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Hello and welcome to the first FAForever Game Show! Thank you for tuning in, I am Archsimkat and I will be your host for today. On this episode, we'll have a range of questions from in-game knowledge to the community, from player history to mapping knowledge.
Now entering the studio are today's contestants... an avid FAF player... a masterful forum user... from all over the world... you!
Simply copy the text from below the line and try your best to answer the questions. If you don't know something, you can move on or try your best to guess. Good luck!
I hereby declare I have not looked up anything to help me answer any of the ensuing questions since opening this forum post.
How many mexes does rock spot have on Senton?
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List the four different T2 transports in order of their carry capacity (highest -> lowest):
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Which player has the most wins in LegendOfTheStars?
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On Operation Overlord, Fletcher gives you a number of titans as reinforcements. How many?
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Name any 5 non-experimental Seraphim units:
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What produces more mass per mass invested? a) T1 mex or b) Paragon
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How many mexes are there on the map Open Palms?
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How many missiles does Cybran T2 TML load?
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Gyle casted a 2v6 game of Dual Gap. Who were the players?
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What is the mass of the Novax satellite wreck on land?
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List the four different frigates in order of their HP (highest -> lowest):
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In Rainbow Cup III, Nexus died to an AI. Which AI was it?
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In the Forged Alliance campaign, Dostya is betrayed by a Cybran. Who?
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What term refers to the strategy of going mass t1 spam? a) Graardor, b) Grond, or c) Grarl
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List the four different t1 tanks in order of their rate of fire (fastest -> slowest):
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Which player had the most highly rated player card in 2021 LegendOfTheStars?