Make the "Draw Bug" a Bannable Offense
The last 3 posts have done well to explain, thank you
Weird case where my opponent ctrl+k and it doesn't bug. Has the bug been fixed or something unexpected happened ?
@Auricocorico The FAF gods were punishing @Voodoo for not remembering that he could ground-fire his ACU to kill you
(you can stand on the sides of the puddle to shoot into the middle - #14351296)
I thought it was a valid tactic to ctrl k to kill the enemy com-it stops them gaining vet from killing you and surviving, and from being able to run away from you if they have some spam to block you. I’ve done it myself a number of times and would feel very aggrieved to be banned for it (until now id presumed it would count as a draw). If the actual issue can be fixed then great, but if not it shouldn’t be punishable because it should be a legitimate tactic to obtain a draw instead of a loss. Id be happy with a punishment that just involved a manual rating change as well since that would just be an awkward way of fixing the issue.
One query though-some have suggested pausing and offering a draw. how do you get a draw? One game my opponent had to leave so we agreed to have our coms shoot each other to death to draw; is there a better/easier way?
You can agree to a draw under the diplomacy tab or w/e it's called in game. It's the same place which can be used to give resources to your allies, offer peace in games with unlocked teams etc.
Does anyone else remember 'Lame'? I fear to think how highly rated that man would have gotten with drawbug and shift G.
But like actually though, I really don't see this as that much of a problem. It sucks sometimes, but at the end of the day your rating will go back to baseline. Swkoll and I used to offer each other draws if we wanted to be nice, I offered a draw to espi one and he told me to pound salt so I went back to control k'ing if I needed to. I think the situation is too ambiguous to need to start looking at bans or warnings. Everyone knows how sometimes you go for a push and it doesnt work out, and your only chance is to take a draw or lose. I have yet to see anyone really try and abuse the system since "Lame' did this back in 2012-2013.
Also, I thought this got fixed a few days/week ago? The last two games I lost to control K, it counted it as an actual draw?
a bit late with for the party but that wouldn't be implemented as bannable offense since it's too hard to track down if it was on purpose or not as well as implement a lot of unnecessary fear,imagine some low rated boys that don't know how does that even work,they are going to just stop playing at all if we start banning it,however it is still possible to pm one mods with several replays and go through them,that would probably be better imo,also yeah,i though it was somewhat fixed xD
Just warn them the first time. You don’t need to ban right away.... I told a guy I was playing against about the bug that plays me frequently, and he stopped using it.
@tex said in Make the "Draw Bug" a Bannable Offense:
Does anyone else remember 'Lame'? I fear to think how highly rated that man would have gotten with drawbug and shift G.
But like actually though, I really don't see this as that much of a problem. It sucks sometimes, but at the end of the day your rating will go back to baseline. Swkoll and I used to offer each other draws if we wanted to be nice, I offered a draw to espi one and he told me to pound salt so I went back to control k'ing if I needed to. I think the situation is too ambiguous to need to start looking at bans or warnings. Everyone knows how sometimes you go for a push and it doesnt work out, and your only chance is to take a draw or lose. I have yet to see anyone really try and abuse the system since "Lame' did this back in 2012-2013.
Also, I thought this got fixed a few days/week ago? The last two games I lost to control K, it counted it as an actual draw?
No, dude just check some replays lol. Where did you see the update that fixed this?
For the first two or three years of me playing ladder on FAF, draws always counted as draws and my games always actually counted for rating. Why is it now impossible for these two things to be true at the same time? Just see how the code worked before and do it that way again, maybe it needs to be a special case for ladder1v1 games to avoid the bugs with team games.
I do not think people should be punished in any way for the server interpreting the results of their game wrong. I also don't think moderators should be given more work for some stupid bug that was invented. Everyone should either get used to the bug or get motivated enough to fix it. If we live in a universe where it is impossible to determine who won a 1v1 game even after 14 years of development work, then just embrace the absurdity and hopelessness of the situation and laugh.
The last two games I played that had a control K draw scenario were rated for me as normal draws, so that's why I thought it got fixed.
This just sound like a lot of noise for a stupid bug wich issues fix itself by playing more. Fixing the bug should be the unique solution as reviewing replays, sending warnings and applying bans takes time that could be used elsewhere.
I think drawing a game is fine, if you are lesser rated you should gain points for the draw as you had a lower chance to win (as seen by the bot).
Salvaging a lost game by a draw still requires planning and execution and shows that the opponent wasnt properly defending their acu.
Calling it a bug is misleading as in my view a shortstacking player securing a draw should gain some rating.
The bug is that a draw counts as a win not that a draw happens. It’s a bug on how the client reports game results to the server.
Has this "draw bug" been fixed?
Game #15535906 - it appears to be ranked as a win (I gained 15 rating, my opponent lost 13 rating)
I wasn't trying to exploit the draw bug. I thought they fixed it.
Nope it hasn’t
the fix got reverted, because it made more games unrated
This whole idea is idiotic.
The fact that you get punished for making a tactically good decision in a strategy game is stupid.
If your opponent over reaches and therefore dies tough luck. -
@noonecares said in Make the "Draw Bug" a Bannable Offense:
This whole idea is idiotic.
The fact that you get punished for making a tactically good decision in a strategy game is stupid.
If your opponent over reaches and therefore dies tough luck.see
@ftxcommando said in Make the "Draw Bug" a Bannable Offense:
The bug is that a draw counts as a win not that a draw happens. It’s a bug on how the client reports game results to the server.
@keyser said in Make the "Draw Bug" a Bannable Offense:
the fix got reverted, because it made more games unrated
Well there wasn’t really a fix. The “fix” was to revert the fixes for the games being unrated, therefore making them unrated again