderator with a screen shot. We will kick the player for you.
We're slowly force-upgrding people from older version. But a lot of people have really slow internet and are not pleased if I tell them to download 130mb on each minor release.