I am abandoning Aeon

Fine, you're right, FAF is pretty well balanced. Even though snipers require lots of attention and apparently a certain critical mass, they are still perfectly serviceable units.

I was not suggesting that snipers need a buff. I just don't like them. I would rather have Percivals or loyalists instead of snipers in the aeon army.

I can't believe I just read someone saying Aeon t2 and t3 lands are the worst.

@snoog Go ahead. Tell me which other factions have worse T2 and or T3 land.

all of them, only arguable one is uef at t2

Next question

@thecrimsonknight said in I am abandoning Aeon:

like I get it that you guys probably get a lot of crying from players but you didn't need to do him like that LOL

yeah they do, his post is completely nonsensical and untrue

@funkoff said in I am abandoning Aeon:

@snoog Go ahead. Tell me which other factions have worse T2 and or T3 land.

t e c h 3

Harbingers beat titans and loyalists.
Snipers beat percivals and bricks. (EDIT: I just read you like counter sniper bots with T1 bombers, but that unfortunately is less likely to work against a competent player who actually uses mobile shields)

that's the entire t3 uef and cybran roster dealt with.
Harbingers are better than othuums, but sera has t3 mobile shields, but aeon has absolvers, so across the board we'll call that a tie.
Top 2.

t e c h 2

Blazes are probably the best hover tank. Cheap ( = not weak to OC), strong for its low cost, fast, good range
Hover flak is a very nice unit only two factions have access to
Hover shield; only 2 factions have a mobile shield, but the aeon one hovers
Obsidians completely annihilate every single t2 unit in the game, except for maybe ilshies, but those are OC food. Are obsidians OC food? No, aeon has mobile shields
#1 T2 stage.

Its mml might be the worst though so that's one point for you

@waffelznoob said in I am abandoning Aeon:

but sera has t3 mobile shields

Question, for their cost are the Sera t3 mobile shields really any better than asylums for how much they cost? Iirc it's like 2x the shield hp for 4x the cost or something like that. Especially for the use case of protecting snipers I feel like well managed asylums might actually be better with how cheap they are, but there are a lot of factors like splash damage over multiple weaker shields vs fewer stronger shields that I'm not sure about.

But yeah Aeon t2/t3 land is pretty inarguably either the best or second best among all the factions.

less shields = less overspill, you need vastly more e storage to instakill the sera shield compared to asylum

asylum is stupid and should have -75 e just as parashield but phim shield is also insanely fat for only costing -150 e

@waffelznoob said in I am abandoning Aeon:

Its mml might be the worst though so that's one point for you

Aeon MML has 2 hp on the missile, so it's the second best.
Cybran (super rapid fire splitting missiles) > Aeon (2 HP + high alpha dmg) > UEF (2 shot burst of 1 HP missiles) > Seraphim (rapid fire 1 HP missiles)
Arguably, aeon has the best MML if the cybran split missiles hit a shield before being shot at by TMD.

but that means aeon mml is worse against aeon tmd. 3rd place definitely!

@angelofd347h said in I am abandoning Aeon:

Lets look more realisitcally at our win rates since the last balance patch:


Time to buff cybran and sera, nerf the UEF

I keep seeing these charts being screenshot, where does this come from?

@redx said in I am abandoning Aeon:

@angelofd347h said in I am abandoning Aeon:

Lets look more realisitcally at our win rates since the last balance patch:


Time to buff cybran and sera, nerf the UEF

I keep seeing these charts being screenshot, where does this come from?


@ftxcommando It's perhaps telling that the first part of that tier list that mad me scratching my head was aeon's '4' in late tier:1! 😄
(To explain: MY head says 'late T1' is T1 when armies have gotten really large. When armies are big enough, the range of aurora, and how it allows the front 7 ranks of aurora to shoot while the front 3 ranks of striker/mantis/thaam, makes aurora win mass for mass, despite their hitpoint deficit, against other tanks when the unit counts get high enough! I'm assuming it's to do with bad combat artillery or movespeed something else past my understanding.)

Thanks for that list btw. I think lists like this from experienced players are really valuable for discussion, despite being guaranteed to face a ton more criticism than agreement!

(My other feelings are that the 'advantages' of the numbers aren't always equal - I know that's not the point, but people easily go thinking that the advantage of seraphim T1 air over UEF is equal to the advantage of UEF T2 land over seraphim, or similar 'granularity problems' - I'm not sure anyone is adding the numbers up for a total, though!)

Aeon was top 2 in late t1 stage when they had a free 35 gun acu, now they have a rambo acu that isn't that remarkable comparable to other factions while aurora are eaten by enemy gun acus. You just lose long term, especially with t1 bombers existing to suicide drop on your clumps.

Also in large t1 clumps, arty becomes just as important as tanks and aeon arty is strictly the shittiest at dealing with armies.

@ftxcommando said in I am abandoning Aeon:

now they have a rambo acu that isn't that remarkable comparable to other factions while aurora are eaten by enemy gun acus.

Ah, thanks! That makes a lot of sense!
When I roll aeon I tend to prioritise the fire-rate increase, in order to protect my aurora from those pushes that force the aurora HP to feature spectacularly in my loss! 🙂

Those charts are cool but meaningless, look at mine, you can make some crazy statements about Cybran being completely broken

90% win rate and I barely play the faction, clearly Cybran needs a load of nerfs. (games since 2022-01-01)

@freedom_ said in I am abandoning Aeon:

Those charts are cool but meaningless, look at mine, you can make some crazy statements about Cybran being completely broken

90% win rate and I barely play the faction, clearly Cybran needs a load of nerfs. (games since 2022-01-01)

It's more meaningful when you have more than 12 games on the faction 😛

The only things about Aeon that currently bothers me is that the Chrono Dampener is highly dependent on gun range to consider using, so no more T2-Chrono support, and the Mercy doesn't know what it wants to be when it grows up.

@tankenabard The mercy knew what it was, was forced to change because society didn't appreciate its uniqueness, and has since been suffering from terminal depression.

It's persecution, really.

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