I have spent a lot of time playing Aeon, and I think I will play some other faction.
Why I chose Aeon: Snipercom (destroyed), eye of Rhianne (not very useful in 1v1)
Why I don't want to play Aeon anymore: Weak T1, T2 land, weakest T1 bomber, constant nerfs based on I don't know what. Snipercom was the number 1 reason I played Aeon in 1v1. Because I knew that even though my tanks suck, I could apply early hard pressure. And I mostly play 1v1 nowadays, because I just can't stand teammates in this game.
Stats can be checked here: https://kazbek.github.io/FAF-Analytics/
Or just look at the screenshot:
My current global is 1300. So, basically, even though I mostly play Aeon, my win rate is lower than any other faction I occasionally play. I don't currently see all data, but I hope the balance team does data-driven decision making.