We don't tolerate it. If you see such a lobby name, pm me or an other moderator and we will close it. Games and conversations can be reported via the report tool in the client.

Best posts made by Voodoo
RE: Hate hate
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
There was a tool/webside for gpgnet (official client from 2006 - 2012) called "player tracker". There you saw how many players voted for or against a player. You could say he played bad / normal / good / great and mark him as a toxic player or quitter. The tool wasn't working with FAF, so it is offline now.
My friends aren't playing FAF anymore for a simple reason. The time is too long before a game starts. These endless balance discussions are the worst. So TMM is a great thing. Koecher and Freshy are playing 2vs2 with me again as it is so simple to start a game.
RE: Do moderators still review reports?
We are working on the day 2020-10-14 at the moment and there are 424 open reports. We get around 7 reports per today. We will work on your report soon. Sorry that you have to wait such a long time.
RE: Team Matchmaker beta release NOW AVAILABLE!
I have no problems so far after 3 games. Thanks a lot for making this possible! I love it.
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
There was a clan ladder in gpgnet and at least the top 10 clans have done training seasons each weeks. The trainers were motivated as they wanted to see their clan rising and the new clan members were motivated as they wanted to support their clan.
Today we have a trainer team. So let's say each thursday e.g. from 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm they would be online in the #newbies channel and you can ask them everything. They could review replays and so on. It would be only one hour per week and if the team is large enough you don't have to do it every week.
I will try this today and be active in the #newbie channel from 7 to 8 pm gmt+1 and make some advertise before it.
RE: are there 40+ years old FAF players ?
I'm 36 now and I feel so old ^^
I can't reach a good apm anymore. I was a lot faster 10 years ago.
RE: New forum woo
It is so nice and easy to use. Looks very well so far.
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
Yes this Nvidia bug is a huge problem. Two of my friends had the same problem, they played a game and had no clue why it's lagging so hard until I told them.
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
No need to report it. I watched the replay and will take appropriate action.
RE: Age vs Skill
I am 33 and I'm too slow for this game now. My best time was 2010 until 2012 when I reached a 2700 rating. Also I started with a 2300 rating when FAF launched but I'm down to around 1800 at the moment. My click per minute are just too low. Also there are so many new maps and improvements that I can't follow. So my age goes up and my skill goes down but that isn't the only reason for sure. I also had more time in the past.
Latest posts made by Voodoo
RE: are there 40+ years old FAF players ?
I'm 36 now and I feel so old ^^
I can't reach a good apm anymore. I was a lot faster 10 years ago.
RE: What would make ladder less stressful, intense, or scary?
Build orders are part of the game. I realy like it to see a map were I have a good build order. Also build orders are counterable. If I know what my opponent is doing then I can try to thwart his plans.
I'm not playing 1vs1 anymore as I simply don't like the maps. I would prefer 5x5 km land maps. The other maps are stressfull as you have to trop islands or you have a disadvantage against hover factions.
RE: Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit
@magge said in Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit:
UEF T3 Battleship (Summit Class) - Seeing that unit in action with his tremendous firepower and range is just majestic.
Can’t agree more. Also the UEF COM is very cool in my eyes.
RE: Kings of the Leagues - 1v1 Tournaments for Silver, Gold, and Diamond Players
Can I play too? Yes yes I'm Master 2 but you know I'm playing more like Diamond. ^^
RE: Moderation reports being actioned?
@gruffman said in Moderation reports being actioned?:
Again, just curious how much work is involved in verifying the accuracy of reports?
Here are the steps we do normally:
- Open the moderation tool and read the report.
- Check for name changes.
- Check for previous bans or warnings.
- Watching the replay or the game chat.
- Closing the report with a notice of our decision.
- Creating a forum post about the user/action.
- If it is only a warning, pming the user.
A problem is also if the users talked in other languages in game.
RE: Moderation reports being actioned?
We are working on report number 3843 created 2021-02-13.
Your report has the number 4546. -
RE: Hate hate
We don't tolerate it. If you see such a lobby name, pm me or an other moderator and we will close it. Games and conversations can be reported via the report tool in the client.
RE: Zero people on 2v2 queue?
It is not easy to find a 2vs2 game via the matchmaker. The playerbase is too low. The best time is in the evening (europe time zone).
RE: Age vs Skill
I am 33 and I'm too slow for this game now. My best time was 2010 until 2012 when I reached a 2700 rating. Also I started with a 2300 rating when FAF launched but I'm down to around 1800 at the moment. My click per minute are just too low. Also there are so many new maps and improvements that I can't follow. So my age goes up and my skill goes down but that isn't the only reason for sure. I also had more time in the past.