I believe changing the colors will give the game a nice refresh to the game but ffs its not hard to make the colors different, make them lighter, muted, saturated or darker.
Here is an easy to understand graph. We have 4 blues. We could just use Exciting, Friendly and Professional (Regular blue, Light blue, Dark blue).
It's god awful to argue we can just call colors "teal, aquamarine, jade, polished, salmon" nobody does that and if you try it will trigger alot of confusion on an already overwhelming game for the average user.
It really isn't this hard. If you think these blues look too close to each other, guess what? we can make them even more different!
It really isn't that hard to create different and diverse colors. You have plenty of options of mixing muted, bright, dark and/or saturated versions of colors.
Adding new colors is a plus but it has to be done on a smart manner. Otherwise, you'll just get everyone riled up because you are about to make the game a confusing shitshow.