If I switch between "Table" and "Tiles" too many times it then stops showing any lobbies at all; I also notice that if I click on the lobbies it seems to refresh the list also.
Tbh - i saw this - but what process caused it. Is it FAF related? Looks like, because Java is mentioned. The questions is - can I do something on my side or is it an error in the client?
I"m having the exact same problem. I even downgraded back to previously working 1.2.1 and issue still persists. I have to restart client about 10-15 times and then finally after 30 minutes it will connect. I did notice the client has no problems authenticating. When i reinstalled i was asked for usual log in but i tried with incorrect password and i got feedback immediatelly. But after entering correct password it just went straight into spinning loop of death for a long time, even after restarting client.
The problem is that it takes FOREVER (pun intested) to log in...
Anyway, in my case the only time it happens is when I can't connect to aeolus for w/e the reason.
The client is just trying to write down the lines about how it's not connecting until it bugs out after taking all the ram it can and starts using the CPU