I think there might be a naming issue. People see "Brigadier Fletcher Tournament" and think "oh that's the mapping tournament, I already read about that". Not noticing that this is a separate (albeit related) gameplay tournament
That is a problem yes, changing textures like that. They'd blip into view at the end
Couldn’t we sell it as the lights being switched on at the end of the construction process and just leave the animation running with non player related neutral colors like black?
The mat black on the redesigned support factory pillars which support the fins over the build area looks wrong. At least add the lighting effects of white dots from the original model to break up the ugly texture.
Agreed (with above post). Additionally having visually striking differences between a support and HQ factory help gameplay. Making the differences too minor (or non-existent) has already been showcased with ACU's and SACU's.
Or maybe the meta needs to change, instead of letting the main air slot get to T3 Air at 9/10 mins mark scout to check if they are going T3 and push them hard with T2 Air.
yes that is quite literally the counter to t3 air rush meta, it's just that 99% of players are either bad or lazy
99.9% is not true, just look at the old babyrage that came from haven’s reef being in ladder and bombing the trucks.
Another map this happened all the time was the wonder version with an omni wreck in mid, was meta for every mid slot to send an arty to instantly kill it, or a lab to kill enemy arty followed by an engie.
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