• Loading screen

    5 Votes
    8 Posts

    Nowadays the PCs are so strong that you see the loading screen for one second. The time to develop this feature is better invested in other features or to solve bugs.

  • #newbie irc suggestion for a client

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    I want it to ping me when someone chats in the #newbie channel, i want to be informed if something new is being typed.

  • Unofficial tournaments should be allowed on the forums

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    Feel free. You will get no avatars, you will get no FAF funds, you will get no FAF coverage, you won’t be on the FAF tourney page, and you will get no FAF news coverage.

    Oh yeah I dropped my smiley


  • FAF Spin-off title & Plans to take Supcom to the next level

    0 Votes
    27 Posts

    the desire of the players to make the project better for me has always warmed my soul as long as there are people like you, my favorite game will live thanks to you for this. you know when I accidentally found out about this game I was happy thanks to the streamer for that. but what I understood so unfortunately this game will not have a continuation in the form of global changes. to be honest, I like the game in the form in which it is now. the only thing I would like to fix is ​​the number of players and ads to attract new ones. ultimately I believe in the people who are doing this project right now, I am sure that every day it will get better and better. and thanks again for the job!

  • Ranks for everyone

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Yes, this basically sounds like a league system which is already nearing implementation.

  • [UI] Show number of units in bay (Carriers etc)

    3 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Emperor_Penguin said in [UI] Show number of units in bay (Carriers etc):

    If carriers could show units in them like air transports do, that would be great.

    Could be , also like air transpoorts, , put each type (wing) of planes in a diferent place when take off

  • What is a server?

    1 Votes
    20 Posts

    Locking this thread. Question has been answered thoroughly by multiple people.

    If you want assistance with connection issues feel free to ask in the tech forum.

  • Engineering Station / Drone behavior

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @John73John If your reclaiming something then use your hives to help with that. You may be having issues selecting your drones as it takes some skill to nail the selection just get your actions focused with both your engies and your stations and this issue won't happen. If your unsatisfied with what they're doing then hit stop, or disable them all together.

    Theres only a few buildings that are production holes like your talking about. Just hold shift and set up the orders you want done first then it will land on the sml or smd or nuke or experimental.

  • Player leave freezes unit control

    0 Votes
    23 Posts

    patronization aside I pitch lofty goals because it up averages the actual balanced expectations. Since many here are of the doom gloom please up my anti-depressant dose crowd I had to play the opposite.

  • Mode to disable your units leading targets

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • More informative piled up reclaim indicators

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    I suggest that you use advance reclaim info or other similar UI mods, they increase the font size and change the color of labels for higher value wreck.

  • (A)RAS: reduce nearby building consumption to zero

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    I'll try to stay out of this stuff in the future, during these lockdowns I don't need additional drama.

    What inspired me are 3 things

    the name: "Resource Allocation System", implies more about allocation than generation mass & power stalls can be fatal, an ACU upgrade that helps you deal with this can be fun RAS is boring and dumb as a 700 rated 1v1 player and Gyle-watcher at least.

    If (2) works out, then having an anti-stall RAS upgrade available at T1 might make it a popular option for beginning players, and pro players that see their opponent preparing massive eco harassment. I will not comment on how it could work, sorry..

  • Patterned fake random

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Ok, there's a lot wrong here. Randomness is always a good thing in games so games aren't always ending in the same result using the same methods.
    RTS and FPS are apples and tissues, they have no business being compared and many FPS have many random factors involved, the less there are the easier it is to cheat the system in some way (devices are made for CoD that can cancel recoil, introduction of predictable recoil just makes this even easier and even so not using said device.)
    Having a false random is a terrible idea, you can clearly see where your shots are landing with an RTS, the old "my bullets went right through the enemy" thing you get on an FPS becomes a problem very quickly.
    There are no recoil weapons in any game, usually they are called lasers, see TF2 memes on that with the Heavy. This does happen in that game's cheaters too.
    A spread pattern is great for RTS they way a shotgun is in close quarters, you aren't going to be dealing with 1 enemy ever in a proper RTS match AoE & unpredictable shot patterns FTW here on both sides (randomly).
    I personally would like to see a spread pattern added to more units if anything like Strategic Bombers than to turn one into a no skill weapon that anyone can use (see new guns introduced to CoD for this that the majority of players use due to imbalance(s)).
    As with fighting one unit only, using only artillery should not happen an if you are talking about the Fixed t3 or t4 installations, remember that is a half-full map range scout and target = no lose situation = no fun for anyone but the first to build one.
    Randomness working is almost equivalant to luck if it isn't already and pulling off a lucky play or shot just feels satisfying in any game doesn't it?
    I am sorry if i misunderstood anything written above due to any kind of language barriers but this is how I feel on the subject regardless.

  • Remove infinite scroll

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hamburger menu in the top right, settings, pagination, set whatever you'd prefer

  • Change in CSS for single-line code highlighting

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • LUA-code highlighting on the forums

    2 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Tactical missiles should have different color dots

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    That's a good idea. Friendly could be a slightly different color than unfriendly. I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to implement. The engine already knows how to test whether a projectile is friendly or not (when it is looking at whether to impart friendly fire damage).

    A lot of it is already obvious, based on the direction the projectiles are traveling, but that would mean shots from unexpected angles would stand out on the display. That might help you to notice something that you need to react to even if you don't have the unit in your vision/radar.

    We should look for ways to use subtle (or bold) differences in color to convey information to players. Any time there is ambiguity about what we're seeing on the screen, we should consider whether it's possible to give cues to the user through varying colors.

    E.g. have a different color for the shield bar if the shield is up or down. If the shield is down and it is recharging, showing a different color would be a simple way to communicate that.

  • Units with same icons - Tanks and bots mostly

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    @KaletheQuick said in Units with same icons - Tanks and bots mostly:

    So on the 'purity' note there.

    What is the functional difference between bots and tanks? Like, make a big ol venn diagram of everything, and ask, what real useful information is conveyed by the clipped diamond bot icon over the tank icon? I really like the icon scheme but legged walkers don't share any useful tactical group together, same with tanks. I would think an ideal icon system convey's at glance something meaninfgul, and the center icon does, direct fire, artillery, AA, that's good. But the outer shape diamond and clipped diamond just inform you if the unit has legs or 'other' Would it be better (and too annoying a change to make now) to have the diamond be fast attack units (and usually lower HP), like LABs, blaze, yenzyne, titan, and loyalist, and the 'tank' clipped diamond just mean heavy/slower unit, like t1 tanks, obsidian, ilshavoh, Brick and percy? Maybe a clipped navy semicircle for hover?

    I think air has is good, with the delta, wide delta, and rhombus conveying information about how the unit moves.

    Of course now I'm just remixing the available shapes in my head and trying to imagine what the unit would be. Get that wide delta with the sniper dash through it, or missile line. lol.

    Its the difference/indicates High DPS & Low HP units. Through for Mantis and LAB its also imagine or well my personal belief next level counter intel, counter intel.

  • Different icon for drone engineers

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @keyser said in Different icon for drone engineers:

    @ZeRen said in Different icon for drone engineers:

    I wonder what FAF devs think about, for example different icon for ACU and SACU, so ACU cant hide in that cancer


    talked to balance team about it. We had some example of different possible icons, they would prefer something that is way different than current icon for sacu.
    I might do a "tourney" to grab the best looking icon at some point.

    well...😀 I already using one😁


    Screenshot from 2020-11-22 19-38-53.png

  • Hotkeys - Discussion

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I think it would be cool to have a "select next unit in transport" button that cycles through individual units in a transport and allows you to make individual drops more easily. Currently, you have to click on one or a few of the unit icons to select them, drop them where you want to, and repeat. Could have it so that pressing the hotkey multiple times selects a few units in a row so you aren't limited to one unit at a time.