Nobody uses the mobile factory aspects of units except for maybe T3 aircraft carriers. I would allow Fatboys to construct units whole moving for example, and buff Megalith buildrate

Best posts made by Zeldafanboy
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
RE: 150€ King of Crazyrush Tournament
Fanart, can't wait to watch the tournament.
Soul Ripper should have stealth
Every Cybran T3 air unit has stealth, even free stealth in the case of the spy plane. The Soul Ripper is the most lackluster air experimental that doesn't really do anything interesting. I've never seen a cool play with a bug, unlike a CZAR or an Ahwassa ctrl+k. Giving it stealth, for free or at a constant energy cost, would give it more of a niche without really buffing it all that much. Thoughts?
RE: Smol ACU Adjustment
100 DPS is already nothing for T2 units, you need OC to be able to safely handle more than 2-3 T2 tanks. Halving ACU DPS will just make it comically easy for T1 spam to kill it. If you wanted to make T2 stronger you should nerf OC not base shot damage
RE: Is it OK that engi stations can eat experimentals?
a worrying amount of people hate fun
RE: Adjustment to the reclaim rates
Stop reducing the volatility of the game. Volatility is not bad
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Cybran had a T1 scout submarine and Aeon had a T1 static arty
RE: Redux Strategic Icons
The fact that each faction gets their own ACU icon is very cool
RE: Seriously when are you guys going to undo the Scathis changes
Race science and shitty balance takes, this post has it all.
The Scathis, Mavor, and Salvation are pretty unique but they all need to have very long range to be useable at all (due to their buildtime, cost, and low hp).
Asking to make a game ender arty short range for faction diversity is like asking for one faction to have slower ASF. It will make the unit useless.
Latest posts made by Zeldafanboy
RE: TMD could be cheaper
TMD is already incredibly cheap for what it counters and making it cheaper won’t solve the issue of getting locked out of TMD if your T2 HQ gets sniped
RE: Scouts and labs should not break tree groups
What if it’s made of a super advanced light material
RE: SACU Rebalance
100 dps is useless at that stage of the game, might as well disable the gun until it’s upgraded
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
The vast majority of the playerbase doesn’t even read the forums, so I think it’s silly for people to use negative sentiment on the forums as an accurate bellwether of the playerbase. Moreover, treating the majority of the playerbase as largely indifferent to any changes so just cater to what the highest level players say isn’t a necessary corollary to this. Why not actually have polls on the client news page for potential changes?
RE: Blast from the past, Cybran Vulcanizer!
Personally I think upgrades should be for commanders and sacus only but it’s your mod
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
That’s bizarre and I don’t think that’s how steam works
RE: Adjustment to the reclaim rates
Stop reducing the volatility of the game. Volatility is not bad
RE: Soul Ripper
Soul Ripper exists to inefficiently leverage an advantage elsewhere in the game like a lane win or eco advantage into a strategic air asset that can tip the scales in a future clash or to punish experimentals that aren’t given air support. Feel like it’s not stellar by design. The best advantage it has is that you don’t need T3 Air fac to make it, just T3 engies
RE: What can be done to make 1v1 more popular?
Ladder is decently active but you see a lot of the same people at whatever rating level, not terrible but it’s definitely dependent on if certain people are queuing multiple times in a row
RE: Please show rating changes in replay vault
Anything that makes this game more similar to Overwatch in any way is bad