Hello and welcome to the 2022 Cringe Tournament III! Cringe Tournament III is 2v2 tournament featuring with a cringe set of rules. Meant for a players from 0-1300 range assuming that if higher rated player joins he will not get any benefits.
What’s changed?
There is now a new set of cringe rules! check them out!
No rating cap but Captain must be lower than 1300 in all categories. Ratings will be taken from 03.09.2022.
Both players on the team must have different factions.
Each team has Сaptain which is selected by lower rating. The other team member will be called "Comrade". Comrade's ACU can not build nor have any units except for walls.
You cannot start the game before your currency use gets approved by Mods.
Additional penalty rule:
If you kill Comrade ACU before Captain ACU you will get pennalty. You are unable to buy out t1 tank and t1 transport for the next game.
How to use currency?
1st STEP: You are to forbid all the units as in example below. You will have available only Factories and resource buildings. Other stuff you would need to buy.
2nd STEP: Both players need to dm to a tournament moderator all the stuff they want to buy. Buying units is an anonymous process. You cannot know what your opponent has bought while you are in the process of buying your units. Keep in mind: There are no refunds!

At the start of the tourney you get 220 points. Points are the currency that you use to "buy" units with a prices shown below.

Ways to win:
- You are to kill both of your opponents acus.
- You are to paint picture with walls in a certain area on the map using Comrade ACU. Each square must be 15x15. If you are to win by drawing you will gain additional 100 points

Example of a certain place on map to draw
Each circle has a colour corresponding to a players colour. The circle is a zone you need to paint with walls.

You could help tournament go smoother by applying your self as a Mods that oversee the use of currency in lobbies.
Casters must use 1 minute delay or higher.
Would you like to contribute to the prize pool?
Just contact me in discord ююю#5139
• 1st: 4000 Rubles, Cringe tournament III avatar 
• 2nd: 2000 Rubles, Faction Face Avatar
• 3rd: 1000 Faction Icon Avatar
1000 Rubles were stolen for beer. (its a joke)
Donated by:
5000 Rubles by ToSimb
2000 Rubles by Furkotya
The schedule:
17th of September.
If too much participants rest of the tournament will be held 18th september.
All events will start at 14:00 UTC.
Maps will be revealed 1 day before tournament.