Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread

The Stinger and Vulthoo changes makes me think of a Jester T1 Cybran gunship. It's not the most horrific thing, but it can stick around if you don't have interceptors or enough land AAto deal with it. Maybe the Stinger should have more HP and less damage with the speed change? This might give it an advantage in poorly defended areas. THe Vulthoo HP increase is going to play out interestingly.

Different teleports for different factions would be interesting. The beta change seems a bit much. Perhaps have T2-T3 upgrades speed up the teleport? It already costs a terrible lot, so that might be a bad idea. Perhaps upgrade steps for range and speed? Or make Teleport "charges", where you pay for the teleport forward, then instant teleport to your destination. Not all of these at once of course. Just ideas.

The Stinger just tends to miss moving targets a lot. Could it get the same love the Jester and Vulthoo are getting with the soft projectile tracking?

After watching 5 Stingers chase a Thaam, I agree, something should be done.

I looove the proposed tele range nerfs!

Now tele actually requires correct execution and interaction with the rest of the map, while still being super strong when it works as it should be 🙂

As an idea, I'd propose to change the tele range from 350 to 410, for no other reason than 410 is the nuke sub range and having standardized ranges where possible is nice.

@TheWheelie Thanks for taking the time to address feedback, here and in discord. I think the balance team's reasoning is solid and you explained it well. I'll try to play some games with beta balance before forming an opinion.

I think nerfing teleport this bad is a mistake. I think some other common sense solutions are better, such as a cooldown on the ability up to 60 or 90 seconds, perhaps a warning that it's being used ala nuke (warning sent when teleport sequence is initiated) and or a 10 or 20 second stun time after teleport completes and before weapons turn on (but move/build still allowed)

There are lots of ways to nerf telemazer that dont totally kill it. Also, importantly, the nerf doesnt even do that much to stop it there is a lake or sea near an enemy base or acu which could be used as a safe intermediary jump point before and after the kill jump

the changes you propose are even harder nerfs to tele

frick snoops!

@funkoff said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

Also, importantly, the nerf doesnt even do that much to stop it there is a lake or sea near an enemy base or acu which could be used as a safe intermediary jump point before and after the kill jump

That is the intention probably?
It's not so that you simply can't get a useful telemazor off (which your changes would do), but so that the enemy has more time to react to it.
so if you need 2-3 hops to get to the enemy base, then your opponent will have more time to react to the teleport and will also possibly be alerted by the sudden appearance of a radar signature.


Just make it so you cant tele inside anti nuke radius. You can then buff tele however you like to be better in other situations. Job done.

I would like to see how a warning pops up like nuke, could do it when the tele starts or when you actually tele

You already get a warning when you actually tele, it's the sound of the laser killing you.

@veteranashe said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

I would like to see how a warning pops up like nuke, could do it when the tele starts or when you actually tele

That's a great way to make sure tele stops being useful snipe tool. Now everyone can just walk away or get countermeasures ready in no time. Making sure that you will never come back from the tele attempt.

If the warning prompts right when tele happens I'm not sure on countermeasures.

If tele warming prompts at the start You can get tele just to mess with people by clicking tele and cancelling

@veteranashe Make it uncancellable

I actually like the idea of telesnipes as a late game win option. It's desperate, and it's not very difficult to stop.

Can't remember if I mentioned this before but make a constant move order like patrol but you don't stop moving, ever. A lot harder to snipe in general

It seems like the game is being taken over by people who are anti-snipe. Over the years, Firebeetle Drops, Mercies, T3 bombers, and now Telemaser have all been gutted. People just want to sit back and play simcity

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

pulling a fast one on people is a great feeling.

What's with the constant fear of creating something new that's good? You see the current issue with uef shield is that it's too expensive for the hp so the solution is to make it cheaper but also make it shittier in survivability again? It's supposed to be some mongoose upgrade when half the boon of mongoose is the speed which you now can't use because they are tethered to an ACU that has a more expensive but shittier survival upgrade in every way than Aeon?

If the point is testing things out in beta why don't you err on the side of making things good enough to actually break the meta inertia and use the new toy rather than it being too bad aside from 1 in 3400 game scenarios but when that scenario actually arises you forgot the upgrade exists to actually test it out.


The balance team doesn’t want the inevitable blowback when people start dying and losing rating to the new good thing in the days/weeks before people discover counterplays. It just causes more stress and work for them with regards to keeping FAF humming along and growing. People can drop games over stuff like that. Nobody playing now is going to drop the game because it’s still mostly like it was X years ago. That’s kind of the appeal.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u