Im definitely the oldest user who still checks these forums. Ive written up the history once or twice before. I was also the author of the original FAFpatch. When zep first wrote in gpgnet chat that there needs to be an alternative for when gpgnet eventually fails, which I think he wrote in 2009 or 2010, I immediately understood what he ment and threw my unwaivering support behind ZEP and faf.
Zep did the client side faf development, and I did the FAF side lua modding. I was never a fantastic coder (Im not a programmer in my day job) so most of my work was finding the best FA mods and including them in the FAF patch. The first one was the shipwreck mod. Then I adapted it to work for hover wrecks and aircraft wrecks in water. Then I added the community bugfix patch that I found in the gpgnet vault (and which more talented modders than myself had made).
The only 3 large FAF features which I coded myself were the air/hover wrecks in water, the anti-offmapping script, and the shield interference script to nerf shield stacking.
Faf is still my favorite game ever, I just cant play it much anymore because I have 3 young children, so I can't just spend all day on my PC anymore ;-(