There is a Improved Graphics 2024 mod in the vault that changes a bunch of render settings. You can have a look there and modify the mod to your liking.
I also found a text file on my hard drive where I collected some explanations of some of the graphics settings. No guarantees on correctness as it is based on my understanding of the time and also some years old.
ConExecute("ren_DecalNormalLodCutoff 560")
ConExecute("ren_DecalAlbedoLodCutoff 560")
ConExecute("fog_DistanceFog off") -- map fog
ConExecute("efx_WaveCutoff 560")
ConExecute("UI_StrategicProjectileLOD 185") --standard 128, there is no apparent reason for changes
ConExecute("ren_ShorelineCutoff 560")
ConExecute("ren_SyncTerrainLOD 560")
ConExecute("cam_HighLOD 0.2") --sets the LOD value for the detail level “high” that can be selected in the menu
ConExecute("cam_MediumLOD 0.3") --sets the LOD value for the detail level “medium” that can be selected in the menu
ConExecute("cam_LowLOD 0.4") --sets the LOD value for the detail level “low” that can be selected in the menu
ConExecute("cam_DefaultLOD 0.2")
ConExecute("cam_SetLOD 0.2")
ConExecute("cam_DefaultMiniLOD 1.65")
ConExecute("ren_shadowsize 4096") --Resolution of the shadow map
ConExecute("ren_shadowLOD 400") --At what FocusDistance do we stop rendering shadows
ConExecute("cam_ShakeMult 0.1")
ConExecute("ren_IgnoreDecalLOD") --force render decals
ConExecute("ren_Meshdissolve 40") --double default value, individual value to be compared with LODMetric is defined in the blueprint exact function and interaction with ren_MeshdissolveCutoff unclear
SC_CameraScaleLOD 0 or 1 or 2 most likely determines which of the three LOD scales is used
LODMetric is the FocusDistance multiplied by cam_HighLOD, cam_MediumLOD or cam_LowLOD, measured at the respective location
Depending on FocusDistance, the strategic symbols are displayed (Standart 130, set in the blueprint)