Was a nice run #RIP FAF
@jip We are not still able to play an older version. It has be written over and we are left with unranked and inferior versions of the map. It was the most played map In FAF not just by the amount of games but also by player count. Its been messed with unnecessarily and without consultation to the community. The beauty of a map that stays the same is that the strategy's are forced to evolve. Not the map itself. We ask for the map creator Robustness to make the map Dualgap_fix_adaptive V9 playable and ranked. And that all future versions are simply an alterative and not a write over of the map.
Only the strongest will make a difficult choice, and @Robustness did it. Good job
Your strategies evolve and change because the balance of the game changes :PPPPPPPPPPPP
Its been messed with unnecessarily and without consultation to the community.
And that all future versions are simply an alterative and not a write over of the map.I understand that a map with that many plays should maybe not be tempered with. But, it is his design / map and as far as I am aware he can do whatever he wants with it. It doesn't require community approval.
Not the map itself. We ask for the map creator Robustness to make the map Dualgap_fix_adaptive V9 playable and ranked.
I'll look into whether it is unranked or not.
edit: just because a newer version exists doesn't mean the old one is unranked. Unless the author or the vault team did that - which again is how we operate. The vault team didn't do it as far as I can see, so if the author unranked his old version then there isn't much more to be done.
I'd like to add that @Eternal is right - just because the map remains the same doesn't mean the game is too. There are balance patches and they move around the balance of Dual Gap too, as any other map.
Robustness did say in aeolus that he was unranking the version 9 of dual gap.
Maybe try a different map?
Dual Gap is Gone
Dual Gap is Gone
Dual Gap is Gone
Nothing survives gradual change; that's how the universe works.
Dual Gap is Gone
Dual Gap is Gone
well there now a v11
Dual Gap is Gone
No changes are planned until January. Version 9 has outlived itself faster than I expected. Most of the changes were discussed in a trusted circle for many months and were not spontaneous or deliberate. As a person who tries to keep the balance of this "classic" mapd unbiased, starting with version 6.
I want to say that don't listen to anyone that this is the final version and that in the future, it won't happen that maybe I'll bring version 9 back, anything can happen. But now we need changes that will contribute to improving the gameplay, and not make it bad, as many believe, without playing enough games on it. -
@hedgie XD lol, mid players dont even buffed, but naval do. Eco nerfed coz that was only 1 meta on gap! I thin u are just sad about u cant now use ur 24min mavor bild XD
Dual Gap is Gone
new version has the same timing on eco slot. but mid and navy is more important than before.
in fact eco slot was CHANGED but NOT nerfed. it looks nerfed for low skill players only -
J Jip referenced this topic on
Dual Gap is Gone
The beauty of a map that stays the same is that the strategy's are forced to evolve.
The absolute irony that you say this and ask for Dualgap_fix_adaptive V9 to be returned.