Small suggestions topic
@maelstrom said in Small suggestions topic:
Would really love it if you made an AI mode that behaved as intelligently as the AIX but without the cheating. It would seem that every time you remove the AIX's cheating capabilities, it loses its ability to perform as well, so a mode to surpass that would be awesome.
Do you realize how hard and unimportant it is?
It is not unimportant - but it is quite difficult. Luckily there are several people with their own AI mods. I can recommend you those. An example is RNGAi.
Trying to make a more convenient list of suggestions, as this thread has grown enormous:
Being worked on/looked into:
- Easy to interpret lag information (Coming soon)
- Change radar selection sound (Being worked on)
- Give friendly/enemy nuke launches different sounds (Being worked on)
- Display total score of each team in lobby (Being worked on)
- Repeat hotkey improvements (Being worked on)
- See friendly radar bubbles (May not be possible, being investigated)
- Full share unit gift prompt/notification (Being worked on)
- Button to notify players to ready up (Being worked on)
- Enable many "proplayer features" by default (Being looked into)
- Global unit toggle (May not be possible, being investigated)
- Force rainbow cup colors (Not possible in custom games, but being worked on for matchmaking)
- Better CPU test (Being worked on)
- Audible low power warning (Being worked on)
- Display whether maps are rated (Being investigated)
- Matchmaking menu improvements (Being worked on)
Probably not possible
- Add unit to beginning of build queue (May not be possible)
- Fix stereo sound issues (May not be possible)
Feature already exists or was purposefully removed
- Ship FAF with PD + Walls template by default (Rejected/similar feature already exists)
- Prevent pause button spam (Feature already exists)
- Target prioritization improvements (Rejected/old feature that was reworked)
- Allow reduced disconnection timer (Feature already exists)
- View share condition in-game (Feature already exists)
- Ability to name templates (Feature already exists)
- Shift-g reclaim orders (Rejected, purposefully removed)
Suggestion outside the scope of the thread
- Clear client search field (Client issue)
- A variety of UI improvements (Client issue)
- Toggle option for UI mods when watching a replay (Client issue)
- Highlight alternative game modes (Client issue)
- Merge all ladder queue chats (Client issue)
- Option to hide games by specific mod (Client issue)
- Portal/teleportation building (Rejected, better as a mod)
- Chat history (Client issue)
- Wyvern mod fix (Rejected, mod issue)
- Encourage optimal balance games; discourage leaving the game early (First is a large feature but may be looked into later; second rejected)
- AI improvements (Rejected, large issue)
Rejected for other reasons
- Lobby voting system (Rejected)
- Gain rating for each player kill (Rejected)
- GC claw inconsistency (Rejected/no issue)
- Hotkey of build closest mex for engies
- Announce when players lose connection to one another
- Infinite build experimentals
- Chat beep lite integration
- Spread build
- A variety of changes from KonjikiNoYami
- Filter maps by size
- A variety of changes from WillowsDuality:
- Make air units bounce off map edges like wrecks do against shields
- Custom template images
- Allow premade teams in optimal balance
- Separate nuke load bar for nuke subs and battleships
J Jip referenced this topic on
J Jip referenced this topic on
I would really like to be able to chose semi random facs in custom games.
Like ladder you can go for 2 of 4 facs or 3 of 4 randomly. Thqat in custom Please.
Took me a minute to realize fac = faction and not factory
I think is a much needed feature -
So I use attack move from fact a lot for reclaim engineers. But they can not think when an enemy wall is in range and they can't decide if they want to reclaim it or shine a spotlight on it for 0.001 second. Is there a way to either get them to ignore the wall or actually reclaim them? (I think it does the same for enemy units if they are in the increased reclaim range)
Add ability to see version number of map before you launch the lobby.
Add ability to capture allied units.
I don't know how easy it would be, but a lobby or in game translator would be great
Separating numbers on HUD for easier read.
Yes it's a small change but but make it way easier to know how much what you are building cost -
Make fatboys float. Would certainly make them a lot more useful.
Add radar jamming capabilities to seraphim t3 radar. They are able to use it in the campaign why not in play? They are a underwhelming faction late game and could use some buffs.
Seraphim is probably the best late game faction in both 1v1 and teamgames...
I'd like to re-iterate that any balance related suggestion is ignored by default. As the original post describes: we have an entire forum section for that.
J Jip referenced this topic on
Two other suggestions:
- Provide an option to make units focus on reclaiming. For ACU for instance if you make them patrol, they will target other units instead of reclaiming (while if there is mass to take in emergency it is a bad move for them).
- Allow to make all engineers (or SACU) produced by a factory automatically assist some other thing when they will have been produced. I tried it many times and it doesn't seem to work to select a factory and put "assist" to some other thing. The engineers produced will not assist what they were supposed to.
I've thought a few times it would be useful to have a setting available for all factories to build at half speed. Let's say I have an air factory sending out scouts on repeat towards the enemy purely for intel reasons. I expect them to die fast but i need the intel. I'd be happy wasting less mass doing so and a build at half speed option would be useful. It could also be used when focusing mass elsewhere, eg when trying to rush a nuke you might want all your factories to reduce buildspeed but not stop building outright. Just a thought, curious if anyone else thinks it might be useful.
Interesting - it is possible. Any particular reason why it is only half speed? Take for example a slider where you can tell a structure (note: not a unit) to use a % of its build power. It feels a bit balance related in some sense, so I'd love to hear from the balance team about this idea too.
This is almost completely redundant since you can already achieve this by just pausing the things that you dont want to prioritize. This is actually more efficient as well cause building 1 thing 100% is way better than building 2 things at 50%
The scouting stream is pretty irrelevant as well since in 99% of the cases the 2 mass/s you save on your air fac is only a fraction of your income.
As much as I like the draggable queue (and i understand it has bugs) sometimes i really just want a build this unit right now, and then go back to the previous queue, without fiddling with it. Yes i know you can stop all but one current unit and then add unit, but then there goes my queue. Would be nice to have a hot key (alt maybe?)- click unit, and then back to more important things.
@macdeffy said in Small suggestions topic:
As much as I like the draggable queue (and i understand it has bugs) sometimes i really just want a build this unit right now, and then go back to the previous queue, without fiddling with it. Yes i know you can stop all but one current unit and then add unit, but then there goes my queue. Would be nice to have a hot key (alt maybe?)- click unit, and then back to more important things.
If you have 2 factories, and one is assisting the other (let's call them the "lead factory" and the "follower factory") then the follower is building units from the main factory's queue and those units rally to the main factory's waypoint.
You can select the follower factory and put something into ITS queue. Whenever a follower factory has something in its queue, it won't stop building whatever it's working on, but as soon as that unit rolls out, the follower factory will start building from ITS own queue, and send that unit to ITS own waypoint, not the lead factory's queue/waypoint.
If your "follower factory" is set to infinite repeat, it will never "finish" working on its own queue, you will have to intervene somehow to get it to resume following the "lead" factory.
But if it's NOT set to infinite repeat, it will only make its own queue one time before returning to following the lead factory.
This lets you do things like: click on a supporting factory and tell it to make 2 mobile AA. You will get only exactly 2 MAA without disrupting your main factory's queue. You can click on a supporting factory, put an attack-move order to some reclaim, and tell it to make 3 engineers. So you can get some reclaim engies out without disrupting your main queue. Click on a supporting air factory to make a strat bomber, when it's done the support factory will go back to making ASF. etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps if you only have 1 factory, you should have enough APM to micro it to get what you want. And if you have multiple factories, probably some of them should be supporting other ones.