Cybran Acu upgrades

Does the Cybran ACU upgrade the Microwave Accelerator affect the Microwave Laser Generator in any way? Or am I better getting the HP boost from a tech 3 upgrade instead?

Add's additional range. So you can outrange stupid people who built t1 pd only.

I confess I doubted you for a second but then went and checked and you are indeed correct, the range is increased. I'm assuming the fire rate is unchanged though.

Fire rate is upgraded for the base gun which still shoots with laser upgrade. Laser isn’t a base gun upgrade (shoots from the chest) so it doesn’t get impacted by the gun upgrade.

This is the enhancement table:

        CoolingUpgrade = {
            BuildCostEnergy = 24000,
            BuildCostMass = 800,
            BuildTime = 800,
            Name = '<LOC enhancements_0081>Microwave Accelerator',
            NewMaxRadius = 30,
            NewRateOfFire = 2,
            Slot = 'LCH',

actual these changes are done:

            ('Molecular Ripper Cannon'):ChangeMaxRadius(30)
            ('Molecular Ripper Cannon'):ChangeRateOfFire(2)

            ('Heavy Microwave Laser'):ChangeMaxRadius(30)
            ('Overcharge Cannon'):ChangeMaxRadius(30)
            ('AutoOvercharge Cannon'):ChangeMaxRadius(30)
            ('Nanite Torpedo'):ChangeMaxRadius(30)

Only the Molecular Ripper Cannon gets a upgrade in rate of fire,
all other weapons only have a bigger max range.

Geez the base gun fires as well as the chest laser, I love the overkill 🙂

Interesting that the gun upgrade improves the range on all weapons, did not know that.

TML is a meme

What's the torpedo base range?

60 according to the blueprint, so getting gun nerfs torpedo?!

Gun doesn't effect torp upgrade. Always 60 range

@angelofd347h said in Cybran Acu upgrades:

Gun doesn't effect torp upgrade. Always 60 range

The NaniteTorpedoTube itself is not set to a new range, but it will be effected by the DummyWeapon.

The CoolingUpgrade has this codeline:

if not (self.Layer == 'Seabed' and self:HasEnhancement('NaniteTorpedoTube')) then

And if you look at the DummyWeapon you will find this note:

-- special dummy weapon to make the unit able to target at max torpedo range in the water

btw, the dummy weapon has a MaxRadius = 22.

The funny part, it depends if you are under water or on land when you issue the CoolingUpgrade.
Way better, when you issue the upgrade on land, but remove the upgrade when you are in water...

@uveso said in Cybran Acu upgrades:

The funny part, it depends if you are under water or on land when you issue the CoolingUpgrade.
Way better, when you issue the upgrade on land, but remove the upgrade when you are in water...

What do you mean?