T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers

I think it should be possible to have "first bomber" a valid strategy that have to be considered.

Still, I agree with Blodir playing against those are very annoying.
But as Femboy said (in a rude way): It is very possible to counter this with intel and intie quickly.

In my opinion, the bomber may need to get "less frustrating" instead of "weaker".
And to do so: Increase cost to make it a tougher risk vs value calculation for the attacker.

I like that this change would make the expanding phase in the beginning less volatile. It doesn't feel good to be set back by a huge amount in the first minutes of the game. At the moment the interaction is very coin-flippy. An important dodge can make the difference between a nearly useless bomber and a lost expansion. Putting more emphasize on early damage to structures makes the interaction more predictable.

@frozen_byte said in T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers:

It is very possible to counter this with intel and intie quickly.

With the assumption that I started with an air factory too. But usually I open land 🙂 , I can't make interceptors.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

So new meta will always be first Air now? 😄 💨
Still, If we modify the "risk vs value" odds it may become less frustrating because you know the enemy has committed into the bomber and invested a lot of resources that he is missing now.

What about increasing bomber cost and damage proportionately? It makes first bomber weaker when it fails (as well as giving more reclaim), and means a greater investment to going first bomber, without being as dramatic as almost doubling engineer health vs bombers.

For example there are times I might have a clump of 5 engineers in my base and have failed to scout/detect the bomber in time. If it gets a bomb off I suffer a major setback, but with the proposed change to let engineers need 2 bomb passes to die there's a good chance all my engineers can live and I shoot down the bomber despite my opponent needing a much bigger investment to get the bomber, a lot of attention to manage it (while also trying to expand), and me messing up by presenting a perfect bomber target.

@blodir said in T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers:

@femboy said in T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers:

This really just sounds a lot like skill issue to me. You can just make your own air scout to see the bomber and dodge it. And if it’s a big map, scout it and click it with inties since bomber is so slow.if your transport gets bombed it just means you didn’t scout well.

Also your ideas are insane, so 2 bombers will one shot any pgen? Easy way to drop 4-6 bombers and just kill all t1 pgens? Splitting pgens js 10x more annoying than just clicking left or right when I see enemy bomber. If the 1500 ladder dudes can consistently dodge a bomber, so can you.

Your comment is so outlandishly disrespectful that it leaves me wondering whether it was intended as a plain insult or was it born out of some wild delusion (?)

I must have been an absolute machine when I was the highest rated ladder player in 2019 without knowing how to dodge a bomber, let alone build scouts or target move inties.

Anyways, the point of these changes is that there are real changes to gameplay. Yes, this means you shouldn't stack 9 pgens next to each other in a square so that 2 bombers can kill them all. This is not outrageous or unprecedented.

Before the hoverbomb nerf some years back the pgen placements of today would have been unthinkably greedy. Splitting pgens is not as bad as you may imagine. Some people used to have templates for splitting pgens, but just drawing lines of pgens is not terrible either. Also iirc cybran pgens can already be 2 shotted.

If someone questioning your skill/idea is "outlandishly disrespectful", you should turn your ego a bit down.

The whole point of t1 bombers is to cause damage early. Killing first bomber as an opening would make opening ideas less diverse. Then not making air early would be even better because not only can we dodge bombers, but we get a second chance to dodge since they dont one shot engies? What's the point of early air then? You make air to avoid getting bombed to the stone age.

Engies dying to bombers its just a part of the game, you can also make your own bomber or send more tanks towards the enemy since if they have air and you dont, then you should have more land and be able to raid their engineers anyways.

I've yet to lose a game because one bomber decimated my expanding engineers. Specially a first bomber. If it was so good, why dont I see it in ladder at all? I keep watching Nexus- replays for his build orders and he always goes air scout > intie. If it was as good as you say, I'm sure Nexus would be using it or he wouldnt be the top dog. If the top player doesnt do it or doesnt need it, then its a skill issue.

FAF Website Developer

I believe the game had quite a few changes leading to a long ecowhoring game so far, favouring ecoing and not aggressive plays.

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

@rottenbanana completely agree, only ladder is where aggression matters. But let’s nerf aggression even more ♥

FAF Website Developer

I've been watching all the tournament videos on faforever and I have been seeing a lot of bomber play and they are used a lot and are effective, on both sides. You need to learn to be aggressive with bombers and also to use them. It's very rewarding to use them right now and has upped my game because of it. A nerf might make it where a lot of people don't make early bombers any more.

Most of the time when a bomber hits a transport it's because afk engies or because you didn't split them after landing. If your playing point of reach and don't split your engies after landing you pretty much deserve to lose them.

Other things you could look at is increasing damage but slowing down rate of fire, and possibly making the bomber cheaper because one might get half the engies.

I agree with blodir, there have been many games over in 1 min since bombers will just rape all engies with some mismicro.

The embodiment of depression...

@frozen_byte said in T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers:

I think it should be possible to have "first bomber" a valid strategy that have to be considered.

Still, I agree with Blodir playing against those are very annoying.
But as Femboy said (in a rude way): It is very possible to counter this with intel and intie quickly.

In my opinion, the bomber may need to get "less frustrating" instead of "weaker".
And to do so: Increase cost to make it a tougher risk vs value calculation for the attacker.

I actually don't mind first bomber either, but that's probably because I don't personally struggle against it. While defending is very doable it does also have the signs of a high volatility play at min 2 which I'm philosophically opposed to. Despite that I like that it's a differerent kind of beginning to an otherwise pretty boring first few minutes of the game. Like you might as well start with a factory if first bomber is not a factor. Anyways idk how I feel about it, might be better if it's gone since a lot of people find it very frustrating.

As for bombers being counterable... this is sort of true. Here's a few points:

  • Early bombers are very common even at high level ladder games. Players wouldn't build them if they didn't perceive them as worth it, and as expected when observing some games you'll find that bombers regularly do decent damage. I would take that as empirical proof that countering bombers is non-trivial
  • It's very rare to see this, but it is possible to get an undodgeable bomb with some very difficult micro by stopping the bomber on top of the engineer and firing straight down (the bombs drop much faster than normal). So if we're splitting hairs bombers are actually technically uncounterable (other than with your own air)
  • Speaking of going air that's not so easy either. If your opponent went second air bomber first and you went second air scout+inty first then you are certainly winning. However what if opponent went land? Then you are quite honestly pretty fucked since your inty is not doing anything. You could go scout first and then wait, but it's not really worth doing (here I must refer to nobody doing it since the explanation is out of scope of this post...). In the end, the meta is that if you go second air, then you make a bomber (and it is that way for a reason). And so a very common situation is bomber vs bomber where you must both dodge the enemy bomber and land your own bomb.

The point of the proposed changes is not that bombers are op and need to be nerfed. It is a design change, and I would consider it more a buff than anything. Ideally you'd see bombers used throughout the t1 stage for various tasks, rather than just sniping t1 engineers. So yes, I agree completely with your statement that "the bomber may need to get 'less frustrating' instead of 'weaker'".

If the 1500 ladder dudes can consistently dodge a bomber, so can you

Keep in mind it's also a 1500 ladder player microing the bomber, so at your level it might feel fair since the bomber micro is usually not great. I think if two players of equal and sufficient skill are devoting equal attention, the microed bomber will usually always be able to kill a microed engineer within 2-3 drops.

Bombers are very strong at sniping engineers, and the value of sniping an engineer can be immense (often game winning during the expansion phase), since the value of an engineer is mostly based on how far it has travelled towards an expansion. For example if you snipe two engineers that have almost arrived at the 3-4 mex expansions on a map like open palms, with the next closest engineers being in the main base without taking equivalent damage in return, the game is practically won.

@archsimkat Even 1800 people dont do much with t1 bomber. And as I said, Nexus- rarely opens t1 bomber, its almost always t1 air scout 3 inties repeat. I'm not 2k rated but if nexus- isn't doing it then I don't think it's that good.

If a bomber kills two engies and the bomber player doesnt receive any damage back, then it sounds like the issue is a player not being agressive enough. Could say the same of someone rushing two labs and killing two engies. That's a game won if your engies aren't touched at all.

I think you all forget how many times a bomber gets caught in a land or air scout's radar and it does absolutely nothing or gets dodged and gets absolutely 0 value.

FAF Website Developer

@blodir said in T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers:

It's very rare to see this, but it is possible to get an undodgeable bomb with some very difficult micro by stopping the bomber on top of the engineer and firing straight down (the bombs drop much faster than normal). So if we're splitting hairs bombers are actually technically uncounterable (other than with your own air)

But isn't that a bug then? Shouldn't every bomb drop take the same amount of time?

Also couldn't we just decrease the speed of the bomb? So it becomes easier to dodge, if your actually trying.

i agree t1 bombers are overpowered because they're too good at many different things, sniping engineers being one of them, but i dont think the proposed changes are good ideas

frick snoops!

Only thing that bothers me about 1st bomber atm is that it's basically always optimal for somebody to make it in a 5v5+ game. I am unsure if they need a balance change to be made less obvious of a choice or if meta needs to slowly adjust so that people actually make a scout prior to their 20th engie.

After reading through the whole discussion, I'm a bit confused.. Why exactly isn't it an option to remove the radar of the bomber?
It doesn't have to be the only change ofc, but without the radar it drains more apm since you have to use and protect the scout as well + if the scout dies (which is far more likely the case before the bomber dies) the bomber loses quite some power.
Or am I wrong there?

and what I've noticed is that this discussion at some points / replies is more of a "Should the game rely more on the micro or macro-perspective?"-question...


No radar on bomber basically kills 1st bomber as any possibility, was already done. Whole reason it was brought back was to make the opening game rely on something besides optimal land factory scaling.

In my opinion, the only place where T1 bombers are truly OP are big 20x20 maps with lots of expansions where it's much better to just spam bombers on repeat and snipe random engies everywhere instead of trying to make ints and scouts and catch the bombers which is much much harder and not even too rewarding (since you make inties while your opponent is making bombers. If you catch all of the bombers you both have equal expansion but you have 5 more ints which at that point in the game is pretty worthless given the immense eco scaling).
As for 10x10 maps, I think that bombers are perfectly fine, it's just a fact that most FAF players are pretty lazy and greedy and don't make any scouts. If you go 5 engies into a tank + scout and make 2nd land factory you are supposed to take damage from a guy that went 2nd air bomber. The whole idea is that you sacrifice one advantage for another. You make more engies for better scaling and 2nd land for early land pressure. Your opponent rushes out a bomber and either has fewer engies or has nothing to defend them which allows you to attack with your land. Not to mention that if you open up with 2nd air int the bomber usually doesn't get anything done. Now, you may argue that these openings are too coin-flippy but if it wasn't for the viability of the 2nd air bomber opening the early game would be very static. Before the bomber buffs, the meta was to basically go full greed and scaling and 3rd or even 4th air fac with both players just defending with most of their tanks and maybe 1 stray one looking for damage.
I also disagree with the over-exaggeration of the game being immediately over when you lose your expanding engies. Yes, it's true that if you lose 2-4 critical expanding engies and you do no damage to your opponent whatsoever while having more land you will probably lose, a well-deserved loss. But if you lose 1-2 engies and do some damage on your own you are in a fine position and the game at least isn't a sandbox for the first 5 min.

Why homogenize the game

First bomber isn’t an all in but it’s close to it, if you fail to do significant damage you’re very far behind. I’m unsure if this complaint is in a 1v1 or team game scenario… first bomber takes a lot of investment in 1v1 and it’s countered by first intie in team games

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u