@KaletheQuick said in Units with same icons - Tanks and bots mostly:
So on the 'purity' note there.
What is the functional difference between bots and tanks? Like, make a big ol venn diagram of everything, and ask, what real useful information is conveyed by the clipped diamond bot icon over the tank icon? I really like the icon scheme but legged walkers don't share any useful tactical group together, same with tanks. I would think an ideal icon system convey's at glance something meaninfgul, and the center icon does, direct fire, artillery, AA, that's good. But the outer shape diamond and clipped diamond just inform you if the unit has legs or 'other' Would it be better (and too annoying a change to make now) to have the diamond be fast attack units (and usually lower HP), like LABs, blaze, yenzyne, titan, and loyalist, and the 'tank' clipped diamond just mean heavy/slower unit, like t1 tanks, obsidian, ilshavoh, Brick and percy? Maybe a clipped navy semicircle for hover?
I think air has is good, with the delta, wide delta, and rhombus conveying information about how the unit moves.
Of course now I'm just remixing the available shapes in my head and trying to imagine what the unit would be. Get that wide delta with the sniper dash through it, or missile line. lol.
Its the difference/indicates High DPS & Low HP units. Through for Mantis and LAB its also imagine or well my personal belief next level counter intel, counter intel.