Uveso's AI Mod
for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance Forever v1.5.3697+
This mod supports Nomads.
AI-Uveso <only for FAF> v116
DownloadSize: 268 KB, Unpacked: 1.94 MB
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
How to install:
Unpack the archive.
Copy the "AI-Uveso" folder from inside the Mods directory to:
C:\...User...\My Games\Gas Powered games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\Mods\
5 new sub AI's:
- AI: Adaptive; Balanced AI, builds Land, Air, Naval and Experimental units.
- AI: Overwhelm; Like AI-Adaptive, but increases cheat+build factor by 0.6 after 35 minutes and again by 0.6 after 60 minutes.
- AI: Rush; T1, T2 and T3 unit spam with fast tech upgrade and few experimentals.
- AI: Experimentals; Builds a few units and is focussing on building experimental units.
- AI: Easy; Builds a few units and does not attack the enemy base. But it will defend its base.
(For Turtle Play use a adaptive cheat AI with a cheat+build factor of 1.4 on a 10x10 map.)
Unless other AIs it works also well with low unitcap like 250 or even 125 units.
( a unitcap of 700+ is still recommended)
New functions:
Same functionality on maps with and without AI path markers. (Game is slower without markers.)
Option to autocreate AI Map marker incl. printing into the game.log for copy&past (Into map_save.lua)
New target function can handle 2 lakes maps like setons clutch, and has the same functionality with or without AI markers.
Homeless units (no platoon, stucked etc) will now return to the nearest location for new orders.
New eco system does not cancel buildorders if eco is low.
AI detects paragon like buildings for more build power.
Engineers will set to pause while assisting if eco is too low.
New mass extractor upgrade logic. AI spends 40% of its overall income for mass upgrades. (can dynamically change)
AI will first upgrade mass extractors near main base, not in order how they where build.
AI can/will build support factories.
AI supports multifaction build and upgrades. (captured units and All Faction mod)
New nuke AI function for new attack modes with strategical missiles like overwhelm or Jericho bombardment.
Additional build platoons in case a paragon like structure is build. (Mass nukes, Experimantals spam etc)
Reworked AI pathfinding function (Edsger Dijkstra's A Star algorithm) - 400% faster than the original GPG algorithm.
New location range manager is adjusting the influence radius of location managers to prevent overlapping areas.
New engineer transfer function to move idle engineers from expansions back to main base for better build power.
Units will not simply be killed on unitcap, they will be send to the enemy or reclaimed.
Special platton form builder for mods. (Hydrocarbon upgrader for Black Ops etc.)
New buildconditions for platoon builder and former.
New unit category "AMPHIBIOUS" to form amphibious platoons. (All amphibious units get this category injected. Also units from mods.)
New unit category "FLOATING", same as amphibious.
Debug function to validate maps gives warnings if a map has bad AI path marker, mass points etc.
Debug function to visualize AI Pathfinding
Debug function for Platoons. Renames a unit with its Platoon name.
Debug function for Buildermanger to test/view build priorities and Builder logic errors.
Commander AI can upgrade all ACU's incl. Black Ops and Nomad ACU's. (and fight ^^)
Update 01.Mar.2025 (v116)
- Fix: Resolved an issue where a variable was not defined locally.
- Fix: Removed a setting that displayed debug texts over units.
Update 14.Dec.2024 (v114)
- New: Platoons will now merge if engaged in combat and nearby.
- Fix: Fixed tactical missile not targeting Heavy Assault units from the Total Mayhem mod.
- Opt: Naval expansions will now build a factory first instead of defense.
Update 19.Nov.2024 (v113)
- Fix: Resolved bug in AddFactoryToClosestManager function due to missing LocationType.
- Opt: Scouts no longer create a path; they now fly straight to the destination.
For older changes see:
AI Development Discord Server (M28AI / AI-Swarm / AI-Uveso / RNGAI / NutCracker AI / DilliAI)