Unsurprisingly mine are PvE related! However they're all UI/client related rather than changing the actual game.
- AI in matchmaker (https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5549/the-what-ais-in-ladder-season-2 and the separate discord discussion)
- UI rework for both the lobby and the client, to improve the experience for PvE players. On the lobby side, an improved AI selection interface where you just select you want an AI opponent and then it results in a separate drop-down menu to pick the AI; a drop-down menu to set its AiX modifier individually (if it's possible for it to be different for individual AI); and a button to get more AI that takes you to the mod vault and shows you a filtered list of the AI mods to pick from (with a nice to have being a rating displaying for each AI so players have a better sense of its strength); On the client side, introducing something like this (and earlier post in the same thread) to improve the campaign selection: