5 vet units can upgrade into next tier unit (mantis into rhino then brick etc)

Best posts made by Brannou
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
RE: Small suggestions topic
Separating numbers on HUD for easier read.
Yes it's a small change but but make it way easier to know how much what you are building cost
https://imgur.com/QmJ36VJ -
RE: Reclaim Brush
How about something like this?
Visually more clear to know what your engineer are actually reclaiming.I often mess up causei send engi to reclaim with attack move but they only reclaim close to the destination but not everything that might be in between and this make is clearer.
RE: Smol ACU Adjustment
Removing auto OC will basically only hit low rated player who already don't use their ACU or don't have the apm/concentration to micro it much.
For me OC is a medium skill floor and high skill cap to know when to use it and to micro ACU to get it work, auto-OC just bring it down in level for lower rated player to use it.
It's like the mass fab autoturn off option, you can technically have high apm and skill floor to turn them on and off but even high rated player didn't do it. It was either just stall or build more power than needed to ensure no stall. The autoturn off just lowered it skill floor for everyone to help with it.
Maybe have the Auto OC deal a fixed dmg but when you use it manually it does the increase dmg so that way skill floor stay low but skill cap still exist.
See with JIP if doable (make auto OC only use the base 5000E while the manual OC use max able to do max dmg)
RE: $300 Dynamic Duo Summer 2v2 Tournament
Me sign up with Starstrydxr both at around 800 global (805/815)
Gun splash upgrade
I propose to lower the gun splash upgrade cost for seraphim acu.
In it's current state it's never built and is not even a niche.
It's something that you want to give your com enough power to keep up on the T2 to T3 phase but the cost in mass and in energy make it not viable.
The reduction could be on the mass down from approx 5,5k iirc to 4/4,5k and E from 270k to 190k.
RE: Shift-loading units into transports
I think my biggest problem with transport is that they struggle to pick up units and just hover for 2 min over them before finally grabbing them
RE: Thoughts on how to build the Mavor, Paragon, Salvation and Yolona
@haachamachama said in Thoughts on how to build the Mavor, Paragon, Salvation and Yolona:
- Spam energy storages if you have a paragon.
Doesn't Paragon now give a huge E storage to prevent E stall when it finish building?
Latest posts made by Brannou
How about you can't trade engie until past a certain time (15 min?)
RE: Teleport speed
There was a game a few days ago where yudi mazer sniped 2 peoples and they did noticed that the teleport was faster than intended. Also mazer com bugged after 3rd teleport and couldn't fire lazer
RE: What would make ladder less stressful, intense, or scary?
I don't like early raid as i don't have the apm to take care of my build order and take care of that single bomber/lab killing my engi
RE: Smol ACU Adjustment
Removing auto OC will basically only hit low rated player who already don't use their ACU or don't have the apm/concentration to micro it much.
For me OC is a medium skill floor and high skill cap to know when to use it and to micro ACU to get it work, auto-OC just bring it down in level for lower rated player to use it.
It's like the mass fab autoturn off option, you can technically have high apm and skill floor to turn them on and off but even high rated player didn't do it. It was either just stall or build more power than needed to ensure no stall. The autoturn off just lowered it skill floor for everyone to help with it.
Maybe have the Auto OC deal a fixed dmg but when you use it manually it does the increase dmg so that way skill floor stay low but skill cap still exist.
See with JIP if doable (make auto OC only use the base 5000E while the manual OC use max able to do max dmg)
RE: Ythotha, time for a change
Comparing a ythota to a monkeylord is like comparing a mantis and an othuum
RE: Sera&Aoen SACU upgrade slots reordering to make Aoen SACU upgrade options more relevant and nerf Sera Tele SACU
People don't pick shield for sera, they pick sensor for extra range. Also Aeon can tele sac.
RE: extremely unhinged SACU rebalance ideas
EMPlasma conversion and Quantum rift stabiliser look op
RE: Suggestions & Recommendations
Remember that auto mass fab was added not that long ago.
Sadge for radar ring at least (T1/T2/T3 radar and sonar would be nice)
RE: Caster UI design
Just need to be careful so that player in game can't somehow get access to caster data.
RE: Weekly Discussion #17 - Do we really need TMLs?
what about ACU/SACU TML?