Need UI Mod? Let me know

I'll look into it Zlo but kinda got a backlog of stuff already. And SCTA things been keeping me busy.

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

@Yadle Oh god, THANK YOU for the small version!
I've installed full strategic icons mod from original thread and had a constant thought in my head "what was the point to change all icons? you've successfully made everything indistinguishable junk, just like with original icons"


Let me always see the current commands. At the moment we have to hold the shift key. Maybe togglable or something to see it permantly.

@D06pblH9l Hey no worries, glad it helped someone. Guessing that means you got it to work? Not sure why just placing the .nxt file in that directory doesn't work, but I know going into it once the mod is already installed and deleting the icons you don't want changed, and replacing those you do with the ones (or others) that I uploaded works. I've since changed the TML and TMD back to their original icons as well, but keeping the purple/red outlines that the mod introduces. (Also gave my ACU a cowboy hat for a few games, but decided against keeping that =P.) Here's the file with the updated TML and TMD icons if you want it.

may i download anvanced strategic icons from other site? dis is not working - error 404 all time i try to open it

@PapaMi0 try again now. I believe they were having some technical difficulties with links when archiving old forum.

@Deribus oh, thank you!

UI mod that stops UI bar going back to build options when you deselect things with buildpower/blueprints from bottom bar.


Thisis the right link to the old forum post:

You can't download from there,
but this is the latest installer i found:

I propose a 'More Hotkeys' UI mod that lets the user press a hotkey/key binding to toggle to additional layouts of hotkeys/key bindings (this concept could be compared to how some people set a key binding on their keyboard that lets them switch to typing with a different alphabet... it basically doubles (or more) the amount of options that can be bound to keys). This UI mod would enable the user to set up the hotkeys/key bindings in the in-game key bindings menu (which would presumably need some adjustments as part of the mod). Doing this would enable both lay users and pros to set up double, triple, quadruple, etc as many easily accessible hotkeys/key bindings. This UI mod would be very useful, especially at higher levels, and could easily become a FAF staple.

pfp credit to gieb

Won't be used, the longer you play the harder it is to switch up your hotkeys. I am really excited to try out the Hotkey Key mod that enables you to bind non conflicting hotkeys to the same key but It;s a lot of work to change your hotkeys and get used to the new set up so ...

Tagada did you try the hotkey keys mod out yet?

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

Not yet, it would require basically a full rework of my hotkeys and that requires a lot of work

Maybe a mod that allows exps to be infinite built. Idk if its possible from an ui mod but if it is it would make huge eco games alot easier

@spikeynoob said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:

Maybe a mod that allows exps to be infinite built. Idk if its possible from an ui mod but if it is it would make huge eco games alot easier

In a factory build queue, you can left-click on the icon for a tank to tell the factory to make more tanks. Or right-click to reduce the number of tanks.

In an engineer's build queue, you can right-click on the icon for a structure to tell the engineer to make 1 less of that.

Would it be possible to allow you to left-click on the icon for a structure to tell the engineer to make MORE copies of the structure? This would only work for structures that get up and walk away when completed (like T3 sonar, experimentals, crab eggs)

Left-clicking on the icon for such a structure would tell the engineer to make more copies of the thing in the same place.

That's not exactly the same thing as an infinite queue, but if you queue up 100 czars on the same "footprint" with just 20 clicks that would be more efficient and not very different from being able to do an infinite queue.

Alternatively, a solution to your problem might be a SIM mod: make a new factory type called "experimental factory" that can build experimentals. For example, the factory might cost as much as 30 T3 engineers, and it would have as much build power as 30 t3 engineers and you'd need a t3 engineer to make it. That would be an easy way to allow players to queue up an infinite number of experimental units for construction for big eco games. So you wouldn't need to get into the weeds of making a UI mod.

Can you make a UI mod that adds the sheesh sound effect to chat like a chat taunt. Can you also make it audible to all players if they have the UI mod, similar to the emoticon mod.
Here is a sample sound


A mod that shows the right numbers in the UI for mass/e:

Not sure getting to that. Been busier than I’ve expected too witj scta stuff

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

Надеюсь не проблема, что без перевода.
За HotKeyOrders огромная благодарность. Настроить сходу не сумел, было бы легче имея функционирующий пример - редактируя под себя по шаблону. Но думаю разберусь.

По предлагаемым модам:
Буду рад, если что-то из ниже перечисленного найдёт отклик.

~ ~ ~

  • Выделив разные типы юнитов, последовательно переключиться до нужного:
    Типичная ситуация — выбрана солянка из множества: ACU + t1eng + t2eng + t3eng, в приоритет попадает ACU с ограниченным строительным набором → t1eng>t2eng>t3eng. Приходится вручную переключать вкладку на список юнитов и не перепутать иконку.
    Стандартная команда переключения классов air-land-naval — никуда не годится.

@sir-prize said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:

  • Клавиша быстрого переключение вертикальных вкладок для облегчения контроля:
    • строительство
    • список выбранных объектов
    • улучшения командира.
  • Клавиша переключения вкладки тех. уровня в фабрике и у строителей:
    • 1/2/3/EXP последовательно и/или на нужный.
  • Клавиши переключения режима overcharge:
  1. on/off
  2. on
  3. off
  • Комбинация для "строго исключения" всех попавших в рамку выбора юнитов.
    • Условная комбинация: [shift+alt+select] - исключать из выбора всех попавших в рамку юнитов
    Стандартный shift работает на добавление, при хотя бы одном новом юните, а для исключения приходится последовательно прокликивать через: [ctrl+shift+click].
  • Освободить клавиши [space], [delete], [insert] от управления камеры.
  • Добавление альтернативных команд на действие, с функцией срабатывания по нажатию по нажатию клавиши, без кликов. Например на move, или reclaim, или attack, etc... Аналогично для shit+key комбинаций.
  • Hotkey для выбора юнитов/фабрик из списка бездействующих по типу:
    select all/nearest idle: factory
    select all/nearest idle: t1faс/t1airfaс/t1navyfaс
    select all/nearest idle: t2faс/t2airfaс/t2navyfaс
    select all/nearest idle: t3faс/t3airfaс/t3navyfaс
    select all/nearest idle: gate

~ ~ ~

@wainan said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:
.. I'd love a mod that makes players on a team all have similar colours ..
