Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite)

Came across this comment on a Gyle video:

Basically, it's like assassination except players don't lose once their ACU dies. The whole team loses when all of their ACUs die.

This almost certainly wouldn't be ranked, but might be an improvement over Full Share. Would people be interested if development time was put into this?

how is that an improvement? the whole point of fullshare is that 1 person now has to micro 2 bases.

Forumpros doing balance .
When a canis player remembers to build more than 3 units .

That you can still play even if you did something dumb? Might be an improvement for the player who wants to continue playing after x failed matchmaking attempts.
Also I have seen enough casts where killing an ACU too early means the team loosing a playe has a faster eco development since its more concentrated. In this scenario here you get a little bit punished because you no longer have an ACU which is still quite a good weapon or resource generator to some extent.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
– Benno Rice

@turinturambar When your ACU is killed you still would have all your bases, units, engineers etc and could still play. The game would only be won or lost when all the ACUs on your team are dead.

Yeah I'd definitely play this game mode.

@deribus This should be extremely easy to set up

You could create a test version with a SIM mod that you would use with "Supremacy" or "Annihilation" game modes (either one would work the same)

The test mod would basically do the following:

Every so often, test if the team has any ACUs left. If not, exterminate all units belonging to that team. Once all the units are dead, the in-game logic for "annihilation" or "supremacy" mode should trigger a victory (or, if applicable, a draw).

"Every so often" would probably mean (1) every time an ACU dies and (2) every 5 seconds, just in case for some reason the game logic misses that the last ACU died, so you don't have a game that drags on incorrectly.

There are LUA coders in this community who could probably make that mod in literally less than 10 minutes.

I don't know how much extra effort it would take to add that as a standalone game mode alongside "Assassination" "Annihilation" etc. but that's not even something to worry about until you've had a chance to test whether people enjoy playing it. If you made it into a standalone game mode, you could enable those matches to be ranked of course.

I think it would make the game much better. I always wanted to be able to give the ACU to teammates as well.

I would play this gamemode some. Btw, this seems more like assassination-lite (a cross between assassination and annihilation) than full share-lite.

pfp credit to gieb


It’s literally all the problems people have with full share except actually realized since now suicide rambo is great and doesn’t cause a general decrease in apm/eco efficiency.

@brutus5000 said in Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite):

That you can still play even if you did something dumb? Might be an improvement for the player who wants to continue playing after x failed matchmaking attempts.
Also I have seen enough casts where killing an ACU too early means the team loosing a playe has a faster eco development since its more concentrated. In this scenario here you get a little bit punished because you no longer have an ACU which is still quite a good weapon or resource generator to some extent.

This changes absolutely nothing in these cases. People lose a full share game like this because they gas full eco to snipe with no way to push the advantage which in turn allows the enemy team to stabilize and macro in peace. This would cause the exact same thing except it would be even easier to recover as the losing team since you don’t have another player having to readapt their macro around a new base.

This is the same argument people had explaining why full share is bad in team games. Again, if 4 eco under 1 guy is more efficient than 4 eco under 4 guys then every high level teamgame would be doing it. Every full share game would be the high level player asking for all bases at min 7 and every game with this share condition would be the exact same thing.

If people want a mix between assassination and full share then I asked Sheikah to make a mod that basically blows up units on ACU death but not structures so it’s a full share with a more damaging impact from an ACU death. I’d say it’s a better fit for 10x10 teamgames but not necessary for 20x20 ones.

Also the system wouldn't work as well as it did in TA as Supcom doesn't have units in early game you build that provide E Storage outside well an E storage. And Sparkies (and Paragons). In the FAF Version of Supcom FA.

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

Isn't this more like full share one up instead of full share light? An ACU death has even less impact because you don't lose the APM of the player

The name is really not the part to be focused on here :P, I'm sure there'd be some creative name for it should we implement it

I mean the name is important in regards to it failing to represent the whole point that the comment you quoted is getting at.

It doesn’t represent a balance between full share and assassination it represents the absolute extremity of full share and what the commentators you got this quote from hate about full share. It solves nothing about rambo coms necessitating some massive snipe all in that results in low rated players gassing their long term ability to play the game.

@Deribus I went ahead and implemented it in the mod called Decapitation that I just uploaded. So if you want to see how it would play out feel free try it out.

it's a pretty good suggestion

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

Also think this gamemode would just promote crazy com rush tactics, highlighting the things some dislike about fullshare already.

I like that idea, it could make the game more relaxing, you have less pressure to dissapoint your teammates.

Had a similar idea months ago, like an escape-pod for your Com. When your Com gets killed an pod ( 20000 HP or so)
luanches and you have 1 min fuel to land somewhere.
You get a secound chance with a mini-me version ( 1000 HP, 10dps ) of your com, but if he gets killed then its finally over.

"crazy com rush" sounds fun 🙂
True, it would make sense to suicide when you can kill a massive enemy army.

I somewhat agree with ftx, in that this new gamemode could introduce some very weird, probably unfun strategies in games with experienced players. I'm not sure that really matters though, as most experienced players will stay with the current ranked modes anyway.

Your suggested mode would be a great tool for new player onboarding though!

The coop campaign works on the "loose only if all ACUs die" rule already, and I always thought it made teaching FAF to complete newbies a lot easier.

I wouldn't put a lot of time into developing the mode, the target audience is probably rather small, but if you can cobble it together without much effort it sounds like a great idea 🙂

@ghnaf said in Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite):

I like that idea, it could make the game more relaxing, you have less pressure to dissapoint your teammates.

Had a similar idea months ago, like an escape-pod for your Com. When your Com gets killed an pod ( 20000 HP or so)
luanches and you have 1 min fuel to land somewhere.
You get a secound chance with a mini-me version ( 1000 HP, 10dps ) of your com, but if he gets killed then its finally over.

"crazy com rush" sounds fun 🙂
True, it would make sense to suicide when you can kill a massive enemy army.

Supcom 2 has this as an upgrade for one of the ACUs. Pretty fun upgrade imo, not sure if it would work in faf. Perhaps as a late game upgrade.

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Madness 1 - 10

@deribus said in Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite):

Came across this comment on a Gyle video:

Basically, it's like assassination except players don't lose once their ACU dies. The whole team loses when all of their ACUs die.

This almost certainly wouldn't be ranked, but might be an improvement over Full Share. Would people be interested if development time was put into this?

ACU rush would be too powerful. Just sacrifice your ACU to kill all eco of your opponent, while still being able to command your forces. Too much of a good deal imo. With Assassination you have to be careful with your ACU. With Full Share a bit less, but if you die, your team still looses a lot of APM and attention. With the proposed system your team only looses one unit.

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Madness 1 - 10