My faf PTSD story

It breaks immersion to let someone play for 20 seconds but not longer

Who is controlling their army? A ghost? The ghost is being called up to heaven?

The game mode exists as a mod called Decapitation. Don't know whether it ever became ranked though

@arma473 said in My faf PTSD story:

It breaks immersion to let someone play for 20 seconds but not longer

Who is controlling their army? A ghost? The ghost is being called up to heaven?

You never saw these ghost movies where the main character gets time to correct his failures? Let´s call it afterlife mode.

Crazy alternative idea:
gamespeed will be automaticaly reduced ( 30sec 20% gamespeed or something),
then everybody is equally annoyed. Com explosion caused a schockwave slowing down the time.

@angelofd347h said in My faf PTSD story:

The game mode exists as a mod called Decapitation. Don't know whether it ever became ranked though

The intention is that it does become integrated and rated; see also:

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Supremacy might work if there was no ACU explosion or at least it only affected other ACUs.

well that other RTS works fine with coms that you can use as bombs
you can even cloak the com and walk into a firebase to blow it up
then revive your com and repeat
or you can blow your com up next to your base to get a mass boost for fast tech/eco/air raid

so i think it is fine if you can use com as a bomb sometimes
afaik people on steam play with 50000 com explosion dmg (500 or 800 to buildings, 2500 to other coms)

Edit: Oh, actually it works in other RTS cause com has a wreck and leaves decent amount of reclaim... so in case of FAF exploding com in enemy base would be more of a mass delivery

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

Yeah I’d rather not import BAR’s ridiculous gameplay of using your ACU’s reclaim to get faster t3 mex equivalents.

It's always been an idea to let scus act as backup acus - you dont lose until all scus are dead, too - but that would make scus extremely OP and also would render some games as draws, with each side unable to kill all the scus of the other side before more were built.

@funkoff Would require a rework/rebalance of SACUs, but maybe not impossible?

Being able to build a new, more expensive kind of SACU or have a specific unit cap for them might be a way to manage this.

"Design is an iterative process. The necessary number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

Newest map: luminary.png

@SEGAcaretaker I second the suggestion for supremacy, until decapitation makes it into the game proper. It's unrated unfortunately but I managed to get a few games using it, so at least some people aren't completely opposed to playing it. Best host yourself, and remind players that either team can recall at any time once the game stops being fun.