Ideas for Mercy changes
Completely changed the unit's role instead of even attempting to balance it as it is. You might actually make the game balance worse instead of improving it. The problem with Mercies is that the long explosion range lets it get past AA it shouldn't get past. The missile should have to essentially impact the target imo.
I don't like the health of it, I think you will fine it will be quite durable when striking.
Should make tmd able to target it
@zeldafanboy I respectfully think that you are wrong.
@deribus said in Ideas for Mercy changes:
The first does a mere 500 damage over 10 seconds, but on a massive radius of 15. Could be useful for taking out chunks of T1 armies, softening T2, or maybe some T1 power or engineer killing in the base.
The second does 3000 damage over 10 seconds, but on a radius of 3.5. This does slightly more than the current Mercy's 2,500, but isn't as useful on mobile targets. Can be used on upgrading ACUs or sniping high value structures, kinda like a TML but with a little more control. 3k damage is comfortably enough to snipe UEF T2 mexes and pgens.
Looking forward to this. Though, I'm concerned, as, if this rework is done incorrectly - I'll leave Aeon without a T2 Snipe option.
And that's what the Mercy is - A unit to snipe high-value targets.If I may share my opinion, the smaller radius would be a good fit.
However, the 3K damage may be a bit much. Mercy already deals 2.5K damage which is already more than what other units deal.
Perhaps this should stay as is?
@deribus said in Ideas for Mercy changes:
3k damage is comfortably enough to snipe UEF T2 mexes and pgens.
A UEF T2 Pgen and T2 Mex both share 2.5K HP, which is enough to be destroyed by a Mercy, already.
Why the extra 500 damage? If the damage gets too high, then this unit's mass cost should be increased as well, no?
~ Stryker
"aeon without a t2 snipe option"
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my guy have u never seen a specter in this game?
My Poor Mercie
He’s half wrong. It’s not that Aeon now lacks a good T2 air snipe. It’s that now Aeon has a huge aoe area denial/army clearing tool during its already strong T2 phase
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mercies in their current form are fine. zero need to fundamentally rework it.
Problem I have with them is you cant dodge them. They get into range, they kill.
@chenbro101 and this is the beauty of the mercy, what makes them satisfying to use.
They drop like flies if they encounter even the slightest resistance. Good luck getting a snipe with even a dozen of really makes the times 2 commanders are killed with 3 mercies shine.
@cunnismeta said in Ideas for Mercy changes:
They drop like flies if they encounter even the slightest resistance.
I recently got killed by mercies while having maa around so I can tell you they don't drop like flies with slightest resistance
If game was hitscan mercies would be fine. Annoying but fine. Game isn't hitscan.
@mach which mobile AA did you have? just one maa to how many mercies?
uef, I watched replay again and the reason was that one of mercies that got shot down first blocked shots from maa trying to hit the mercies behind it with its falling wreck (why don't falling wrecks take damage?)
another reason is that maa often can't turn around and start shooting fast enough to hit the mercies as they come in before they turn into an untargetable swarm, also even with target priorities it is abusable to make it turn to wrong direction before mercies arrive and having no time to turn back before they are already untargetable
Apparently flaks arent providing even slightest resistance because you can just mercie it.
Flaks can also be actively distracted by sending some other air units ahead of the mercies
Make mercies as inaccurate/dodgeable/AoE as other T2 fighter bombers and bump their HP up a bit. Make them essentially equivalent to 1 or 2 regular fighter/bomber passes, but cheaper. It'd make them less cancerous for snipes, therefore they would no longer need to have nil HP which prevents then being used for anything other than anti-exp or snipes.
mercies can alredy miss.
sure they're not as easy to dodge as corsairs but they can be dodged.
a cloud of 100 t1 air scouts is always going to distract AA sufficiently to get any snipe you desire.
Mercies (in their current state) cannot miss or be dodged. The projectiles track much quicker than an ACU moves
@deribus i can only guess im conflating false memories with the times shields have gotten in the way. some chance to miss would be good. as hard as dodging multiple corsairs/nothas.
AoE good. DoT not.