@mazornoob said in Absolver:
Absolvers have nil health. How are you going to protect them from bombers and sniper bots as Cybran?
You know absolvers have more range than snipers, right?
@maudlin27 said in Absolver:
It's a hover unit which is more in keeping with Aeon. If Cybran were to be given such a unit I think it should be land based.
Just make it floating amphibious like Cybran/UEF engineers
Cybran don't do hovers. If anything it should be Wagner-like with emp torpedos to kill bulwarks and long range rockets for everything else
Will be discussed, I am open to this idea.
Did I understand this correctly? -
So, you're suggesting the Absolver be removed from the Aeon roster and then be redesigned into the Cybran Roster? Or copying it into the Cybran roster?
~ Stryker
Doesn't need to be redesigned as a unit, just needs a model that fits the Cybran aesthetic. The unit itself is fine as it stands it just fits better in the Cybran roster than the Aeon one. I would rather remove it from Aeon and give it to Cybran but I don't really care if Aeon keeps their version of Absolver.
I like to see absolver reworked to be like/closer Blaze and Auroras. My 2 cents
I imagine it'll keep most of its stats as it currently is in the Aeon Roster;
Though, amphibious and not hover, I presume?
Long range, T3 Unit, etc.Sounds pretty good, though I worry about it being amphibious.
If this unit is amphibious, then that will introduce a deadly combo with stealth fields in navy.
Guess you could just torp them, too.
(Would have to see how it would react in-game for more accurate feedback.)
Removing the Absolver from the Aeon Roster would probably cause problems with Aeon-fans, so probably best to leave it in and just duplicate it into the Cybran Roster.
~ Stryker
what about making it transform into a ship-like appearance when it goes to water, like salem does when going to land, to get additional speed (not necessarily a lot of it, but at least faster than normal hover, salem isn't very fast on land either) without additional stealth of being underwater
the problem I see with it is that both hover and underwater would be too slow to keep up with navy speeds while also being very low hp and easily sniped, and just giving them speed would make them too fast on land
Should it be kept at T3 or moved down to T2 with some nerfs?
Not sure if you need to copy Absolver completely. Hover/amphibious ability is something you would never use so might as well just not bother with it.
Could make use of Cybran T3 MAA ground weapon. Change it to some anti-shield rockets and get it to launch at 65-75 range with low arc like Hoplite.
However what to do with aeon Absolver? Delete?
@jip I'm willing to make the model although before I put in the effort to do it we can just add the aeon one as is to cybran as a proof of concept
I agree
, let us first make sure that the unit is actually viable.
having the shield disruptor be a Cybran unit seems so much more fitting, although I wouldn't want it to be 'hover' since the faction has none. It could possibly be amphibious with treads though similar to Cybran/UEF engies, so it could help with match ups vs shielded navy
instead the Absolver could potentially be a long range single target stun, say up to t3 units, would still fit the faction and could help with catching retreating units or kiting small groups
I'm concerned about the absolver + trebuchet wombo combo. Absolver would need a massive range nerf to prevent trebuchets from deleting shielded armies
trebuchet pros: large aoe = higher damage potential
trebuchet cons: very inaccurate (severely limiting the damage potential), depreciating damage if not a point blank shot, takes a bit to set up to start shooting/cant shoot while moving, costs moresniper pros: ~x2 dps compared to treb if single target, can move while shooting(!!!), highly accurate
sniper cons: no aoe, less range but not like that matters because they still outrange all main t3 units by a large margintreb + absolver is a much less dangerous combo than sniper + absolver + shield. if anything treb + absolver finally gives cybran somewhat of a counter to sniper bots. i don't think absolver would need a nerf if moved to cybran
If absolver had 5 less range then snipers kill them and their addition is basically pointless except against UEF.
Cybran has no mobile shields, it is infinitely easier to kill their special counter unit with means outside of the land sphere (air mostly) than it is with snipers.
Why not make Loyalist EMP explosions do heavy damage to shields?