SACUs and Factories Upgrades questions

@manimal_ said in SACUs and Factories Upgrades questions:

@thomashiatt said in SACUs and Factories Upgrades questions:

I have no idea what this is referring to,

It refers to shield spill something (maybe spill-over)
This was done because some players found the shields too tough.

on your skill level those small changes do not really matter
you can just make resource up to 1k mass income and make all your factires into HQs or use kennel drones or just build more shields and assst them

Shield overspill damage is only like 15% and something like 30 for mobile sihelds
it greatly affects stacked shields that used to be a balance problem

FAF has many many changes, t2 shields were also incresed in cost because they were and still are very strong

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

when's this dude getting banned for trolling

frick snoops!

@manimal_ said in SACUs and Factories Upgrades questions:

Nothing more constructive to say or do ?

Every time I hear something about constructivism it's always something from norse legends... and very very fat.

Why are we feeding this troll who will never get it?

Start locking these threads

You're so righteous that you convinced me to disable forever the mods that sit here FAForever Data\cache\featured_mod\gamedata, by hoping to be able to enjoy the game with the few interesting updates/new features only.
Among other things I wll get rid of : the still-work-in-progress-SACU-thing, the HQs buildings system and the "rebalanced"-engies

I must to underline that FAF devs have left no choice to toggle on/off those features (through mod manager ?), they are simply imposed... and they don't fit all players.

I've appreciated the patience of some helping persons and thank them a bunch for their efforts.

The other ones were just a background noise...

@manimal_ said in SACUs and Factories Upgrades questions:

You're so righteous that you convinced me to disable forever the mods that sit here FAForever Data\cache\featured_mod\gamedata, by hoping to be able to enjoy the game with the few interesting updates/new features only.

This will not remove those features, as the featured mods are not the integrated "mods", but the mods you can choose from when creating a lobby.
Integrated mods can't be disabled and adding such a functionality would be extremely difficult, as they are implemented directly in the original lua code (or even binary patches in the game engine).
There is also no point in just disabling these, as the game would become extremely unbalanced.
If you want the FAF performance improvements but keep the vanilla gameplay you could try the vanilla balance modvault.jpg
I'm not sure tho if it still works and to what extend it restores vanilla balance.

You come at us all pissed about the faf changes and get mad when we defend them.

Your the righteous one here, nobody is saying you have to play faf.

nobody asked devs to alterr the genuine game without keeping a way to play it as it was...

You can play the GPG version on Steam just fine.

now stop this dumb "game" kidz.
come out and play with your district's kidz.
so intolerant with the ones who think not like you...
peace off

Dude I played this game back in 2007 and it was unplayable as I said it would go -7 sim speed. Often playing setons people would ctr k to be done with it.

You are more than welcome to play the steam version, you will not get anywhere here unless you change your attitude.

And as I type this you continue with it, if I was a mod I'd ban you from the forums.

S... T... O... P... do you read me ? over

if you're bored, I have a good reading for you

get vet, is much easier to remeber as learn every posible number of vet levels of units. Did you know how much number it is? About 2150. If i ask you how much vet point need ML to get second vet, did you know? and ML is second most remebert vet number in game after acu. And 99,5% players dont know that.

About predictibility, you dont need know how much exaktli units cost, but you can asume it. and if you cant asume it, then we are back in argument that on this level you realy dont need know how much you need to kill to get vet, while on this skill level it realy doesnt mather.

Indicator dont say you concrete units taht you need kill but say you that you are veeery close or you are far away. And depend on situation you make decision toward it.

And yes im kinda owner of this super selfish all-seeing wisdom over this topic. And yes after two years im kinda lazy to comunicate it properly.

Are you saying it was Fixed in Equilibrium?

I think there's been adequate discussion on the topic