Random UI improvements [UI mod]
Messed around with this a bit in sandbox, very awesome mod!
i Flagged this mod coz it sounds too good to be true
P Photek referenced this topic on
J Jip referenced this topic on
all is good, but EasyReclaim broke my default reclaim button, i cant use it from keyboard, i saw hotkeys on the bar, but i cant use it from keyboards, if i use mouse all is ok. hoy to fix it? and when i deleted mod, hotkeys still in F1 panel.
@m00nshiner there is reclaim fix mod for those situations, use it once and it will fix reclaim order
@mr-skill-issue thanks for such a quick response, I got acquainted with your mods, and I managed to fix everything. Thanks
Has anyone ever used the move patrol order feature in the base game on purpose (that this mod fixes lol)
@veteranashe said in Random UI improvements [UI mod]:
Has anyone ever used the move patrol order feature in the base game on purpose (that this mod fixes lol)
Yes, I used it on purpose, way back when, back before I used a keyboard shortcut to set up patrols. That was a thing that I did a very long time ago. It was easier than clicking on the patrol icon to set up a patrol.
I just right click to create a patrol, so i don't need a hotkey for that and the mod can't remove that functionality anyway.
J Jip referenced this topic on
J Jip referenced this topic on
J Jip referenced this topic on
J Jip referenced this topic on
I am not sure that this mod's reclaim ability is responsible, but at one point during a game, I could only reclaim things and could not order anything else. Although, when it broke, the cursor icon did not have the green outline this mod uses. It was like this: when a unit is selected, if I hover the cursor above another unit, it changes to the default reclaim icon, and I can only reclaim; right click and ESC do nothing. I did change my E to this mod's reclaim before that happened.
99.9% guaranteed that this mod is responsible for that. Luckily, we're integrating it and re-implement it entirely. You can see that here: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4705/upcoming-developers-patch
And you can already give it a spin too, on the
FAF Develop
game type -
Thx Strogo
J Jip referenced this topic on
J Jip referenced this topic on
This post is deleted! -
Does this mod still works? Easyreclaim not working for me
Check the latest changelogs; all these mods were deprecated, some features implemented, some not.
Jip's last post in this same thread point you to it.
Easy reclaim wasn`t implement. Can anyone fix this mod or seperate to make easyreclaim work again? This new patch didnt add this feature and made collision. I loved this mod so much.
D deletethis referenced this topic on
i really like this mod, can anyone fix it?
What part are you missing?
I miss the hard move feature from the RUI mod. Spamming move commands close by without accidently converting those to a patrol command is pretty good. Especially useful e.g. dodge T1 arties with ACU or backward micro a Megalith.
We're working on that one - the logic is all in place. We're just need to attach it to a hotkey.
EasyReclaim is also missing. Still you can click to reclaim "nothing".