Aeon: effort vs. reward (average-ish player?)
@sladow-noob said in Aeon: effort vs. reward (average-ish player?):
@immortal-d said in Aeon: effort vs. reward (average-ish player?):
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by the instant toxicity, but I am disappointed.
Can you mark the part of the answers you are referring to pls?
@yellownoob said in Aeon: effort vs. reward (average-ish player?):
I couldnt help but notice that you dont know exactly what EFFORT you should do. For example: you say that the aurora sucks, >
I never said Aurora sucks. I'm glad he notices I don't understand effort.
@yellownoob said in Aeon: effort vs. reward (average-ish player?):
Lets talk about aeon gun, yes it is only 5 meter additional range, but think how much safer you could overcharge bricks or percies.
Now about mercy, if you perhaps did not notice that eaxh rts uses default priority system and in air unit category highest priority has torpedo bomber which basicly means that for 270 mass you can mecry anyone.
Now about czar, did you notice its insane hp bar and insane sam range? Id like you to notice that itw flying fortress that can brun bases or any other land t4 and it should help you win air.
Now about gc, you simply dont understand its strong points, as you noticed so far there is no unit that would win you a game without proper support, for gc it is t3 harb army, gc range helps you freely inflict damage on every army composition besides snipers, that means that you are forced to engage gc with your t3 units that have much higher cost than a harb and the same dps as a harb. Notice that snipers will not reallly help because they would have no shield since aeon army has a shiled damage based unit.
Again, I clearly don't understand anything.
Upon rereading, really just that guy. Everyone else is moderately constructive.
@immortal-d I think what he is saying is that instead of commenting on balance maybe a change to your mindset would have better results. Does not seem toxic to me.
@immortal-d I think you misunderstood something. I heavily assume he's talking about the "ingame-effort", e.g. what the goal should be.
"You don't want to stay on t1 as Aeon anyway (aka rush Blazes) [...]"can feel you on the other post though lol
@immortal-d We're not all native speakers and we're all from different cultures. I'm not reading anything toxic here - just people trying to express their opinions.
D Deribus moved this topic from Suggestions on
Moved to Balance Discussion
How is this not a troll post, only thing missing is that he thinks snipers are bad and need a buff.
@femtozetta My snipers always die to t1 bombers. Plz buff HP
@sladow-noob better to give them a personal shield kappa
@immortal-d so you call me sharing the sacred knowledge with you a toxicity? Fine.
I wanted to say that you dont know where to put that effort. And i did indeed simplified you saying that losing your guard with aurora could deal huge damage into aurora sucks, which is basicly true in 90% cases. I never intended to be toxic, if i wanted to be toxic i wouldnt even bothered to answer your each point and would have called you a retard instead.
I hope i clarified the misunderstanding. -
I have always seen Aeon as the SUPERIOR MASTER RACE, but also one that focuses each unit on being the best at one thing. Like their frigate, it only attacks ground. Or the shard, which only attacks air. I like that they are kinda specialized and do one thing. I feel the GC fits this philosophy perfectly well. No aeon unit should be perfect without support, they are essentially the combined arms faction. You always need to mix things together to make sure every weakness is covered. The GC is no different, it needs a swarm of units supporting it. Like shields (which I'm not sure if they block any fire) or harbingers to reclaim it's kills, and repair it in-between assaults.
I would say the CZAR and Mercy need help. But I'm not sure how? Perhaps making the CZAR an "air game ender" Every 10 seconds it pops out an old Corona fighters with AOE flak guns, slaved to the CZAR like drones. Slowly snowballing into air superiority, but vulnerable to ground AA.
Mercy is just not great. I mean, most bombers are suicide bombers anyway. If I ever need to use them I spread them out so they don't all approach the target from the same angle (and thus get wiped by one flak shell). I also support them with t1 air scouts to draw flak fire.
Anyway, I love Aeon and am always up for changes and fun stuff
CZAR is already fun and really good since it was buffed. Now Aeon just needs really good combat SCU's to round out their late game ground combat options.
@thomashiatt It has been great since the shield was added. Ive even seen it in games! It just doesn't feel as decisive as other experimentals.
Only T4 more decisive is the asswasher which is OP in the first place.
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The mercy is broken with more hp. I need to mess with it more but I'd maybe like to see 10hp and 6-8 range