Factory models

@jip said in Factory models:

A lot of people mentioned that they feel surprised by these changes, and asked us to be more open about them. I'd like to turn this around: if you're that interested in what changes are coming then why didn't you:

(1) Play on FAF Develop
(2) Join the discussion on Discord
(3) Join the discussion on Github

@jip said in Factory models:

To drive home the point: some people in this topic have a strong opinion with a on average negative attitude. Yet, those people did not or barely played on FAF Develop. Yet those people did not participate in discussions on Discord or on Github. And now these same people are here shitting on me that I did not manage to reach you

We were happy with the game the way it was, and did not ask for PBR or different factory models. You go out of your way to change the game that we were content with. You think we should all go out of our way to keep up with the all the latest news and changes and beta test them for you? You could make all your changes as UI/SIM mods like a normal FAF citizen has to, but you were granted the game councilor position so you have the privilege to push whatever you want to the main game. All the criticism comes whenever you want to use/abuse that privilege.

alot of people here are wanting a roll back to the old design (engi mod models) i think we should go one step further and remove engi mod so no more hq's and only the pure gpg factories then the only thing needed to do for pbr would be adjusting some textures (normal and spec team)

Vault Admin / Creative Team / Map Guru

The old design proposed new models and new shapes and I'll rather have them even with all their bad textures and bad lights than the new design which just feels bland and boring. The new design is paradoxically not an improvement to the visuals of the game.

I ll just ask again:

  1. The reason for the changes was of mere cosmetic nature, correct?
  2. Will it be possible to play with the old models (e.g., with a mod)?

This feels like a "sunk-cost fallacy" to me. People invested time and effort, and now are committed to invest even more instead of just rolling it back - no matter what the "community" says. I can understand this motion yet don't agree with it (implementing changes and categorically ruling out a roll back for imo unconvincing reasons given).

If you insist on remodeling I think it would be a good idea to lay out which options are available. Can new elements be added? Any shape? Any restrictions?

I think Jip is one of the best things that has happened to FAF in terms of development. We can't always agree on everything though.

@krapougnak the designs are just garbage tho, like they are badly made. They are way too big and they are the only things that just look wayyyy out of place. I mean the biggest is that they have 0 animations so the structure just pops out. Looks super unrefined and unprofessional.

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@Ninrai these are primarily cosmetic changes. One could make a sim mod and play with the old models. But that mod would not be rated.

This feels like a "sunk-cost fallacy" to me.

There is no sunken cost dilemma. This direction started in 2021 with the aim to improve the immersion of the game for the average player. See also my second post on being game lead:

The initial prototypes were looking good, all we needed at that point was more general interest in the subject because the project is too large to tackle alone. It took a few patches, but slowly and surely people joined in and we're taking more and more steps into this direction. As we do this we found some bad apples, some bigger than others. The HQ factories are the bigger bad apples so far.

@ninrai said in Factory models:

no matter what the "community" says.

I feel slightly frustrated that you write this.

We're always open to feedback. In this particular topic I've mentioned that multiple times, let alone that we've even opened up a topic where you can give feedback on specific line ups.

@ninrai said in Factory models:

If you insist on remodeling I think it would be a good idea to lay out which options are available. Can new elements be added? Any shape? Any restrictions?

We can try to do so, but there aren't that many options in practice. Take for example the Cybran naval factory:


It already takes up the entire texture space, there's very little room for something new. Therefore the only thing we can do when we add parts is to re-use the texture space with respect to the dimensions of the individual shapes. If we don't, then they get all stretchy and things just look bad, which is exactly what happened:


This applies to essentially all factory line ups, which is exactly why the average HQ factory has so many visual issues. They re-use parts of the texture, but they forget the dimensions or what the texture represents and therefore it looks skewed and various properties (reflections, spec lighting, lighting) look off, breaking immersion.

@penguin_ said in Factory models:

Why/how is this an unsolvable problem? Why can't we just make and or generate new texture bits and pieces (or whole textures) that fit the old models?

I feel like I've already described it in this topic, but for the sake of it I did it in another topic too.

@thomashiatt said in Factory models:

We were happy with the game the way it was, and did not ask for PBR or different factory models. You go out of your way to change the game that we were content with. You think we should all go out of our way to keep up with the all the latest news and changes and beta test them for you? You could make all your changes as UI/SIM mods like a normal FAF citizen has to, but you were granted the game councilor position so you have the privilege to push whatever you want to the main game. All the criticism comes whenever you want to use/abuse that privilege.

There is no 'we' here Thomas, there is just 'you'. Stating I abuse the privilege of being game lead is pretty disgusting when I announced that these were my intentions from the very start.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip said in Factory models:

I feel slightly frustrated that you write this.
We're always open to feedback. In this particular topic I've mentioned that multiple times, let alone that we've even opened up a topic where you can give feedback on specific line ups

Not my intention to frustrate you. Probably more of a question how to get which information across in the future. I tried to explain how "it was written on page 76 of the proposal - how could you not have seen it?!" most likely is going to cause friction.
Alternative: have the most important/impactful changes listed at the top of your post, and even on the whats news page in the client
"New things coming up/which can be tested in FAF DEV:

  1. Remodeled factories!
  2. Improved sim speed
    Then link to the forum and people can jump into discussion.
    I wrote "community" in quotation marks bc I don't want to imply that my opinion is representing the community. Several people in this thread, however, seem to have issues with the direction taken.

I read your 2/3 post you linked to. Did not see any reference to immersion/remodeling.

The feedback options now are good. Just want to point out that I felt like initial pushback from the devs here ("you didnt read", "you didnt play FAF dev" etc. which felt like blaming, nothing constructive). The feedback "let's roll it back bc the changes caused bigger problems compared to the texture issue before" will not be considered from what I understand.

The game was shipped in 2007 - I can live with imperfect textures I barely ever see. What I need to see instantly is which factory is an HQ. The old models served their purpose just fine imo. It does feel feel a little like "the back of the fridge texture looks messed up, even if we hardly ever see it - let's remodel the entire fridge".

Fingers crossed the final result will work well.


have the most important/impactful changes listed at the top of your post

This is of course subjective, there's no order that would satisfy everyone. I get the idea of course, but in the end we'll always have the wrong order. In this case I didn't think the factories would be such a drastic change as none of the hundreds of people that play tested on FAF Develop mentioned it.

I wrote "community" in quotation marks bc I don't want to imply that my opinion is representing the community. Several people in this thread, however, seem to have issues with the direction taken.

There are always people that consider a patch harmful. For some just the idea of change is harmful. Don't get me wrong, I take serious feedback seriously and I hope you get that impression too. But at the moment there was more backlash on removing the blinking lights then what I have perceived so far with these factory changes.

The feedback "let's roll it back bc the changes caused bigger problems compared to the texture issue before" will not be considered from what I understand.

Yep, because I'd prefer moving forwards instead of spending time to go backwards again. We're open to suggestions on how to improve the situation, and I hope you too come up with suggestions to improve it.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip said in Redesign of all HQ and support factories:

(1) There are no proper upgrade animation

(2) A lot of 'HQ bits' have stretched textures

(3) A lot of 'HQ bits' have baked in ambient lighting at the wrong places

(4) A lot of 'HQ bits' have bad normal maps

These all seem like fixable problems. Why can't we just fix/adjust them as needed and use the old models?

For 1/3/4,, couldn't we just adjust or redo the HQ upgrade animations, normal maps, and baked in ambient lighting?

And for 2, couldn't we just use a larger texture size (with some not too difficult tweaks) to gain additional texture resolution space?

pfp credit to gieb

@jip You "prefer moving forward" and it is fine by me. Even if I do like the actual HQ models I'm not opposed to replace them with something better, graphically, gamewise but also visually. The people behind the Engie mod made the effort to create true HQ models visually striking and that you could clearly identify. The changes you are proposing are bland, half-baked and not an improvement visually speaking. They don't bring anything to the game visually on the contrary. HQ should look like HQ, the old ones did, whatever their graphical imperfections, yours don't. Replace the actual HQ models with new true HQ models and keep the original game factory models for the support factories. You are doing a fantastic job on FAF and I do support your work, the direction you have taken FAF and the changes made so far and I thank you for that. This needed to be said.

@penguin_ said in Factory models:

These all seem like fixable problems. Why can't we just fix/adjust them as needed and use the old models?

This would need a complete texture rework which is a lot of work. It's a way easier approach if we try to come up with different models. I am positive that it is possible to come up with good ideas for the HQs. Some of the old HQs are not exactly the pinnacle of 3D design even if you ignore all the technical issues. Take for example the cybran T3 navy HQ. It looks very weird.

It will be hard for people that don't know how to use 3D software to really gauge if their proposals are feasible, but in essence we can take any part of the model, duplicate it as often as we want and attach it in arbitrary rotations somewhere on the model. We can scale it a little, but not too much and ideally only the same amount in all directions. Otherwise the texture will begin to noticeably stretch.
Lastly the new geometry should come out of the ground or from somewhere in the model during the upgrade animation as we need to "store" the parts for the higher tier factories somewhere in the model or underground.

lotta text that i aint reading but i very very much prefer the old factory looks, especially HQs
if it is not possible to make them look like that with better shading/animations, then i'd prefer there be no shading/animations and we keep the old models

frick snoops!

@blackyps said in Factory models:

attach it in arbitrary rotations somewhere

while possible this will cause the same lighting issues we are fixing

Vault Admin / Creative Team / Map Guru

well, it depends if there is inbaked ambient occlusion at that part. But yes, that can happen, that's why I said it's hard to gauge if that would be feasible as it depends on the specific part that you choose and it's easiest to gauge that by opening the unit in blender and checking which not everybody can do

Me personally i honestly like the design of mostly aeon but i think cybran take the cake for worst hq designs besides air factory

Idk i liked designs of old hqs more because they were super distinct, but i never looked at them closely, so i never noticed anything wrong with them. Like you dont look at buildings ever, its just waste of time, so it doesnt break my immersion in game. Benefit of old design is that you have easier time spotting hq once in eternity when you zoom in. But so far i had no issue with hq models and likely will never have them.

Skill issue

I like the idea behind the new design but yeah what they lack is the ability to know if they are HQ or support facs when zoomed out.

Could we at least have the Engie mod on the vault for legacy purposes an so the hq models are not lost forever ? AFAIK it isn't. Thanks.

Albeit I see the frustration of some people with the similarity of the models, these changes will be better long term.

Jip and co get feedback and improve on the models, then we get better animations / looking structures and so on.

Again, I understand the frustration but every development proceess takes times and testing in production to get real data. Only so much you can do with a few people working on something new

FAF Website Developer

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