Fun fact:
--** File : /cdimage/units/UEA0302/UEA0302_script.lua
--** Author(s): Jessica St. Croix, David Tomandl
--** Summary : UEF Spy Plane Script
--** Copyright © 2005 Gas Powered Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
local TAirUnit = import("/lua/terranunits.lua").TAirUnit
-- The torpedo is a temporary implementation of the ability to launch sonar buoys.
-- Currently, a torpedo is dropped into the water that transforms into the buoy.
-- Once we get proper "alt abilities", we can switch the buoy creation to use that system.
local TANTorpedoAngler = import("/lua/terranweapons.lua").TANTorpedoAngler
---@class UEA0302 : TAirUnit
UEA0302 = Class(TAirUnit) {
-- Disabling for now, while Design decides whether they want this functionality
-- Weapons = {
-- BuoyLauncher = Class(TANTorpedoAngler) {
-- FiringMuzzleBones = {'Projectile',},
-- },
-- },
TypeClass = UEA0302
They were experimenting with the UEF spy planes to be able to drop sonar buoys