Gun splash upgrade

The problem is at 11.40 or 17mins there is T3 air at that stage, it is just too risky to have the ACU be out in front with the splash upgrade were all it takes is 2 strats to take the acu out.

If T3 air did not come into play until the 17-20 min mark then splash upgrade is a good option as there is time to use it before t3 air comes.

If you ask me under 10 min strategic bomber is too fast, however that is a another topic.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

Why enemy has luxury to make the equivalent of 7 asfs worth of strats when asf total count should be like 10 and not get punished for it

You can also dodge 2 strats like half the time with even rudimentary circle micro.

If you mean that pushing in during t3 transition phase is bad when your air player is 5 minutes behind, well then yeah, that's true regardless of faction or map.

just add the ability to shoot planes with the splash upgrade, ez fix

Double gun basically makes your commander a tiny experimental which can be problematic if the aim of the game is to kill the enemy commander, if you make it more easily gotten in 1v1 it will be way too common in teamgames where people can pool resources

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Still at the moment even with all the assumption made about the change, splash upgrade is a meme. The cost is too expensive for something that you would put on your com early and not impactful enough when getting it late because of exp/strats.

What i proposed was approximately a 25% cost reduction but it could be less. It could also be a reduction on the building time

I'd say either make it the same cost and dps as cybran laser, making the only option for mid game pushing the regen aura upgrade or change it to something along the lines of

Damage per shot + 750 -> + 300 (1700 -> 800 dps with the gun upgrade)

Cost (roughly same cost as chrono/tac pack)
mass 5,400 -> 1,750
energy 270,00 -> 52,500

Which would put a gun nano splash sera acu in line with a heavily upgraded sACU rather than a mini exp.

I'd see more close to 2.5k/3k mass and 100k E for 500/550

So, what the balance team think about it and it's implementation?

Why not make it into a two stage upgrade like RAS?
This would make it more useful, as it is more affordable without getting to strong and it also acts as a warning to the opponent, that he should prepare for a full double gun ACU.

While I can't speak for them, the thread/original post didn't try to follow the pinned guidelines (, so I expect this reduced the likelihood of a response from the balance team.

The splash gun had its cost increased a couple of years ago, so the chances of them lowering it again are pretty slim.

Problem : Seraphim gun Splash upgrade is never used because it's too costly compared to all other upgrade. The use for this upgrade would be between T2 and T3 but the cost is after T3 and at that point there is too much risk on the acu to even use it effectively.

There is also not a "clutch factor" like a Mazer/TP could have or a big increase of survivability that would make building it a good choice even if not used later in the game.

Showcase : I can't really find a game to link where the upgrade is even built. Evn an old game (which i don't have the number unfortunately) that was played by yudi they got T3 instead of gun cause it gave more hp and ended up being more valuable than gunS

Did some testing in sandbox. I was able to build Mazer faster on a T2 eco (5 T2pgen and around 20 T1pgen+hydro, 7 capped T2 mex and 4 more T1 mexes) then it was to build gun splash. The only difference is that mazor cost more E than mass, has shorter build time and perform twice better.

Solution : Try either reducing the cost and the time to build to make it more affordable so it's actually built on com between T2/T3 and have an impact or lower heavely it's cost but also it's power and make it more of a second gun upgrade effective at T2 but falling when fighting T3

Justify the solution :

1st Solution : The reason why it's not build is it's cost (more than T3 HQ) and build time. The only upgrades that take more time on a com are T3 (but is also way cheaper) and Billy nuke with advanced regen taking same time.
Making it faster and cost cheaper would allow it to be built as an alternative to go instead of T3 and T3 eco to push a potential advantageous situation and close the game but with the drawback of sacrifying scaling if it fail.

2nd Solution : Completly change it's use. Making it way cheaper and still lowering it's build time so it can be built at early T2 eco. Less powerful and less impact but could help prevent turtling and would promote more agressiveness.

We have discussed this but haven't reached a conclusion for now. It's unlikely it will be included in the next patch. Maybe one after that.

Thank You

Did some testing in sandbox. I was able to build Mazer faster on a T2 eco (5 T2pgen and around 20 T1pgen+hydro, 7 capped T2 mex and 4 more T1 mexes) then it was to build gun splash. The only difference is that mazor cost more E than mass, has shorter build time and perform twice better.

This I don't understand. Mazor costs almost twice as much energy and 1.4k less mass. You can build two fewer T2 pgens, still produce enough e for an upgrade and have 1k mass left over. Build time is irrelevant since it takes just 8 t1 engies on assist to drain 2.5k e. How did you fail to make second gun before you'd make mazer?

Even including cost of first gun you'd be ahead, and you usually get gun for Cybran mazer anyway.

I think there was a tournament game where nexus flew to the top (that map where it's a big triangle at the bottom, islands on the left and right, and a small island at the top) and was helping his mate there, he got most of splash done and got air sniped. The casters thought he would win top if he got it.

This is the only time I can think of a gun splash upgrade.

Seraphim and Aeon tech somewhat mirriors each other. It's like the Aeon had a rough idea of what seraphim technology did and had to fill in the gaps. You can see this in their experimentals (Large flying unit with powerful energy weapon, tall robot with orb head and other weapon systems), commander upgrades (RAS-ARAS, two gun upgrades, more HP through shield/Nano) and building design (Salvation and Hovatham).

That aside, if the gun splash were slightly more expensive than the standard seraphim gun upgrade, but had its damage lowered to closer match its cost, that sounds ideal to me. Of course, you'd have the problem of balancing the splash and total damage against units with paper armor like the aurora, but I think it would be a good start. More commander builds would open up, like how other factions forego the gun range upgrade and go for Tech2 for the additional HP.

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