singing up with ftxcommander
Balance Team
RE: u1900 1v1 Tournament
Noc instantly practicing now that he can finally play in lots next year
RE: NOC Resignation from TD Lead
Thanks for organising all the tourneys and keeping the ship running for the past 2 years. I think it goes without saying that we all appreciate the effort and time you poured into the competitive scene when it was at its lowest point. The tournament team expanded recently and I hope they will continue the efforts to improve the competitive scene and bring more exciting tournaments for all of the community to enjoy. I know we haven't always agreed on everything but I really do appreciate you taking over and nearly single-handedly keeping everything together. I wish you well and hopefully, we will have many tournaments ahead of us.
RE: Bug Report:SMD missing target
Never heard of this being possible to fix. I always thought it was some unfixable bug
RE: Old replays
AFAIK old replays are on a separate hard drive but they are not accessible through the client nor API