[Forum] Please remove downvote button
I dont see a single reason why we shouldnt have downvotes as well
It takes the entire spectrum of disagreement (from a well written post with well supported points, to a chimpanzee banging a femur bone on an empty oil drum) and compresses them down to a single bit. In the industry* they refer to that as signal degredation.
*Not my industry but, you know, an industry.
Counterpoint to "upvotes are the same thing, but with agreement instead": people love to hate on shit, for free, all day, for its own sake. Expressions of support are more genuine across the board.
We don't need this feature. It's just going to encourage people to downvote posts if they think it has too many upvotes or vice versa. "I wasn't going to downvote that, but it had 6 upvotes, it's a good post but not THAT good, so I took it down a notch." Downvotes don't add anything to the discussion.
At least if you write a "mean" reply to explain why someone is wrong, you put yourself at risk of criticism. Where is the risk to downvoting? It makes it too easy to be negative.
If you want to get rid of downvotes, do the following:
1 - figure out who the FAF admins/moderators are, and just downvote everything they post
2 - downvote all of the good postsThe admins will get sick of seeing "-3" next to all their posts and the voting system itself will become useless when every good post is stuck at 0 or -2
We don't get the forums that we DESERVE, we get the forums that we are willing to TOLERATE. Make injustice intolerable and it will go away.
Or, you know, we could just have a working voting system by being able to both upvote and downvote posts? Why intentionally abuse something that has the potential to have some benefit? This is why we can't have nice things.
Downvotes when used well can give meaningful feedback at a glance, though it remains to be seen if they'll be used well on the forums. So far it has seemed fine in my opinion.
@arma473 said in [Forum] Please remove downvote button:
If you want to get rid of downvotes, do the following:
1 - figure out who the FAF admins/moderators are, and just downvote everything they post
2 - downvote all of the good postsThe admins will get sick of seeing "-3" next to all their posts and the voting system itself will become useless when every good post is stuck at 0 or -2
We don't get the forums that we DESERVEThat or the admins will get sick of such users and ban them, ironically meaning such users end up getting the forums that they deserve
If someone writes something I disagree with but makes an effort to explain why he thinks such a thing is good or w/e and makes some actual arguments, then I reply and explain why I disagree.
If someone makes a shit low-effort post that I disagree with then I downvote.
Will some people abuse such a feature? Probably.
Do we need to lose a useful feature like this one because of the few people who will abuse it? I don't think so.To all of the people who think that somehow this will make people simply use upvote/downvote instead of writing posts to discuss things, voice their disagreements etc. I can't speak for others but in the past, if I disagreed with some low-effort post I simply ignored it or waited for someone else to reply and upvoted their post. Now at least I have a similar low-effort tool to show that I disagree with OP. It won't make me give more feedback, it will simply allow me to show my feedback when I am commuting and don't have time to write well-thought-out responses anyway.
Thanks I found it and downvote accordingly.
If someone doesn't like seeing their posts getting downvote, they really need to reevaluate their life as anything said on the Internet does not matter or affect them.
Stop being part of the problem.
Some websites allow more specific reactions like agree/disagree/lol/lmao/pogchamp rather than good/bad.
So, can we add pogchamps to the forum? -
Up and downvotes are a quick way to gauge community sentiment. If I propose something and there are 100 replies, I can scroll back up to the top and see that there's 15 votes and -4 overall, so it's not a popular idea.
Like Tagada mentioned, if a post is well written and I disagree, I'll write out why I disagree. The only difference is when there's a completely stupid post and I would urge the author to give about 5 seconds of thought before posting something I can now downvote and move on instead of completely ignoring it.
The existence of an upvote button without a downvote is just silly and doesn't actually represent anything. If 1000 people want to react to a post and 4 agree with it it'll show +4 instead of the -996 it should be.
@magge downvoting is awesome for when someone's point is so awful it is not even worth deconstructing. a post having 10 downvotes will quickly tell everyone they don't need to waste their time arguing with it
This post is deleted! -
damn at least link my profile when using my screenshots smh!