Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread

@sylph_ said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

Who controls the coding of the map generator?
I wonder whether it might be worth putting a cap on the amount of reclaim it can create?



Now the pool is nice, thanks everyone, keep it like that for the whole year B)

As a map maker who's had a couple maps in rotation, I'd like to ask on behalf of mappers for some kind of documentation on why certain maps aren't in rotation. Currently, It's very difficult to figure out if one's own map is not in the pool due to problems with the map, or the pool was just mixing things up, as it should.

I'd like a spreadsheet or something of all the maps eligible for pool selection, and maps recently deemed ineligible, why they're ineligible, and the discord name of who made the map.

NOTE TO MAP POOL MODERATORS: Yes, I know. You guys already have a lot on your plate, that's why I'd like to volunteer to maintain the project. I firmly believe that this addition would greatly benefit map pool mappers, as they can receive one clear, concise DM, with the final verdict on what in the map needs fixing. No DM should = No problem, and if there is a problem with a mapper's map, they can expect a ping to let them know. This will greatly streamline their repairing process, as they won't need to ask every map pool mod to tell them what's wrong with the map, and why it needs to be fixed. Hopefully will end up also reducing a load from your backs. 🙂


@thecrimsonknight said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

I firmly believe that this addition would greatly benefit map pool mappers

This is a fantastic post, worthy of reading.
I firmly believe that this addition would greatly benefit players, as well!
If you're willing to query people and maintain such a list, massive kudos to you!

(I don't make maps, I just play games!)

just got a 2v2 (yea those do happen from time to time) on The Requisite and the spawns were wrong. @Blodir


Hi Crimson. I have such a list for 1v1. But how exactly would you maintain this list? Do I need to send you an update after every iteration? How does that reduce the work I need to do? And do the members who make 2v2 and 4v4 pools send their lists as well after every iteration?

Also, when a map is submitted for a matchmaker you have a few guys from the team giving feedback. And while we often agree about a lot of stuff, there are also differences in opinion. So the idea of some "final verdict" or one concisive DM is not feasable. A mapper will receive feedback on his submission in the discord submission channel. Ideally there is a seperate thread created for that submission, so that the feedback is saved in a place that is easily found again. We dont need another list to store info that is already stored elsewhere..

If on the other hand you want an updated list of maps that are currently eligible for 1v1 matchmaker, I can provide that for you.


Thanks for the headsup Amygdala. I can look at it tomorrow.

@stormlantern All you would need to do is send me a list of what maps got removed, what maps got added, and what new maps got added. With the "Final verdict" thing, I'd probably have access to whatever chat you moderators talk in, (without chatting perms if you want,) and I'd summarize all the opinions in one DM to the map author, reducing the hassle and frustration of explaining everything to them. This will also improve overall morale, as it appears that both sides get frustrated with each other easily. Basically I'd be a record-keeper and mediator, allowing you guys to focus on moderation, instead of getting frustrated over communication. There might be an initial shock load as I won't know much about the current lists, however, once I know more, all you'll end up telling me should be ~2 sentences, and with that I can handle the "wym my map is broken?!" people.

TLDR: I'd have a role that lets me read your mod chat, (nothing more,) and I'd summarize it and send it to the map author. This should save time and/or frustration. You'd only need to send me the reasons for a map's removal, and what brand new maps were added, and their author's discord username. Over time I shouldn't need to know what maps are brand new, as I could just see that it's new via it not being on the list.

Thanks for considering my suggestion 🙂

To be clear, this would be like a "valid maps pool." If a mapper's map is removed, I'll tell the author why. I'd also deal with the 10 min conversation of them defending themselves. This also serves as a place for feedback before a map re-enters the main pool, improving user experience. (AKA if someone find a problem in one of the "valid maps" they can report it to me, and I can relay that info to the map author and you guys, [unless you want me to just bypass you guys until the end of the month where I can submit a report of all the unanswered notices.] Meaning less maps will have problems that affect player's ranks.)


You already have access to all our discussion on maps. Its all in the submissions channel. Also, we are not moderators.. Just people who look at maps ^^.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the added value of your suggestion. Thank you for offering to help though, that is appreciated. However, I think we already try to inform mappers as much as possible. And if we fail at this, we would also fail at informing you, I'd think. No need to put in a middleman and make the process more complex than it is.

Badlands and Arcane should not be in the same pool. They are practically the same map.

@arma473 I disagree with that take. Maybe it's just my opinion but I'll post it anyway:
Even though the mex-count is similar, first of all badlands has 3 additional hydros. I honestly dunno if you're playing 1v1s but those hydros do indeed make quite some difference.
Besides that the main factor is the amount of spam and the earlygame. On Arcane you can protect your expansions easier earlier on (until drops etc. are a thing) by e.g. sending one tank to the right side when spawning bottom, same for your left expanding engis. While on badlands there are more possibilities to raid because you got that long pass in the back and generally your engis are spread out more since you expand somewhat equally to right/left side while you also have to defend your reclaiming engi giving more targets than on arcane.

Besides that from my experience you eco more heavily on badlands since you can defend your 3 passes easier, on arcane raids are more of a thing and you tend to build more units and especially more air to drop your opponent or just raid with t2 air, on badlands it's easier to defend. Also t2 PDs are way more effective on badlands.

so overall:
I do think badlands gives you the option to eco more and the games on it usually see heavy air and/or quite some t3 land while arcane is focused around t1/t2


Every map is basically badlands

PLs, make every Monday or every first week of a month the time of 1v1 mapgen

no sense to play mapgen 1v1 because in faf we have 500+ 1v1 maps and he better any mapgen

@freemanitsnothe Then add all of those 500+ maps into pool

@erador mapgen dont give good maps for <200 map pool he will always very bad

@freemanitsnothe said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

@erador mapgen dont give good maps for <200 map pool he will always very bad

Who are you exactly? There are no replays for this player name. Really makes it seem like you're just here to troll.

@redx said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

@freemanitsnothe said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

@erador mapgen dont give good maps for <200 map pool he will always very bad

Who are you exactly? There are no replays for this player name. Really makes it seem like you're just here to troll.

what sense 90% people in forum dont play faf like ftxcommando

@freemanitsnothe said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

@redx said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

@freemanitsnothe said in Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread:

@erador mapgen dont give good maps for <200 map pool he will always very bad

Who are you exactly? There are no replays for this player name. Really makes it seem like you're just here to troll.

what sense 90% people in forum dont play faf like ftxcommando

Ok so you really are just here to troll then. ftx has more games last week than you do ever.