What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?

I was wondering this isn't an official poll, but I wanted to generate some discussions on issues that plague FAF in your opinion, this could be anything from Toxicity, Lack of Content, Lack of Transparency, and more.

I understand Connection Issues are a big thing right now and Me and Promo Team (Thanks to Rowey & Fichom >:) will be delivering a post on this soon so Stay Tuned

Meanwhile, I want to see what type of discussions and issues are brought up from this post and I will potentially look into expanding the most talked about issues into forums post of their own and polls.

Developer for LOUD Project | https://discord.gg/DfWXMg9
AI Development FAF Discord | https://discord.gg/ChRfhB3
AI Developer for FAF

Community Manager for FAF
Member of the FAF Association
FAF Developer


users with anime profile pictures

Vault Admin / Creative Team / Map Guru

Sniper bots

frick snoops!

server problems ;
client crashing twice an hour ;
way more desyncs and connection problems during the past couple of months ;
speaking for lower-middle ranked player: Balance patches with reasons they don't understand ;
the look of the new HQs and factories in general


Here is a list of pain points that are frequently mentioned:
playerbase too small
competitive scene dying
map pool not to personal preference
too many changes to the game
connection issues
PvE experience bad
no reason to play
game ui too clunky
balance too slow
players too toxic

Lack of communication between different dev/balance/content teams and community, instability of connections, client being buggy and slow.

The fact that the game is still being actively maintained needs to be praised, though. It's not common to see this kind of activity in a decade old game.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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@indexlibrorum said in What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?:

Lack of communication between different dev/balance/content teams and community

I don't think that's a fair comment teams share as much as they can, the game dev teams channels are readable by anyone, balance team are posting updates more regularly, by content teams I assume you mean creative team our chat is private but only coz we discuss vault moderation actions

Vault Admin / Creative Team / Map Guru

ded gaem cant fill lobby

Biggest issue you’ve already noted (Connection issues)

Outside of that I think for want of a better term I see the ‘New player experience’ the next issue, which covers lots of different subpoints - ie how to retain new players so the playerbase hopefully grows (although noted the growth in previous years is unusual anyway given the playerbase for games is expected to decline over time). I think Penguin did a thread a while ago on this point that got lots of responses.

@blackyps said in What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?:

Here is a list of pain points that are frequently mentioned:
playerbase too small
competitive scene dying
map pool not to personal preference
too many changes to the game
connection issues
PvE experience bad
no reason to play
game ui too clunky
balance too slow
players too toxic

does anyone have any further discussions on any of these topics.
Specifically No Reason to Play, Too Many Changes to the game, Competitive Scene Dying, etc.

I will say Connection issues and client stuff is always being worked on but its the most difficult part of faf even Triple A Studios struggle with connection issues nowadays.

Developer for LOUD Project | https://discord.gg/DfWXMg9
AI Development FAF Discord | https://discord.gg/ChRfhB3
AI Developer for FAF

Community Manager for FAF
Member of the FAF Association
FAF Developer

Connection issues, client stability is trash and when it works its a laggy mess, communication from dev team to players is inexistent. Theres also a culture of denial when it comes to technical issues.

Balance team seem to be on a diet of shrooms or something of late.

As you and most already said, the connection and stability issues. I'm borderline about to just give up and uninstall. The first game I played in a few days last night, every few minutes someone dropped until literally it was a 2v2 (originally 6v6) and then I dropped so my teammate was left 1v2. It was honestly just a waste of time, and for a game that requires a fairly large time investment, that's just infuriating. What's the point of lobby simming if the game is just gonna drop players constantly or desync.

Competitive scene dying since 2011...

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
– Benno Rice

Sounding like an echo chamber in here, but I'll also chime in and say that I've tried to play I think 2 or 3 times over the past couple weeks, and I each time I'd join a lobby and not be able to connect to people that I've never had a connection issue with before. I didn't have a huge amount of time so I just kinda gave up after one or two retries and did something other than FAF.

That & the relatively sad state of affairs for the quality of Setons games at the times I usually can play. Not sure if there are decent general 1800+ team games being hosted these days, if so they're not (usually) at times I can play.

Edit: A random comment/thought, I am a bit surprised at the number of people having client issues. I know this is a classic "works on my machine" comment, but I've never really had issues of note with the FAF client over the years. I think there was a time where the window was buggy and could only be full screened or something like that but that was quite a while back and not something I heard other people complain about.

I've long wanted a built in system to allow players to share their ratings of other players, to enable them to see in the lobby players with a genuine history of lag/dc/bad cpu/toxicity. All it takes is one bad player to ruin the game for 11 or 15 others. Rooting out these negative players is very important to the health of faf imho.

You have said system and you might have just unintentionally poisoned a couple hundred people over the last 3 weeks of faf connection issues.

@ftxcommando said in What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?:

You have said system and you might have just unintentionally poisoned a couple hundred people over the last 3 weeks of faf connection issues.


Developer for LOUD Project | https://discord.gg/DfWXMg9
AI Development FAF Discord | https://discord.gg/ChRfhB3
AI Developer for FAF

Community Manager for FAF
Member of the FAF Association
FAF Developer

@thecodemander said in What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?:

Theres also a culture of denial when it comes to technical issues.

Anything but. I see a lot of talk on Zulip and work being done to improve connectivity, FAF has a lot more infrastructure than it looks like and just maintaining it is a big task.

Lack of cope in my ranked and tmm games.

Analyze, Adapt, Overcome...

@mazornoob Timely post seeing as we have the first post today from azrael.

If people want to pretend there are no issues when there are dozens of client crashes, hangs and bugs experienced every day in VC, games not launching about 30% of the time thats fine.

Maybe its all being worked on really hard on zulip, I wouldnt know because aside from you and one person mentioning a zulip in passing, it is written nowhere where people are supposed to be informed.